Advanced Materials '93
Ceramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing
- 1st Edition - January 13, 1995
- Editor: Shigeyuki Somiya
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 8 1 9 9 1 - 8
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 6 0 1 1 3 - 1
Ceramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing covers the proceedings of the Third International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) International Conference on… Read more

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Request a sales quoteCeramics, Powders, Corrosion and Advanced Processing covers the proceedings of the Third International Union of Materials Research Societies (IUMRS) International Conference on Advanced Materials (ICAM), held in Sunshine City, Ikebukuro, Tokyo, Japan from August 31 to September 4, 1993. The said conference discusses the procedures for advanced materials. The book is divided into four parts. Part 1 includes topics such as preparation of powders from different compounds and substances and the application of different methods and techniques. Part 2 talks about high temperature oxidations and corrosions; degradation resistance of thermal barrier coatings; the environmental effects on corrosion behavior of stainless steel; effect of gas composition and pressure on high temperature corrosion; and other related concepts. Part 3 includes topics such as fatigue-crack behavior; the factors that lead to it; fracture resistance and how it is increased; and the application of ceramics to heat-resistant engines and turbines. Part 4 covers the advanced processing of ceramics, and Part 5 deals with the fabrication of silicon-based ceramics. The text is highly recommended for chemists and engineers in the field of ceramics who would like to know more about the advances in its studies and research.
General Preface
Conference Organizers, Sponsor, Advisors
Supporting Sponsors
Contents of Each Volume
Names of Symposia and Organizing Committees
Symposium C Powder Preparation
Characterization of Rare Earth Oxide-Doped Tetragonal Zirconia Crystallized and Dried Using Supercritical Methanol
Freeze Drying Preparation of YBa2Cu3Ox Powders: Chemical Study of the Process
Sol-Spray Preparation, Particulate Characteristics, and Sintering of Alumina Powders
Application of Thermodynamic Analysis on Preparation of Fine Powder of MnZn Ferrite with Carbonate Coprecipitation Process
Preparation of Wollastonite Powder from Various Raw Materials
Low Temperature Synthesis of Some Ferrite Powders
Study on the Synthesis of Ultrafine Calcium Carbonate Particles
Preparation of Medium Sized (diameter below 100 μm) Spherical Ceramic Powders (e.g. SrZr03 and YBa2Cu307)
Preparation of Shape-Controlled Ti02 Particles by a Low-Temperature Aging Method
The Mechanism of Preparation of Monodispersed Tin Oxide Particles by the Use of Alkoxide Precipitation
Preparation and Magnetic Properties of Al-Modified Acicular α-Fe Particles
Modification of Nanodisperse SiC-Powder Properties by Changing the Conditions of Si(CH3)4-Gas Phase yrolysis
Synthesis of Nanodisperse Anorganic Powders by Low Temperature Plasma Processing
Characterization of (Fe, Ni, Co)-TiN Nanocomposite Particles Synthesized by "Reactive Plasma-MetalReaction" Method
Chemical, Structural and Microstructural Characterizations of Ta205 Particles Derived from an Aerosol Process
Characterization of the Surface Oxide Layer of Fine Iron Particles
On the Preparation of Magnesium Oxide Powders for Advanced Ceramics
Preparation of PZT by Solid State Reaction Between PbO and TiZr04
Mechanical Alloying of Cu-Al, Co, Fe, Zn Binary Powder Mixtures
Low Temperature Sintering of PZT Ceramics with Complex-Oxide Additives
Characterization of Powders in the Barium-Titanium Oxide System by Raman Spectroscopy
Formation of the Monoparticulate Layer of Monodispersed Ceramics Particles on the Liquid Surface
Effect of Particle Size Distribution Shape in Bimodal Packing
Visualization and Insitu-Characterization of Deformed Powder Compact in Cold Isostatic Pressure
