Contents of Previous Volumes
The Application of Techniques of Artificial Intelligence to Control System Design
I. Introduction
II. Survey of Learning Control Systems
III. A Spacecraft Application for On-Line-Learning Control
IV. Synthesis of a Closed-Loop, Time, Suboptimal Controller by Off-Line Training Techniques
Controllability and Observability of Linear, Stochastic, Time-Discrete Control Systems
I. Formulation of the General Problem
II. Optimal Control of Linear Time-Discrete Systems
III. Controllability of Linear, Time-Discrete Systems
IV. The Duality Principle, Observability and the Kaiman Filter
V. Conclusions and Summary
List of Symbols
Multilevel Optimization Techniques with Application to Trajectory Decomposition
I. Introduction
II. Static Systems
III. Dynamic Systems
IV. Trajectory Decomposition and Multilevel Optimization
V. Appendices
Optimal Control Theory Applied to Systems Described by Partial Differential Equations
I. Problem Description and Background
II. Analytical Treatment of Partial Differential Equations
III. Controllability of Distributed Parameter Systems
IV. Analysis of Optimal Control Problems
V. Analytical Solutions of Some Optimal Control Problems
VI. A Geometrical Interpretation of the Optimization Problems and Some Algorithms for Their Numerical Solution
VII. Concluding Remarks
Author Index
Subject Index