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Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles

Although the basic theories of thermodynamics are adequately covered by a number of existing texts, there is little literature that addresses more advanced topics. In this… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Professor Winterbone served as Vice-Principal, and Pro-Vice Chancellor of UMIST. He retired in 2002, but undertook a number of consultancies and teaching activities: he also obtained a BA in Humanities. Professor Winterbone was an active member of the IMechE Combustion Engine Group and Chairman from May 1991 to 1995. From 1989-96 he was Chairman of the Universities Internal Combustion Engine Group - a discussion forum for research workers and industrialists. He was elected to the Fellowship of the Royal Academy of Engineering in 1989. He was awarded a Mombusho Visiting Professorship at the University of Tokyo in 1989, and spent three months in University of Canterbury, New Zealand on an Erskine Fellowship in 1994. He has been active in promoting links throughout the world, including particularly Japan and China. In addition he has a number of contacts in Europe and was awarded an Honorary DSc from the University of Gent (Belgium) in 1991.