Symposium G Corrosion/Coating of Advanced Materials
Rare Earths Oxide Film Effect on Different Metal and Alloys at High Temperature in Oxidizing Conditions
High Temperature Oxidation of Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys with Small Additions of Ti, Zr or Hf
Thermodynamic Consideration on Sulfur Effect in High Temperature Oxidation of Chromium
Effect of Oxygen Partial Pressure on Oxidation of Zr and Zr-2.5 wt% Nb Alloy
SIMS Studies of Alumina Growth at 1200°C
High Temperature Corrosion of Pack Aluminized Stainless Steels
The Degradation Resistance of Thermal Barrier Coatings to Molten Deposits at Very High Temperatures
Prior Thermomechanical Treatment Improves Nitrited Layer Strength
High Temperature Oxidation Behavior of Al-diffused Fe-Cr-Al Foils
Hot Corrosion of Al Protective Coatings under Thermal Cyclic Conditions
Environmental Effects of Corrosion Behavior of Stainless Steel in a Simulated Refuse Incinerator Condition
The Effect of a Slight Amount of HC1 Gas on High Temperature Oxidation of Pure Iron and Chromium
High Temperature Corrosion Behavior of Fe-Cr and Ni-Cr Alloys in Ar-H20-HBr Gas Mixtures
Effect of Gas Composition and Pressure on High Temperature Corrosion of Various Steels in Coal Gasification Atmospheres
High Temperature Sulphidation of Molybdenum
Corrosion Resistance of Aluminized Stainless Steel to Molten Carbonate
Review of the Erosion-Corrosion of Metals at High Temperatures
Hot Corrosion Resistance of Reactive Sputtered A1203 Coating
Microstructure of NiCoCrAlY Coatings Produced with Electron Beam Alloying Before and After High Temperature Oxidation
Mechanical-Chemical Effect of Corrosive Wear of Materials
Use of Laplace Transformation to Determine Corrosion Parameters from Electrochemical Data
Aqueous Corrosion Properties of Arc Ion Plated TiN and CrN Coatings
Formation of High Corrosion Resistant Iron Films by Ion Beam Deposition Method
Evaluation of Corrosion Characteristics of Plasma-Spray Ceramic Coated Steel
Corrosion Behavior of Silicon Nitride Ceramics in Sulfuric Acid Solution
The Oxidation Behaviour of Titanium Aluminide Under the Effect of Mechanical Stresses
Oxidation Behavior of TiAl Based Alloys
Effect of Lamellar Structure on Oxidation Behavior of TiAl
Sulfidation Properties of Ti-Al Intermetallic Compounds in H2S-H2 Atmospheres
Oxidation Behavior of CoCrAlY Coated Intermetallic Ni3Al-Base Alloy IC6
High Temperature Corrosion of Sputter-Deposited Al-Nb Alloys
Oxidation Resistance of Ti5Si3 and (Ti, M)5Si3, (M: N6, V) Intermetallic Compounds
Environmental Degradation in Ni3(Si, Ti) Intermetallic Alloys With Ll2 Structure
High Temperature Oxidation of some MSi2-Type Suicides
Effect of Boron-Doping on Oxidation of Carbon Fiber
Effect of Oxidation and Hydrothermal Corrosion on Strength of SiC Fibres
Improvement of Oxidation Resistance of Silicon Nitride Sintered Body by CVD Si3N4 Coating
Oxidation of Zirconium Carbide Powders and Single Crystals Accompanying Deposition of Carbon
High Temperature Oxidation of ZrN Powder in Oxygen Atmosphere
High-Temperature Active Oxidation of CVD-Si3N4 in N2-02 Atmosphere
Oxidation of Aluminium Nitride at High Temperatures. Evaluation of the Progression Rate of the Oxidation Front
High-Temperature Oxidation of Titanium Diboride of Different Purity
High Temperature Oxidation of Fe-20Cr-4Al Alloys with Small Additions of Rare Earth Elements (Y, Pr,Gd, Ho)
Oxidation Behavior of the Aluminium-Yttrium Coating Layers on a Titanium-Aluminium Alloy at Elevated Temperatures
Plasma Sprayed Coating with 2CaOZr02-CaOZr02 System
Sputter-Deposited Amorphous Al-Mo-Si Alloys Resistant to High Temperature Sulfidation and Oxidation
Erosion Wear Properties of Toughened Ceramics and Composites
Zr02Ni Composite Plating for High Pressure Thrust Chambers
High Temperature Reactions of an Nb-19-at% Al Alloy
Thermal Oxidation of Intermetallic TiAl Implanted with Tantalum Ion
Sulfate Salts Induced Corrosion of Titanium Aluminides
Oxidation of Neutron-Irradiated Silicon Carbide in Flowing Air
Oxidation Behavior of Glass Coated C/C Composite
