Organizing Committee
Opening Session
Welcoming Address
Opening Address
Session 1 Concrete and Its Constituent Materials
The Development of Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Particular Reference to Its Use in Concrete Slabs
Influence of Steel Fiber-Reinforcement on the Shear Strength of Slab-Column Connections
Ribbed Slabs Made of Ferrocement
The Use of Lightweight Aggregate Concrete for Structural Applications
Effect of Repeated Dosages of Superplasticisers on Workability, Strength and Durability of Concrete
Flowing Concrete
Utilizing the Advantages of Type-K Shrinkage-Compensating Cement Concrete in Various Types of Slab Designs — A Report Covering Fourteen Years of U.S.A. Usage
Sulfur-Treated Concrete Slabs
Session 2 Structural Design
Experimental Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs, with Particular Reference to Anisotropic Slabs
Short-Time Deflections of Rectangular Simply Supported Reinforced Concrete Slabs
The Influence of Bar Spacing on Tension Stiffening in Reinforced Concrete Slabs
A Finite Element Solution of Post Cracking Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Subjected to Transient Impulsive Loading
Yield Line Analysis of Orthotropically Reinforced Exterior Panels of Flat Slab Floors
A Detailed Yield Line Study of Uniformly Loaded, Column-Supported Interior Slab Panels
Design for Punching Strength of Slabs at Interior Columns
Behavior of Flat Slab/Edge Column Joints
The Punching Strength of Unbonded Post-Tensioned Slabs at Columns
Tests on Prestressed, Partially Prestressed and Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Session 3 Structural Design
Reinforced Concrete Slab Design — A Generalized Strip Method Including Concentrated Loads and Supports
Hillerborg's Simple Strip Method of Design for Reinforced Concrete Slabs
Design of Multiple Panel Flat Slab Structures
A Critical Review of Two Existing Methods of Design for Flat Slabs in Light of A New Comprehensive Method
Design of Concrete Slabs for Infinite in-Plane Stiffness
Recent Developments in Apportioning Reinforcement in Concrete Slabs Subjected to Bending and Membrane Forces
Structural Behavior of Floor Slabs in Shear Wall Buildings
Optimum Design of Reinforced Concrete and Prestressed Concrete Slabs
Some Economic Implications in Reinforced Concrete Slab Design
Future French Recommendations Concerning Concrete Pavements Design
Behavior and Design of Residential Slabs on the Expansive Clays of Melbourne
The Design of Ground Bearing Slabs in Warehouse Construction
Session 4 Construction Techniques
Ground Floor Slabs — U.K. Practice in the Seventies
The Utilization of Flowing Concrete for Slab Applications
The Effects of Time Lag in Placing Concrete
Shrinkage and Cracking of Concrete at Early Ages
The Construction and Performance of Ground Supported and Suspended Concrete Slabs Subject to Abnormal Wear in Rhodesia
A Review of the Development of the Current International Procedures for the Design and Construction of Prestressed Slabs in Buildings
Slab Construction for HAB System Modules
Precast Concrete Floors
Development of a Two-Way Spanning Flooring System Using Precast Concrete Units
Session 5 Surface Finishes
Special Finishes for Concrete Floors
Cement Based Smoothing and Screeding Compounds
The Use of Water Dispersed Polymers in Cement Mixes for Floor Toppings and Concrete Repairs
Abrasion Resistant Concrete Floors
Direct Finishing of Concrete Slabs Using the Early Age Power Grinding Technique
The Application of Vacuum De-Watering to In-Situ Slab Production
Plant Hire in Concrete Treatment, Preparation and Maintenance
Session 6 Failures, Preventative Measures and Remedial Treatments
Aspects of Design Problems and Remedial Works
Retexturing of Concrete Slabs
Flame Cleaning of Concrete
Re-Bonding of Fractured Elements Including Floor Slabs
Repair of Concrete Balcony Slabs
Fatigue Resistance of Composite Precast and In Situ Concrete Floors
Structural Repairing of the Roof-Plate of the Church L'Epiphanie at Schaarbeek, Belgium
The Early Age Behavior of A Massive, Reinforced Concrete Suspended Slab
Workshop Sessions
Session 1
Session 3
Session 4
Closing Discussion
List of Participants
List of Exhibitors
Index of Authors and Contributors