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Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC)
A New Nuclear Power Plant Perspective Producing Energy
- 1st Edition - July 20, 2023
- Authors: Ali Zamani Paydar, Seyed Kamal Mousavi Balgehshiri, Bahman Zohuri
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 8 9 8 9 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 3 - 1 8 9 9 0 - 6
Nuclear engineers advancing the energy transition are understanding more about the next generation of nuclear plants; however, it is still difficult to access all the critical ty… Read more
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Request a sales quoteNuclear engineers advancing the energy transition are understanding more about the next generation of nuclear plants; however, it is still difficult to access all the critical types, concepts, and applications in one location. Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC): A New Nuclear Power Plant Perspective Producing Energy gives engineers and nuclear engineering researchers the comprehensive tools to get up to date on the latest technology supporting generation IV nuclear plant systems. After providing a brief history of this area, alternative technology is discussed such as electromagnetic pumps, heat pipes as control devices, Nuclear Air-Brayton Combined Cycles integration, and instrumentation helping nuclear plants to provide dispatchable electricity to the grid and heat to industry. Packed with examples of all the types, benefits, and challenges involved, Advanced Reactor Concepts (ARC) delivers the go-to reference that engineers need to advance safe nuclear energy as a low-carbon option.
- Describes theory and concepts on generation IV technology such as advanced reactor concepts (ARC) and electromagnetic pumps, and compares different types and sizes.
- Sets out the energy transition with critical carbon-free technology that can supplement intermittent power sources such as wind and solar.
- Explains alternative heat storage technology, including Nuclear Air-Brayton Combined Cycles.
- Introduces advanced main instrumentation systems for in-core probes.
About the authors Preface Acknowledgments CHAPTER 1: Next generation nuclear plant (NGNP) 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Licensing strategy components history 1.3 Generation IV systems 1.3.1 Very high temperature reactor (VHTR) 1.3.2 Molten salt reactor (MSR) 1.3.3 Sodium-cooled fast reactor (SFR) 1.3.4 Supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR) 1.3.5 Gas-cooled fast reactor (GFR) 1.3.6 Lead-cooled fast reactor (LFR) 1.4 Next generation of nuclear reactors for power production 1.5 Goals for generation IV nuclear energy systems 1.6 Why we need to consider the future role of nuclear power plant (NPP) now 1.7 The generation IV roadmap project 1.8 Market and industry status and potentials Barriers 1.10 Needs 1.11 Key enablers for small modular reactor (SMR) deployment 1.12 Synergies with other sectors 1.13 Small modular nuclear power reactors (SMRs) 1.14 Advanced small modular nuclear power reactors (aSMR) 1.15 Benefits of small modular nuclear reactors 1.15.1 Modularity 1.15.2 Lower capital investment 1.15.3 Siting flexibility 1.15.4 Greater efficiency 1.15.5 Safeguards and security/nonproliferation 1.15.6 United States industry, manufacturing, and job growth 1.15.7 Economic development 1.16 Modular construction using small reactor units 1.17 Versatile test reactor (VTR) 1.18 Advanced reactor concepts (ARC) 1.18.1 Advanced reactor concepts (ARC) international cooperation 1.18.2 Advanced reactor concepts (ARC) planned program accomplishment 1.18.3 Advanced reactor types 1.18.4 Demonstrating advance reactors 1.18.5 Developing new concepts 1.19 Advanced reactor concepts ARC-100 driven by ARC, LLC 1.19.1 Cost-effectiveness of ARC-100 reactor 1.19.2 Safe and secure fueling options 1.19.3 Advanced reactor concepts: A nuclear solution for the 21st century 1.19.4 Advanced small modular reactor research and development 1.20 Natrium advanced reactor driven nuclear energy for electricity 1.21 Combined cycle gas power plant 1.21.1 Brayton cycle configuration 1.21.2 Recuperator gas turbine system 1.22 Power conversion driven by natrium advanced reactor 1.23 Combined cycle summary and recommendations 1.24 Conclusions References CHAPTER 2: Electromagnetic pump and LMFBR concept 2.2 Introduction 2.2 Electromagnetic theory and concept 2.3 Working principle of electromagnetic pump 2.4 Electromagnetic pump types 2.4.1 Conduction pumps: Characteristic review 2.4.2 Induction pumps: Characteristic review 2.4.3 Thermoelectric pumps: Characteristic review 2.5 System reliability 2.6 Magnetohydrodynamic power generation 2.6.1 Ideal magnetohydrodynamic equations 2.7 Analysis and design of electromagnetic using COMSOL multiphysics 2.7.1 Postprocessing results and analysis using COMSOL multiphysics 2.7.2 Effect of angular velocity magnet strength and magnet pitch 2.7.3 Design process 2.7.4 Stator 2.7.5 Rotor arrangement 2.8 Electromagnetic pump reliability 2.9 Working principle of the annular linear induction pump (ALIP) 2.10 Advantages and limitations of electromagnetic pumps 2.11 Brief summary of electromagnetic pump 2.12 Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) electromagnetic pump 2.13 Electromagnetic pump design and size consideration 2.14 Conclusion References Further reading CHAPTER 3: Nuclear power reactions driven radiation hardening environments 3.1 Introduction 3.1.1 X-ray and gamma radiation shielding materials 3.1.2 Alpha and beta shielding 3.1.3 Neutron shielding 3.2 Radiation environment in nuclear power plants 3.3 