High-Temperature Pyrolytic Mechanism of Si-Ti-C-0 Fibers Coated with Oxide Layers of Various Thickness
Spraying of Laser Coatings from Oxinitride Ceramics
Oxidation of Powdered and Sintered TiN
High Temperature Corrosion Performance of a-Si/SiO2 Duplex Coatings Produced by ArF Excimer Laser CVD
Symposium J Structural Ceramics
Fatigue-Crack Propagation Behavior in Ceramic Materials
The Effects of Material Microstructure on Cyclic Fatigue Crack Growth in Transformation-Toughened Ceramics
Effect of Water Vapor on Fatigue Crack Propagation of a Sintered Silicon Nitride
Fatigue Strength of Cordierite Honeycomb for Diesel Particulate Filter
Significance of Ktip in Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of Silicon Nitride
Enhanced Fracture Resistance Based on Micro-Pores in Ceramics
A Microstructural Study of Fracture in Silicon Carbide
K11/KI Ratios Under the Presence of a Mixed-Mode Fracturing Phenomeno
Crack Initiation and Crack Growth in Ceramics under Thermal Loading
Effect of Grain Size on Fatigue Behavior of Sintered A120 3 Plain Specimens Under Rotary Bending and Static Fatigue
Fretting Fatigue Under Static Loading in Silicon Nitride
On the Strength and Toughness of Structural Ceramics Bonded to Metals
Reliability Analysis of a Ceramic Turbine Wheel
Characteristics of Ceramic Spherical Sliding Bearing for Severe Application
Fracture Response of Structural Ceramics Combined with Electrical Functions
Temperature Dependence of the Elastic Moduli, Dilational and Shear Internal Frictions and Acoustic Wave Velocity for Alumina, (Y)TZP, β'-Sialon and α-SiC Ceramics
SNMS Method for the Analysis of Bulk Oxide Ceramics and Thin Films
ECR-Plasma Etching of Silicon Based Ceramics
Application of AM-DCB Method to the High-Temperature R-Curve Study of a Si3N4 Ceramics
The Microhardness Indentation Size/Load Effect (ISE) in Single-Crystal, Berlinite
Sintering Behaviour of Ceramic Oxide Powders Prepared by Various Techniques
Crystallographic Orientation in Zirconia Single Crystals at High Temperature by Applied Stress or Residual Stress
High-Temperature Zirconia Ternary Alloy
Analysis of Calcium Stabilized Zirconia by X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy
Mullite/Zirconia Composites Prepared by Various Methods
Thermal Conductivity, Strength, and Microstructure of Si-Ti-Al-O-N Porous Ceramics
Impurity Effects on High Temperature Healing of Cracklike Flaws in Sapphire
Sintering Mechanism and Physical Properties of Mo2FeB2 Type Complex Boride
Reduction of Oxide Mixtures for the Production of Sinterable Ceramic Composite Powder Mixture
Crystallization of Mullite and Immiscibility in Si02-Al203 System
Characteristics of Rapidly Solidified Mullite-Zirconica Ceramics Prepared by Plasma Centrifugal Atomization
Tetragonal-to-Monoclinic Phase Transformation in Y-PSZ Containing Alumina
Mechanical Properties of Yttria and Ceria Doped Tetragonal Zirconia Polycrystals
Tribological Responses of Engineering Ceramics in Various Environments
Effects of Load and Hydrostatic Pressure on Tribological Characteristics of Si3N4 Ceramic at 120°C in Water
Effects of Phosphorus Compound Additives on the Lubrication Between Silicon Nitride and Steel
Estimation for Strength of Ground Ceramics at Ambient and Elevated Temperature
Development of Engine Lubricant for Ceramic Heat Insulated Engine
Wisdom of Using Structural Ceramics - New Thinking in the Field of Structural Ceramics
The Construction and Function in Ceramic Heat Insulated Engine
Development of Ceramic Components for a Power Generating Gas Turbine
A Recent Tendency of Si3N4 Cutting Tools
Characterization by Solid State NMR of the Carbothermal Reduction Reaction to Produce β-Sialon
Effect of Hf02 Addition on Mechanical Properties of SiAlON-Based Ceramics
Effect of Al Impurity on Creep Behavior in Si3N4 Ceramics
Influence of Halogen Impurities in Powder on High Temperature Properties of Silicon Nitride
Strengthening of S i3N4 Ceramics by Residual Compressive Stress
High Temperature Strength of β'-ο'-Sialons
Design of Ceramic Matrix Composites
