Section headings and selected papers: An industrial challenge to control system educators, M K Masten. A response from academia, K J Astrom. Curriculum Issues in Control Education. Control systems curricula in the United States: results of two recent surveys, P Dorato & A Feliachi. An educational environment for the teaching of quantitative feedback theory, C H Houpis & G B Lamont. Software for Control System Simulation. Comprehensive teachware for automatic control, D Gillet et al. Computer simulation and animation environment for control education, K Cheok et al. Software for Control System Analysis. The role of interactive graphic tools in teaching control theory, A Emami-Naeini & K S Diehl. Programs for teaching nonlinear control in MATLAB, D P Atherton & T C Yang. VISDYCON: VISual DYnamics and CONtrol, W K Durfee. Hardware Experiments in Control - I. The University of Illinois bicycle project, R E Klein. Microprocessor-based control systems: a first step in teaching mechatronics, R Shoureshi & N Kubota. Hardware Experiments in Control - II. A new inverted pendulum apparatus for education, K Furuta et al. Senior control systems laboratory at Purdue University, P H Meckl. Software for Control System Design. Computer integrated instruction for/with a CACSD-tool, U Sens. Control implementation: real time multitasking/multiprocessing, D M Auslander. Panel Discussion (Afterword). State of control education today/future needs, M J Rabins et al. Appendix: Reflections on the 1991 advances in control education, D M Auslander. Author index. Keyword index.