M.W. Steer, J.M. Picton, and J.C. Earnshaw, Laser Light Scattering in Biological Research. N.W. Kerby and J.A. Raven, Transport and Fixation of Inorganic Carbon by Marine Algae. J.S.G. Reid, Cell Wall Storage Carbohydrates in Seeds--Biochemistry of Seed "Gums" and "Hemicelluloses." D.J. von Willert, Welwitschia mirabilis--New Aspects in the Biology of an Old Plant. References at the end of each chapter. Author Index. Subject Index.
No. of pages: 205
Language: English
Edition: 1
Volume: 11
Published: April 12, 1985
Imprint: Academic Press
Paperback ISBN: 9780124015784
eBook ISBN: 9780080561653
J. A. Callow
Affiliations and expertise
University of Birmingham, U.K.
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