Si3N4-SiC Composite Consolidated by Post-HIPing Process
Effect of Graphite Addition on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot-Pressed Titanium Carbide
Joining Silicon Nitride Ceramics Using CaO-Si02 Glass Solder
Phase Relations Between Υ-α'- and β'-Sialons in S i3N4-AlN-Y203 System
Synthesis and Mechanical Properties of Ti3SiC2 Ceramic
Symposium Ρ Advance Processing
Sinterable Ceramic Powders Prepared by SHS, Their Densifications and Final Products
Combustion Synthesis Technology for Metal-Ceramic Composite Pipe Production
High Speed Mechanical Alloying for Bulk Amorphous Intermetallics
Mechanochemical Reactions During Mechanical Milling
MMC, CMC and Microstructural Gradients by Nitridation of Al Alloys
Preparation of A1203/Metal Composites Using Aluminium Metal
Influence of Zr on the Activation Energy of Oxidation in the RBAO Process
Net-Shape Forming of RBAO Composites
Rapid Solidification of Bulk Undercooled Ni-21.4 at% Si Eutectic Alloy
Explosive Compaction of Silicon Nitride Powder Without Additives Utilizing Underwater-Shock Wave
Thermal Plasmas in Advanced Materials Processing
Influence of Induction Plasma Treatment on Compositional Modification of Titanium Carbide Powders
Plasma Surface Treatment of Fluoropolymers at Atmospheric Pressure
Thermal Chemistry and Thermal Analysis Research on Al-Ti02 Self-Propagation High Temperature Synthesis System
The Non-Isothermal Kinetic Analysis of Self-Propagation Combustion from Differential Thermal Analysis
The Structural Analysis of the Combustion Wave in Al-Ti02 Self-Propagation High-Temperature Synthesis System
SHS/Casting of NiAl and Mo3Al
Fabrication of Multifunctional Gradient Materials in the System of Al203/TiC/Ni/TiC/Al203 by SHS/HIP
Synthesis of Aluminum Nitride in Air by the Self-Combustion of Mechanically Activated Aluminum-Graphite Powders
Diamond embedded TiC/Ti-Al Composite Fabricated by SHS-Pseudo Isostatic Compaction
Mechanisms for Consolidation of Ultrafine Si3N4 Powder and for Transition of a-to β-Form under Shock Compression
Quenching Experiment of Tantalum Nitride Under Static Compression
Shock Reactive Synthesis and Processing of Ti-Al Intermetallics
Fabrication of Maraging Steel Base Multilayered Composites Using Single-Shot Explosive Welding Technique
A New Process of Brush-Plating Wear Resistant Layer
Cavity Growth During Superplastic Flow in 7475 Aluminum Alloy
Heating Temperature of Y203 Doped A1N During Plasma Sintering
Melt-Quenching Synthesis and Raman Scattering Study of Zr02-ROi 5(R= Rare Earth) Solid Solutions
Rubber Toughening Through Alloy Formation Combined with Sol-Gel Method
Pressure Characteristics at the Tip of the Metal Delivery Tube in a Spray Deposition Process
Preparation of Composites in the CaO-P205- Zr02 System by Spray-Pyrolysis Technique
Characterization of Zr02 Thin Films Prepared from Zirconium Alkoxide by Sol-Gel or CVD Methods
Solution Spinning of High Tc Oxide Superconductor. Part 3. Effect of Polymerization and Saponification of PVA on the Complex Formation of PVA with Copper (II) Acetate
Polymerized Complex Precursors for the Synthesis of High Pure PbTi03 Powders at 400-600°C
Application of Supercritical Fluids for Formation of Ferroelectric Fine Powder
Preparation of Ceramic Fiber by Precursor Method Employing Polyfunctional Hydroxy Acid
Microwave Sintering of Electronic Ceramics
Rapid-Rate Sintering of Ceramics by Microwave Heating
Electrical Property of Tantalum Oxide Films Prepared by KrF Excimer Laser Chemical Vapor Deposition
Silicate Particles in Nonaqueous Media
Effect of Ultrasound on Crystallization from Amorphous Gels in Solution
Synthesis and Characterization of Nano-Structured NbC Thin Film
Multifunctional Mesoporous Films Design and Application
Fabrication of Alumina-Zirconia Composite Compacts by a Colloidal Route
Influence of Ti02 on Sintering Zr02-yAl203 Colloidal Gel
Chemical Design for Functional Multi-Component Oxides by Polymerized Complex Method
Symposium W Fabrication of Silicon Based Ceramics
Carbothermal Processing of Silicon Carbide Ceramics
