Advanced Fluid Mechanics
- 1st Edition - June 21, 2007
- Author: William Graebel
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 2 8 1 8 1 - 2
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 3 7 0 8 8 5 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 5 4 9 0 8 - 8
Fluid mechanics is the study of how fluids behave and interact under various forces and in various applied situations, whether in liquid or gas state or both. The author of Ad… Read more
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Request a sales quoteFluid mechanics is the study of how fluids behave and interact under various forces and in various applied situations, whether in liquid or gas state or both. The author of Advanced Fluid Mechanics compiles pertinent information that are introduced in the more advanced classes at the senior level and at the graduate level. “Advanced Fluid Mechanics” courses typically cover a variety of topics involving fluids in various multiple states (phases), with both elastic and non-elastic qualities, and flowing in complex ways. This new text will integrate both the simple stages of fluid mechanics (“Fundamentals”) with those involving more complex parameters, including Inviscid Flow in multi-dimensions, Viscous Flow and Turbulence, and a succinct introduction to Computational Fluid Dynamics. It will offer exceptional pedagogy, for both classroom use and self-instruction, including many worked-out examples, end-of-chapter problems, and actual computer programs that can be used to reinforce theory with real-world applications.
Professional engineers as well as Physicists and Chemists working in the analysis of fluid behavior in complex systems will find the contents of this book useful. All manufacturing companies involved in any sort of systems that encompass fluids and fluid flow analysis (e.g., heat exchangers, air conditioning and refrigeration, chemical processes, etc.) or energy generation (steam boilers, turbines and internal combustion engines, jet propulsion systems, etc.), or fluid systems and fluid power (e.g., hydraulics, piping systems, and so on)will reap the benefits of this text.
- Offers detailed derivation of fundamental equations for better comprehension of more advanced mathematical analysis
- Provides groundwork for more advanced topics on boundary layer analysis, unsteady flow, turbulent modeling, and computational fluid dynamics
- Includes worked-out examples and end-of-chapter problems as well as a companion web site with sample computational programs and Solutions Manual
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Velocity, acceleration and the material derivative
1.3 The local continuity equation
1.4 Path lines, stream lines and the stream function
a. Lagrange’s stream function for two-dimensional flows
b. Stream functions for three-dimensional flows,including Stokes stream function
1.5 Newton’s momentum equation
1.6 Stress
1.7 Rates of deformation
1.8 Constitutive relations for Newtonian fluids
1.9 Equations for Newtonian fluids
1.10 Boundary conditions
1.11 Vorticity and circulation
1.12 The vorticity equation
1.13 The work-energy equation
1.14 The first law of thermodynamics
1.15 Dimensionless parameters
1.16.Non-Newtonian fluids
1.17 Moving coordinate systems
Chapter 2 - Inviscid irrotational flows
2.1 Inviscid flows
2.2 Irrotational flows and the velocity potential
a. Intersection of velocity potential lines
and streamlines in two dimensions
b. Basic two-dimensional irrotational flows
c. Hele-Shaw flows
d. Basic three-dimensional irrotational flows
e. Superposition and the method of images
f. Vortices near walls
g. Rankine half body
h. Rankine oval
i. Circular cylinder or sphere in a uniform stream
2.3 Singularity distribution methods
a. Two and three-dimensional slender body theory
b. Panel methods
2.4 Forces acting on a translating sphere
2.5 Added mass and the Lagally theorem
2.6 Theorems for irrotational flow
a. Mean value and maximum modulus theorem
b. Maximum-minimum potential theorem
c. Maximum-minimum speed theorem
d. Kelvin’s minimum kinetic energy theorem
e. Maximum kinetic energy theorem
f. Uniqueness theorem
g. Kelvin’s persistence of circulation theorem
h. Weiss and Butler sphere theorems
Chapter 3 - Irrotational Two-Dimensional Flows
3.1 Complex variable theory applied to
two-dimensional irrotational flows
3.2 Flow past a circular cylinder with circulation
3.3 Flow past an elliptical cylinder with circulation
3.4 The Joukowski airfoil
3.5 Kármán-Trefftz and Jones-McWilliams airfoils 3.6 NACA airfoils
3.7 Lifting line theory
3.8 Kármán vortex street
3.9 Conformal mapping and the Schwarz-Christoffel transformation
3.10 Cavity flows
3.11 Added mass and forces and moments for two-dimensional bodies
Chapter 4 - Surface and interfacial waves
4.1 Linearized free surface wave theory
a. Infinitely long channel
b. Waves in a container of finite size
4.2 Group velocity
4.3 Waves at the interface of two dissimilar fluids
4.4 Waves in an accelerating container
4.5 Stability of a round jet
4.6 Local surface disturbance on a large body of fluid - Kelvin’s ship wave
4.7 Shallow depth free surface waves - cnoidal and solitary waves
4.8 Ray theory of gravity waves for non-uniform depths
Chapter 5 - Exact solutions of the Navier-Stokes equations
5.1 Solutions to the steady-state Navier-Stokes equations when convective acceleration is absent
a. Two-dimensional flow between parallel planes
b. Poiseuille flow in a rectangular conduit
c. Poiseuille flow in a round tube
d. Poiseuille flow in tubes of arbitrarily shaped cross-section
e. Couette flow between circular cylinders 5.2 Unsteady flows when convective acceleration is absent
a. Stokes’ first problem-impulsive motion of a plate
b. Stokes’ second problem-oscillation of a plate 5.3 Other unsteady flows when convective acceleration is absent