Design basis accident, loss of coolant accident (LOCA) 3.4 Shielding of ionizing radiation 3.5 Shielding of radiation in nuclear power plants 3.6 Neutron reflector 3.6.1 Materials and types of neutron reflector 3.7 Shielding of various types of radiation 3.7.1 Shielding of alpha radiation 3.7.2 Shielding of beta radiation 3.7.3 Shielding of positrons 3.7.4 Shielding of gamma radiation 3.7.5 Calculation of shield dose rate in Sieverts from contaminated surface 3.7.6 Buildup factors for gamma rays shielding 3.8 Radiation shielding in naval nuclear-powered propulsions 3.8.1 About nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers 3.8.2 Radiation shielding achieved in a nuclear submarine and aircraft carrier 3.8.3 Control of radiation in nuclear vessel during reactor plant operation 3.9 Nuclear radiation shielding protection and halving thickness values 3.9.1 Radiation halving thickness 3.10 Artificial intelligence for nuclear radiation protection applications 3.10.1 Advancing fusion research with artificial intelligence 3.10.2 The role of artificial intelligence ethics in shaping future 3.11 Conclusions References Chapter 4: Heat Pipe Application Driven Fission Nuclear Power Plant 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Heat pipe description 4.3 Heat pipe components 4.4 Heat pipe materials and working fluids 4.4.1 Materials compatibility 4.4.2 Working fluid consideration 4.5 Different types of heat pipes 4.6 Benefits of heat pipe devices 4.7 Limitations of heat pipe devices 4.8 Heat pipe theory and operation 4.9 Heat pipe technologies 4.9.1 Cylindrical heat pipe 4.9.2 Flat heat pipes 4.9.3 Micro-heat pipes 4.9.4 Oscillating (pulsating) heat pipe 4.10 Intermediate heat exchanger (IHX) 4.11 Heat pipe application driven heat exchanger 4.12 Nuclear power conversion integrated heat pipes 4.13 Integrated heat pipe and efficiency 4.14 Heat pipe and thermosyphons 4.15 Direct reactor auxiliary cooling system (DRACS) 4.16 Conclusions References CHAPTER 5: Nuclear thermal hydraulics: Heat, water, and nuclear power safety 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Nuclear reactor safety systems 5.2.1 Background on nuclear reactor risk 5.3 Role of thermal hydraulics driving nuclear reactors 5.4 Basic equations for thermal hydraulic system analysis 5.4.1 Conservation References Further reading CHAPTER 6: Traversing in-core probe (TIP) system, nuclear instrumentation, and control 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Components 6.2.1 Traversing in-core probe detectors 6.2.2 Storage locations 6.2.3 Drive mechanisms 6.2.4 Ball and shear valves 6.2.5 Indexing mechanisms 6.2.6 Traversing in-core probe purge system 6.3 System features and interfaces 6.3.1 System operation 6.3.2 System interface 6.4 Traversing in-core probe perspective 6.5 Gamma traversing in-core probe description 6.5.1 Reactor core power monitoring 6.5.2 Significant economic advantages 6.5.3 Gamma TIP system sales to BWRs 6.5.4 Changeover to gamma TIPs 6.6 Neutron TIPs 6.6.1 Source range monitoring system 6.6.2 Intermediate range monitoring system 6.6.3 Local power range monitoring system 6.6.4 Average power range monitoring system 6.6.5 Rod block monitor system 6.6.6 Traversing in-core probe system 6.6.7 Figures 6.7 Wide range neutron monitors 6.7.1 A single stationary sensor 6.7.2 Accurate and reliable neutron detection 6.7.3 A partner for the life of your plant 6.8 Conclusion References CHAPTER 7: Heated junction thermocouple system 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Thermocouple junction and type: Basic guide 7.2.1 What a thermocouple is? 7.2.2 The science behind a thermocouple 7.2.3 What are thermocouple differences? 7.2.4 Where to use thermocouples? 7.3 Thermoelectric effect 7.3.1 Seebeck effect 7.3.2 Peltier effect 7.3.3 Thomson effect. 7.4 Full thermoelectric equations 7.4.1 Thomson relations 7.5 Thermoelectric applications 7.5.1 Peltier effect 7.5.2 Temperature measurement 7.5.3 Dehumidifier 7.6 Design description of the heated junction thermocouple (HJTC) 7.7 Technical description of the reactor vessel internals changes 7.7.1 Some background 7.7.2 Analysis of S-UT semiscale test 7.8 Nuclear reactor safety system 7.9 What are thermocouple junctions and why are they important? 7.9.1 Exposed thermocouple junctions 7.9.2 Grounded thermocouple junctions 7.9.3 Ungrounded thermocouple junctions 7.9.4 What thermocouple type should we pick? 7.9.5 What measurement junction should we pick? 7.9.6 What is the best thermocouple? 7.10 Conclusion References CHAPTER 8: Gamma thermometer (GT) system 8.1 Introduction 8.2 History of gamma thermometer 8.2.1 Limerick gamma thermometer test program 8.2.2 LPRM-GT prototype assembly 8.2.3 Description of the gamma thermometer LPRM-GT factory data 8.2.4 DLPRM-GT factory data 8.2.5 Local power range monitor-gamma thermometer (LPRM-GT) assembly 8.2.6 Thermohydraulic testing 8.2.7 Thermo-hydraulic test Interface 8.2.8 Gamma thermometer theory of operation 8.2.9 Use of the gamma thermometer as a local power level monitor (LPLM) 8.2.10 Theoretical analysis of the gamma thermometer 8.3 Gamma thermometer factory calibration (FC) 8.4 Joule method 8.5 Internal heater wire method 8.5.1 Gamma thermometer in-plant calibration (IPC) 8.6 Void fraction response and bypass subcooling 8.6.1 Void fraction response 8.6.2 Bypass subcooling 8.7 Delayed gamma compensation 8.8 Conclusions References Appendix A Index
- No. of pages: 452
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: July 20, 2023
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Paperback ISBN: 9780443189890
- eBook ISBN: 9780443189906
Ali Zamani Paydar
Seyed Kamal Mousavi Balgehshiri