Influence of α Phase Content and Particle Size Distribution of Powder on Properties of Si3N4
The Effect of the Amount of Halogen Impurities on the High Temperature Mechanical Properties of
Sintered Si3N4
Sintering of Boron Containing pSiC Powders Obtained by SHS
Electron Spin Resonance Studies in Process of Ceramics Formation from Organosilicon Polymers
Rheological Studies in the Fabrication Processes of CIPing and Injection Molding of Silicon Carbides with Additives of Alumina
Grain Growth Mechanism of β-SiAlON
Grain Growth of 3-Si3N4 in Silicon Nitride Ceramics
Silicon Nitride Ceramics-Alloy Design
Phase Transformation and Microstructure Development in Silicon Nitride Based Materials
Polytypic Transformation and Sintering Behavior in Silicon Carbide Materials
Processing Design for the Fabrication of High-Performance Silicon Nitride Ceramics
Microstructure Control of Silicon Nitride by Seeding Rod-Like P-Si3N4 Particles
Effect of Powder Characteristics on Gas-Pressure Sintering of Si3N4 with Rare Earth Additives
intering Process of Silicon Nitride Doped with Alumina and Yttria in Different Amount and Composition
Gas Pressure Sintering of Silicon Nitride: The Influence of Additive Type and Sintering Parameters on the Microstructural Development
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Hot-Pressed Silicon Nitride Ceramics
Si3N4-Y4A l209 Composites Prepared by Spark Plasma Sintering
Self Reinforced Behavior of Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Reaction Bonding Method
Zirconia-Containing Ο-β Sialon Composites
The Fabrication of Si3N4/SiC Nano-Composites
Fabrication of SiC-SiC Whisker Composite by the Polymer Precursor Method
Microstructural Characterization of Yb-α-Sialon Ceramics Prepared by Post Sintering HIP Treatments
Microstructural features in Sialon/SiCpl Composites Observed by TEM
Effect of Ti02 Content in the S13N4-Y2O3-AI2O3 on Oxidation Behavior
Mechanical Properties of β-SiAlON Composites
Impact Damage on Non-Oxide Ceramics for Automotive Turbine Use
Cyclic Fatigue in Ceramics; Mechanisms and Effects of Microstructure and Environment
Determination of the Optical Reflectivity and Absorption Coefficients of Silicon Nitride Ceramics
Symposium L Rare-Earth Iron Base Permanent Magnet Materials
Review of the Status of High Performance Permanent Magnet Materials and Devices
On the Standard Measuring Method for Magnetic Properties of Permanent Magnet Materials with Very High Coercivity
HDDR Process and Nd-Fe-B Magnet Powders
Rare Earth Magnetic Materials Synthesized by Mechanical Alloying
Magnetic Properties and Microstructure of Fe3B-Based Nd-Fe-B Hard Magnetic Materials
The Use of Hydrogen in the Processing and in the Characterization of Nd-Fe-B Magnets and Alloys: An Update
Recent Aspects: Rare Earth Resources and Metal Production for Rare Earth Iron Base Permanent Magnet
Applications of Rare Earth Magnets in Japan
Boundary Phases in RE(Nd, Pr)-Fe-B Magnetic Materials
Corrosion Behavior and Magnetic Properties of Melt-Spun Nd-(Fe, Co, Ni)-B-(A1, Ti) Ribbons
Dispersion-Hardened Corrosion-Resistant Nd-(FeCoNiTi)-B Magnets; Properties and Microstructure
Effect of Ga Addition on Nd-Dy-Fe-Co-B Sintered Magnets
Effect of Boron Content on Microstructures and Magnetic Properties of Hot-Rolled Pr-Fe-B Magnets
Alloy Design of Precipitation Hardenable 1-12 type Nd-Fe-M (M = Ti,B) Alloys
Binary Alloy Method for the Production of Nd-Fe-Co-B Permanent Magnets
Temperature Dependence of Magnetization Stability for Nd-Fe-B Magnets
Electrochemical Behavior of Nd-(Fe, Co, Ni)-B Sintered Magnets
Magnetic Properties of (RSm)2(FeCo)17Nx Alloys (R = La/Ce/Pr)
57Fe Mössbauer Study of R2Fe17 and R2Fe17 NJC (R = Ce and Sm)
Anisotropic Sm2Fe17N3 Powders Prepared by Special Nitro-Hydrogenation
Zn-Bonded Rare-Earth Transition-Metal Permanent Magnets
Magnetic Properties of Nd1 +(F(e5,M)1N2x (M = Ti, V, Mo) Non-Stoichiometric Compositional Powders Prepared by Utilizing HDDR Phenomena
2-17 L-Co-Fe Compounds; Synthesis and Magnetic Properties
Recent Progress in the Development and Analysis of Coercivity of Rare Earth Transition Metal Intermetallic Compounds
