Marine biologists, ecologists, and oceanographers.
F. Arnaud and R.N. Bamber, The Biology of Pycnogonida. G.O. Mackie, P.R. Pugh, and J.E. Purcell, Siphonophore Biology. K. MacKenzie, Relationships between the Herring, Clupea harengus (L.), and its Parasites. J.A. MacDonald, J.C. Montgomery, and R.M.G. Wells, Comparative Physiology of Antarctic Fishes. N.J.P. Owens, Natural Variations in 15N in the Marine Environment. Index.
No. of pages: 473
Language: English
Edition: 1
Volume: 24
Published: December 1, 1987
Imprint: Academic Press
Paperback ISBN: 9780124016118
eBook ISBN: 9780080579474
John H.S. Blaxter
Affiliations and expertise
Dunstaffnage Marine Research Laboratory, Oban, Scotland