Advances in Molecular Spectroscopy
Proceedings of the IVth International Meeting on Molecular Spectroscopy
- 1st Edition - September 17, 2013
- Editor: A. Mangini
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 6 7 3 - 6
Advances in Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 3 provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of inorganic molecules and complexes. This book covers a variety of topics,… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAdvances in Molecular Spectroscopy, Volume 3 provides information pertinent to the fundamental aspects of inorganic molecules and complexes. This book covers a variety of topics, including infrared spectrum, polyatomic ions, infrared emissions, and Raman spectra. Organized into five parts encompassing 72 chapters, this volume begins with an overview of the infrared spectrum of pyridine. This text then examines the results from studies of the infrared and Raman spectra of N2O4 in the solid and liquid phases at low temperatures. Other chapters consider the infrared spectrum of a mixture of N2O3 and N2O4, which has been studied in the liquid phase from 2 to 25 µ and in the solid phase from 2 to 35 µ, both at low temperatures. The final chapter describes the instrument developed for the measurement of rotatory dispersion and discusses some of the results obtained in the study of the complexes. This book is a valuable resource for chemists.
(III. 3.) I. R. Spectra and Structure of Inorganic Molecules and Complexes
Coupling Between C-H Bending Vibrations in Complexes of Pyridine with Metal Halides
Spettri Ultrarossi di Soluzioni Acquose di ACidi Minerali
Studio I. R. sul Polimorfismo del (CH3CH2COO)6Ca2Ba
Étude Comparée des Spectres Infrarouges des Quatre Halogénures d'Hydrogene en Solution
The Assignment of the N2O4 Spectrum
The Infrared Spectrum of N2O3
Pressure Induced Shifts of Absorption Lines in the Infrared
IR-und Ramanspektren von Polysiloxanen
Infrarotuntersuchungen an Isotopen Stickstoff-Verbindungen
Relations Entre le Spectre de Vibration et la Structure des Cyanures Complexes
Infrared Spectrum and Structure of the Complex Between Acetylacetone and Mercuric Chloride
Infrared Studies on Polyatomic Ions Isolated in Alkali Halide Lattices
Étude par Spectroscopie Infrarouge des Carbonates Acides Alcalins
Recherches sur les Fréquences de Déformation OH-II
Infrared Spectra of Nitric Oxide Adsorbed on Transition Metals, their Salts and Oxides
Effet de la Témperature sur la Perturbation de la Bande Fondamentale de Vibration-Rotation de Cih dans l'Argon, l'Azote etl'Oxygène Comprimés ou á l'État Liquide et Solide
Spectres Infrarouges de la Cristobalite et de Quelques Composés Isostructuraux de SiO2 Comme GeO2 ou BeF2. Étude Comparative des Réseaux Vitreux des Systèmes 2 SiO2, X2O, 2GeO2, X4O2 BeF2, XF
(III. 4.) Miscellany
Infrared Emission from Gases Excited by a Radio-Frequency Discharge
(IV.) Raman Spectra
Über die Absorptionskorrektur in Resonanz-Raman-Spektren
Spettri Raman e Ultrarossi di Derivati Benzenici Orto-Idrossi-Carbonilici
Étude Quantitative d'un Équilibre Chimique par Spectrographie Raman
Raman Spectra of POCl3 , AlCl3, POCl3 GaGl3
Der Einfluβ der Zwischenmolekulären Kräfteauf die Intensität der Ramanlinien
L'Intensité des Raies Raman des Solutions Colorées
Die Intensität der C=C-Valenzschwingungsfrequenz im Ramanspektrum von Monoolefinen
Über die Gitterschwingungen u. Dasinnere Feld des Kristalls der Benzoesäure
Untersuchungen Über den Resonanz-Raman-Effekt
A Survey of the Vibrational Spectra of Metal-Carbonyl Compounds and New Raman Results
Raman-Spektroskopische Untersuchungen an Koordinationsverbindungen des SnCl4 der Koordinationszahl 5 und 6
The Raman Spectrum and Structure of Tetrakistrifluorophosphine Nickel
(V.) Microwave Spectra and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
Microwave Investigation of Ethyl Fluoride
The Microwave Spectrum of Chloride Dioxide
Recherches sur l'Absorption et la Dispersion des Microondes par les Gaz à Pression Moyenne
Microwave Spectrum of Formyl Fluoride
Nuclear Quadrupole Coupling in Chloride Monoxide
Structure Determinations on Simple Hydrocarbons by: Microwave Spectroscopy
Corrections d'Ordre Élevé à l'Énergie de Vibration-Rotation des Molecules à Symétrie Ternaire: Application au Spectre Microonde du Cyanure et de l'Isocyanure de Méthyle
Some Corrections to the Second Order Stark-Effect of Linear Molecules
The Analysis of the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Some Saturated and Unsaturated Hydrocarbon Groupings
Effets Moléculaires étudiés par la Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire Aux Très Basses Fréquences
Dielectric Relaxation in 2-Ethyl Hexanol-1 at Low Temperatures
Infrared and Proton Magnetic Résonance Spectra of Solid Substances Containing Very Short Hydrogen Bonds
Spectre de Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire Haute Résolution des Composés Acetyléniques. I. Étude du Butyne-1.
Über das Kernresonanzspektrum der Vinylgruppe
NMR Studies on the Protonation of Amides
Résonance Électronique Paramagnétique dans les Fossiles Végétaux, les Charbons, et les Petroles
Résonance Nucléaire Quadripolaire dans les Cristaux Irradiés
Étude par Résonance Magnétique Nucléaire des Liaisons Hydrogène et des Effets n
Influenza dei Fenomeni de Associazione Molecolare sui Tempi di Rilassamento Nucleare
PMR and IR Spectra of Some Ammonium Salts
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Proteins
High-Resolution Hydrogen Magnetic Resonance Spectra of Some Cyclohexane Compounds. Qualitative Aspects
Proton Magnetic Resonance Study of Some Monocarbonic Acids in Solid Phase
Group Contributions to the Chemical Shift in Proton Magnetic Resonance of Organic Compounds
(VI.) Spectroscopic Techniques
Rapid Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis by a New Infrared Spectra Filing Device
Sensitivity of Photoelectric Polarimeters
A Simple Grating-Prism Dispersive Arrangement Which Provides Improved Resolution Over a Wide Spectral Range
An Automatic Recording Spectropolarimeter for the Visible and Ultraviolet
Étude de Réactions Chimiques par Spectrocinematographie Raman
Elektronischer Intregrator für Spektralphotometer
Spectrométrie dans l'Infrarouge Lointain (50-900 μ)
Spectrographe à Réseau it Pouvoir à Résolution Élevé
Ein Universelles Fluoreszenzspektralphotometer
The Measurement of Absolute Absorptivity Values in Infrared Spectroscopy
Die Verwendung Elektronischer Integrationseinrichtungen in der Ramanspektroskopie
Methods for the Representation of Laboratory Infrared Absorption Measurements
High Resolution Spectra in the Region from 2 to 6 μ
The Interferometric Resolution of the Rotational Structure of Molecular Electronic Bands in the Ultraviolet
A Digital Read-Out System for an Infra-Red Spectrometer
Rotatory Dispersion Measurement with Double Beam Spectrophotometers
A Recording Spectro-Polarimeter and its Application to the Rotatory Dispersion of Some Transition Metal Complexes
- No. of pages: 444
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: September 17, 2013
- Imprint: Pergamon
- eBook ISBN: 9781483226736
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