Modelling and Measurement of Remanence Enhancement in Two Phase Nanocrystalline Materials
Magnetization Processes in High Coercivity SmCo5 and Sm2Fe17Nx Prepared by Mechanical Alloying
Development of High-Energy Product Sm2Fe17N3 Bonded Magnets
Physical Properties of R2Fei7N3+ᵟ(
Nitrogen Absorption by Sm2Fe17
Consolidation of Pure Sm2Fe17Nx Powder by Shock Compression
Symposium M C60 and Related Materials
Electronic Structures and Jahn-Teller Effects in Alkali Metal Fullerides
Organic Chemical Derivatization of Fullerene
Growth and Properties of Buckybundles
Chemistry, Physics and Materials Science Studies of Fullerenes
Electrochemical Properties of C60 Thin Film
Solid State Properties of C60 and C70
High-Resolution Electron Energy-Loss Spectra of Solid C60, C70 and Carbon Nanotubes
Nanometer Sized CeC2 Crystals Encapsulated within Gigantic Super Fullerenes
C60 Fullerene Under High Pressure; A Transition to Diamond and to an Amorphous Diamond Under Shock-Compression
Superconducting Properties of Alkali-Metal-Doped C60 Prepared by Thermal Decomposition of Azides
ESR Studies of Rb-doped C60
Molecular Bea m Epitaxy of C60 onto the CaFe 2(lll) Surface
Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial C60 and C70 Films
Chemical Reactions in Collisions of C+60 Ions with Solid Surfaces
Fabrication of C6o-Based Thin Films by Laser Ablation and Ion Plating Methods
Polyhedra and Morphology of General Fullerenes
Electronic Structure of Orientationally Ordered and Disordered K3C60
Structures an d Catalytic Activities of C60MX and C70MX (M = Cs , K , Na ) for H2-D2 Reaction and Olefin Hydrogenation
Synthesis of Organic Derivatives of Fullerenes
Fluorination of Fullerenes C60 and C7, 0The Nature of C-F Bond and Electrochemical Characteristics of C60 FX and C70 FX-Lithium Cells
Approaches to Chemical Functionalization of Fullerenes
Synthesis and Characterization of C60 Adducts with Benzyne, Dichlorocarbene, Dienes, and Oxygen
Synthesis of Water-Soluble Fullerols
NMR Observation of Inclusion Between C60 and Cyclodextrin
Solubility Properties of C60
Electrical Conductivity of Plasma-Polymerized C6/0C70 Mixture Films
Continuous Production of Fullerenes by Evaporation of Carbon Powder and Carbon Chips in an Arc Discharge
Crystal Structures of Fluorinated Fullerenes
High Temperature and High Pressure Extraction of Fullerenes from KH Carbon
Theoretical Prediction of the Dimerization Energy of C60
Ab-initio Mixed-Basis Molecular Dynamics Simulation Applied to Carbon Microclusters
Prediction of Stable Structures of Fullerenes by Energy Calculations
Program 'FULLER' for Producing Isomeric Fullerene Structures from their Projections
Lattice Relaxation in the Lowest Excited State of C60
Stability of Boron and Nitrogen Substituted Buckminsterfullerene
Morphological Study of C60 Thin Films Prepared by Physical Vapor Deposition
Luminescence Excitation Spectra of C60 Films
Oxygen Effect on the Photoconductivity Behavior of C60 Thin Films
ESR Study in Alkali-Doped C60
Preparation and Characterization of NaxC60 Using Sodium Azide
ESR and Low-Field Microwave Absorption of Sodium-Doped C6: 0Pecularities of the Doping Using Sodium Azide
Effect of Condensation of C60 Molecules on Raman Spectra of Solid C6: 0Study of Structural Phase Transition
X-Ray Study of Phase Transition and Structure Analysis of Low Temperature Phase at 13K in C60 Single Crystal
Growth and Mechanical Property of C60 Single Crystals
Symposium S Electronic Materials and Processing for ULSIs
Supporting Sponsors
Microdefects in Si Crystal
Recent Progress of Low Temperature Si Epitaxy
Influence of Sb Doping on Oxygen Solubility in Si Melt
Defects in as-Grown Si Probed by Positron Annihilation
The Diffusion Length of Positrons in Different Si Wafers
The Present and Future on Semiconductor Technology and Industry in Korea
Shallow Junction Technologies for Future ULSI
Migration Problems in Submicron Metal Interconnections
Silicon-On-Diamond Field Effect Devices
Metal CVD Technology
C54-TiSi2 Fabricated by Direct Ion Beam Synthesis
