David J. Kelly
Professor David Kelly is Emeritus Professor of Microbial Physiology at the University of Sheffield. He has >35 years research expertise in bacterial physiology and biochemistry, membrane protein transport processes and bioenergetics, and has worked with the zoonotic food-borne pathogen Campylobacter jejuni for >25 years. His laboratory has been engaged in a major program to study C. jejuni physiology, in particular the responses to oxygen, many aspects of carbon metabolism and functional analysis of the electron transport chains. He has long-standing interests in membrane transport mechanisms and in the 1990s discovered an entirely new class of periplasmic binding-protein dependent prokaryotic solute transporters, the TRAP transporters, now known to be common in a diverse range of bacteria and archaea. He has published >150 papers (h=42, 2021), held numerous grants, served on grant committees and has been a regular invited speaker at national and international conferences.
Affiliations and expertise
Professor of Microbiology, Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, University of Sheffield, UK