1. Nutrient and Water Management Effects on Crop Production, and Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency in Dryland Areas of China
S-X. Li, Z-H. Wang, S. S. Malhi, S-Q. Li, Y-J. Gao and X-H. Tian
2. Radiation Hybrid (RH) Mapping in Crop Plants
V. Kalavacharla, K. Hossain, O. Riera-Lizarazu, Y. Gu, S. S. Maan, and S. F. Kianian
3. Impact of Pesticides on Soil Microbial Diversity, Enzymes and Biochemical Reactions
S. Hussain, T. Siddique, M. Saleem, M. Arshad, and A. Khalid
4. Informatics in Agricultural Research for Development
C. G. McLaren, T. Metz, M. van den Berg, R. M. Bruskiewich, N. P. Magor, and D. Shires
5. Biomedical Agriculture: A Systematic Approach to Food Crop Improvement for Chronic Disease Prevention
M. D. Thompson and H. J. Thompson
6. Regional Vulnerability of Climate Change Impacts on Asian Rice Production and Scope for Adaptation
R. Wassmann, S.V.K. Jagadish, K. Sumfleth, H. Pathak, G. Howell, A. Ismail, R. Serraj, E. Redona, R.K. Sing, and S. Heuer
7. Soil Sulphur Cycling in Temperate Agricultural Systems
J. Eriksen
8. Recent Developments of Fertilizer Production and Use to Improve Nutrient Efficiency and Minimize Environmental Impacts
S.H. Chien, L.I. Prochnow, and H. Cantarella