Selective Area Deposition of Insulating Films by Laser CVD and its Characterization
Heterojunction Diodes with Fluorine-Passivated Sic Emitters Formed by Pyrolysis of di-tert-butylsilane
Growth of Bismuth Silicate Thin Films by the Reaction of SiOz Layer on Silicon
SiGe Layers Heteroepitaxy on Si Substrate by RTPNLP-CVD
Very low Temperature Silicon Epitaxial Growth by Partial Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition
Thermal Reaction of NixSi1-x(x=0.18-0.28) Thin Films
Photoluminescence Detection of Oxygen in Carbon-Implanted Electron-Irradiated Silicon Crystal
Microscopic Observation of the Kirkendall Effect in Ti/Si and Ni/Si Systems
Positron Annihilation and Defect Structure of La1-xSrxFe03 Electronic Ceramic
Defects in S1O2 Films Deposited on Si Substrates Probed by Monoenergetic Positron Beams
Defects in HB-GaAs Probed by Positron Annihilation
Investigation of Amorphization in Si Induced by Ion Implantation
Defect Evaluation of Heavily Phosphorus-Doped Si Epitaxial Films Grown by Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition
Characteristics of Silylation and Wet Develop in Novolak/Diazonaphthoquinone Resist System
Characterization of ITO Films Prepared by Electron Shower Method Using ESCA
AC Hot-Carrier Effects Under Very Fast Transient Stressing and its Impact on 16M Dram
Electrical Properties of Mg-Implanted GaAs Encapsulated by As-Doped a-Si:H Films
Unique Allylated Polyphenylene Ether for Low Dielectric Printed Circuit Boards
Optical and Electronic Properties of ZnSe
Electronic Properties of Polycrystalline Silicon - Grain Boundary Segregation of Pd Atoms
Symposium Y Diamond and Related Materials
A Review of Liquid Phase Systems Pertinent to Diamond Synthesis
Shock Synthesis of a Hybrid of Diamond and Cubic Boron Nitride
Growth of Single Crystals of Diamond by a Two-Stage Method
Sintering of Cubic Boron Nitride with Added Aluminum at High Pressure and High Temperatures
A Novel Diamond Sintering Process Implicated from Chemical Properties of Natural Polycrystal Diamond (Carbonado)
A Continuous, Seeded H2/CH4-Molecular Beam in Support of Diamond Vapour Growth
STM Observation of Diamond(l 11) Epitaxial Films
Atomic Scale Observations of CVD Diamond Surfaces by STM
Surface Processes Associated with Diamond Growth from Water Alcohol Deposition Chemistries
Studies of Epitaxial Growth Mechanism of Diamond(OOl)
Molecular Orbital Calculations of Diamond(OOl) Surfaces
Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Graphite —> Diamond Transformations and SiC Growth on Si(OOl)
Microbalance Measurements of Diamond Growth Rates
Monte Carlo Simulation on Generation of Atomic Hydrogen in Diamond Deposition Process
Temperature Dependence of Diamond Growth by a Hot-Filament Method in a Low Temperature Range
Growth and Characterization of Highly Oriented Diamond Films on Silicon
Selective Growth of Diamond Thin Film Employing Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Thin Film Mask
Enhancement of Diamond Nucleation Density by Pretreatment in Hexane Medium
Characterization of Excitonic Recombination Radiation from High Purity CVD Diamonds
Infrared Optical Properties of Diamond Films Synthesized by MWPCVD
Characterization of Single Crystal Diamond by Double Crystal X-Ray Diffraction
Near-Ideal Schottky Barrier Formation at Metal-CVD Diamond Interfaces
Effect of Substrate on the Measurement of Thermal Conductivity of Diamond Films
The Mechanical Properties of Polycrystalline Diamond Films
Characterization of Trace Ni in a Synthetic Diamond by Synchrotron Radiation X-Ray Fluorescence Analysis
Trace Amount of Nickel in Synthetic Diamond and its Implication to the Abundance of Substitutional Nitrogen
Electrical Properties of Phosphorous-Implanted Homoepitaxial Diamond Film
Cathodoluminescence as a Probe to Study Residual Radiation Damage in Ion-Implanted Diamond
Study of Diamond Films Synthesized on Si Substrates by Monoenergetic Positron Beams
Electrical and Optical Properties of Pulsed Laser Ablated Diamond-Like Carbon Films
Diamond-Like Carbon Films Deposited at a Temperature of 77 Κ by Opposed Target Sputtering
