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Published since 1959, Advances in Applied Microbiology continues to be one of the most widely read and authoritative review sources in microbiology. The series contains compreh… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Published since 1959, Advances in Applied Microbiology continues to be one of the most widely read and authoritative review sources in microbiology.
The series contains comprehensive reviews of the most current research in applied microbiology. Recent areas covered include bacterial diversity in the human gut, protozoan grazing of freshwater biofilms, metals in yeast fermentation processes and the interpretation of host-pathogen dialogue through microarrays.
Eclectic volumes are supplemented by thematic volumes on various topics, including Archaea and sick building syndrome. Impact factor for 2011: 5.233.
Chapter One. Yeast Petites and Small Colony Variants: For Everything There Is a Season
1 Introduction
2 Population Dynamics and Diversity
3 The Petite and Its Physiology
4 The Small Colony Variant
5 Comparative Summary of Petites and SCVs
6 Conclusions
Chapter Two. Fungal Spores for Dispersion in Space and Time
1 Stabilized Life
2 Fungal Survival Structures for Distribution in Space and Time
3 Formation of Spores
4 Stress Resistance of Spores
5 Compounds Protecting Cell Constituents
6 Biophysical Aspects of Cell Protection
7 Dormancy and Activation
8 Changing from the Dormant Toward the Vegetative State
9 Applied Mycology and Fungal Spores
Chapter Three. Regulation of Bacterial Pathogenesis by Intestinal Short-Chain Fatty Acids
1 Introduction
2 Biological Activities of SCFA
3 Virulence Regulation of Enteric Pathogens by SCFA
4 Applications of SCFA
5 Perspectives
6 Conclusion
Chapter Four. Chromera velia: The Missing Link in the Evolution of Parasitism
1 Introduction
2 The Biology and Ecology of C. velia
3 Life Cycle and Morphology
4 Photosynthesis and the Relationship of C. velia to Dinoflagellates
5 Biosynthesis and the Relationship of C. velia to Apicomplexans
6 Conclusion
Contents of Previous Volumes
Research at Univ. of Calif, Riverside - US. Research at Univ. of Iowa - US. Research at DuPont Central Research and Development - US
Intellectual property - DuPont - US