1. DARPA's HPCS Program: History, Models, Tools, Languages - Jack Dongarra, Robert Graybill, William Harrod, Robert Lucas, Ewing Lusk, Piotr Luszczek, Janice McMahon, Allan Snavely, Jeffery Vetter, Katherine Yelick, Sadaf Alam, Roy Campbell, Laura Carrington, Tzu-Yi Chen, Omid Khalili, Jeremy Meredith, and Mustafa Tikir
2. Productivity in High Performance Computing - Thomas Sterling and Chirag Dekate
3. Performance Prediction and Ranking of Supercomputers - Tzu-Yi Chen, Omid Khalili, Roy L. Campbell, Jr. Laura Carrington, Mustafa M. Tikir, and Allan Snavely
4. Sampled Processor Simulation: A Survey - Lieven Eeckhout
5. Distributed Sparse Matrices for Very High Level Languages - John R. Gilbert, Steve Reinhardt and Viral B. Shah
6. Bibliographic Snapshots of High Performance/High Productivity Computing – Myron Ginsberg