The Effect of Nitrogen Doping in a-C:H Films Using Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition Method
The Stability of Diamond-Like Carbon Films During Thermal Annealing in Air
Diamond-Like Carbon Film Deposition by Super-Wide Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Plasma Source Excited by Traveling Microwave
Process and Wear of Short Carbon Fiber/Silicon Carbide Matrix Composite
Tribological Study of PAN/Pitch, PAN/CVI and Pitch/Resin/CVI Carbon-Carbon Composites
Symposium II Ferroelectrics
Recent Developments of Electrooptic and Electrocaloric Materials and Devices
Investigation of Sc3+ in LiNb03 Single Crystals
Ferroelectric Domain Structures in Flux-Grown PbTi03 Single Crystals
Using Extreme Fringe Contrast Behavior to Determine 180° Domain Polarization Configuration in Lead Titanate Single Crystals
Epitaxy Control and Interfacial Coulomb's Potential of LiNb03 Thin Films on R-Cut Sapphire
Dielectric Properties of SrTi03 Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering
Dielectric Properties of (Ba, Sr)Ti03 Thin Films by RF Magnetron Sputtering
Mechanisms of Dielectric Constant Variations of SrTi03 Thin Films
Heteroepitaxial Growth and Characterization of (001)BaxCSr1-xTiO3/(001)YBa2Cu3Ov Ferroelectric Thin Films on (100)MgO Substrate
Growth and Characterization of Epitaxial SrTi03 Thin Films with Supereminent Polarizability
Preparation and Evaluation of Pb (Zn1/3 Nb2/3)03-PbTi03 Thin Films by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
Strain and Orientation of Pb(Zr, Ti)03 and PbTi03 Thin Films Prepared by MOCVD
Characterization of PZT Films Prepared Using Pulsed Laser Ablation with a Magnetic Field
Pulsed Laser Ablation Using Vibrating PZT Target
Preparation of Pb-Based Ferroelectric Thin Films by RF-Magnetron Sputtering Method and Their Properties
The Effects of Activated Oxygen on Reduction in Leakage Current of PZT Thin Films
Fabrication of Ferroelectric B i4Ti30 i 2 Thin Films by Dipping-Pyrolysis of Metal Naphthenates and Micro Patterning Process Using an Electron Beam
The Preparation and Rapid Thermal Annealing of PZT Thin Film
Symposium KK Dielectric Materials
Properties of SrTi03 Based Relaxors
Dielectric Dispersion of Relaxor Ferroelectrics
Temperature Dependency of Atomic Position in Pb(Mg1/3 Nb2/3)03 Single Crystal. Thermal Decomposition Behavior of Pb(Mg1N/b31)/033 into Pyrochlore-type Compound
Phase Transition Behavior Between Normal and Diffuse Transitions in Lead Based Perovskite Compounds
New X7 Ceramic Dielectrics for Multilayer Capacitors
Binder Burnout and Sintering Process of Copper Internal Electrode Multilayer Capacitors
Electrical Properties of Grain and Grain Boundary in PFW Ceramics
Study on Lead-Based Relaxor Ferroelectric Ceramics for X7R Capacitors
Tayloring Microstructure for Microwave Dielectric Properties - Theory and Experiment
Microwave Dielectric Properties of Solid Solutions in the ZrTi04-Y203-Nb205 System
Miniaturized Low-Loss Dielectric Filter for Mobile Radio Using a Quasi-Microwave Band
Multilayer Microwave Devices Employing Bi-Based Dielectric Ceramics with Copper Internal Conductors
Contribution of Phase Stability to Dielectric Constant of a Solid Solution (Bai-xSrx)(Mg1T/a32/3)03 System
Electrochemical Processes of Barium Titanate Thin Film and Structural Analysis by X-Ray Diffraction
X-Ray Diffraction Study on the Phase Transitions of (CH3NH3)3Bi2Br9 Crystal
Structure and Dielectric Properties of Amorphous SrTi03 Thin Films at Elevated Temperatures
Single Crystal Growth of BaTi03 by Sintering
Ferroelectric Behaviors in Semiconductive Cd1-ZnxTe Crystals
Dielectric Breakdown of SiAlON Insulating Thin Films Prepared by RF Magnetron Sputtering
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 1008
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 13, 1995
- Imprint: Elsevier
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444819918
- eBook ISBN: 9780444601131
Shigeyuki Somiya
Affiliations and expertise
Tokyo Institute of Technology, JapanRead Advanced Materials '93 on ScienceDirect