List of Contributors
Recent Advances in Cavitation Research
I. Introduction
II. Cavitation Inception and Bubble Dynamics
III. An Overview of Cavitation Erosion and Noise
IV. Concluding Remarks
Applied Stochastic Theory of Storage in Evolution
I. Introduction
II. Theoretical Background
III. Storage Models for Independent Inflows
IV. Storage Models for First-Order Markov Inflows
V. Conclusions
Appendix. Ripple Method
I. Introduction
II. Streamflow and Water Plants
III. Streamflow and Microorganisms (Self-Purification of Rivers)
IV. Lake, Ocean, and Plankton
V. Biological Accumulation and Diffusion
Pattern Analysis and Synthesis of Time-Dependent Hydrologic Data
I. Introduction
II. The Physical World and Its Representational Universe
III. Objects, Measurements, Patterns, Features, and Pattern Classes
IV. Recognition, Analysis, and Synthesis
V. Nature of Time-Dependent Hydrologic Data
VI. Relevance of Grouping in Time-Dependent Data
VII. Analysis and Synthesis Requirements for Hydrologic Data
VIII. An Example of Pattern Analysis and Synthesis of Hydrologic Data
IX. Schemes for Pattern Analysis
X. Application to Multivariate Processes in Hydrology
XI. Concluding Remarks
HEC Models for Water Resources System Simulation: Theory and Experience
I. Introduction
II. Modeling Philosophy of the HEC
III. The HEC-1 Flood Hydrograph Package
IV. The HEC-2 Water Surface Profile Program
V. The HEC-5 Simulation of Flood Control and Conservation Systems Model
VI. Other HEC Programs
VII. Future Prospects
Contents of Previous Volumes