a. Impulsive plane Poiseuille and Couette flows
b. Impulsive circular Couette flow
5.4 Steady flows when convective acceleration is present.
a. Plane stagnation point flow
b. Three-dimensional stagnation point flow c. Flow into convergent or divergent channels
d. Flow in a spiral channel
e. Flow due to a round laminar jet
f. Flow due to a rotating disk
Chapter 6 - The Boundary Layer Approximation
6.1 Introduction to boundary layers
6.2 The boundary layer equations
6.3 Boundary layer thickness
6.4 Falkner-Skan solutions for flow past a wedge
a. Boundary layer on a flat plate
b. Stagnation point boundary layer flow
c. General case
6.5 The integral form of the boundary layer equation
6.6 Axisymmetric laminar jet
6.7 Flow separation
6.8 Transformations for non-similar boundary layer solutions
a. Falkner transformation
b. von Mises transformation
c. Combined Mises-Falkner transformation
d. Crocco’s transformation
e. Mangler’s transformation for bodies of revolution
6.8 Boundary layers in rotating flows
Chapter 7 - Thermal Effects
7.1 Thermal boundary layers
7.2 Forced convection on a horizontal flat plate
a. Falkner-Skan wedge thermal boundary layer
b. Isothermal flat plate
c. Flat plate with constant heat flux
7.3 The integral method for thermal convection
a. Flat plate with a constant temperature region
b. Flat plate with constant heat flux
7.4 Heat transfer near the stagnation point of an isothermal cylinder
7.5 Natural convection on an isothermal vertical plate
7.6 Natural convection on a vertical plate with uniform heat flux
7.7 Thermal boundary layer on inclined flat plates 7.8 Integral method for natural convection on an isothermal vertical plate
7.9 Temperature distribution in an axisymmetric jet
Chapter 8 - Low Reynolds number Flows
8.1 Stokes approximation
1. Doublet
2a. Stokeslet for steady flows
2b. Stokeslet for unsteady flows
3a. Rotlet for steady flows
3b. Rotlet for unsteady flows
8.2 Slow steady flow past a solid sphere
8.3 Slow steady flow past a liquid sphere
8.4 Flow due to a sphere undergoing simple harmonic motion
8.5 General translation of a sphere
8.6 Oseen’s approximation for slow viscous flow
8.7 Resolution of the Stokes/Whitehead paradoxes
Chapter 9 - Flow stability
9.1 Linear stability theory of fluid flows
9.2 Thermal instability in a viscous fluid - Rayleigh-Bénard convection
9.3 Stability if flow between rotating circular cylinders - Couette-Taylor
9.4 Stability of plane flows
Chapter 10 - Turbulence and transition to turbulence
10.1 The why and the how of turbulence
10.2 Statistical approach - one point averaging
10.3 Zero-equation turbulent models
10.4 One-equation turbulent models
10.5 Two-equation turbulent models
10.6 Stress-equation models
10.7 Equations of motion in Fourier space
10.8 Quantum theory models
10.9 Large eddy models
10.10 Phenomenologic observations
10.11 Conclusions
Chapter 11 - An Introduction To Computational Fluid Dynamics
11.1 Introduction
11.2 Numerical calculus
11.3 Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations
11.4 The finite element method
11.5 Linear stability problems - invariant imbedding and Riccati methods
11.6 Errors, accuracy, and stiff equations
Chapter 12 - Numerical solution of partial differential equations
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Relaxation methods
12.3 Surface singularities
12.4 One step methods
a. Forward time, centered space - explicit
b. Dufort-Frankel method - explicit
c. Crank-Nicholson method - implicit
d. Boundary layer equations - Crank-Nicholson
e. Boundary layer equations - hybrid method
f. Richardson extrapolation
g. Further choices for dealing with nonlinearities
h. Upwind differencing for convective acceleration terms
12.5 Multi-step, or alternating direction, methods
a. Alternating direction explicit (ADE) method
b.Alternating direction implicit (ADI) method
12.6 Method of characteristics
12.7 Leapfrog method - explicit
12.8 Lax-Wendroff method - explicit
12,9 MacCormack’s methods
a. MacCormack’s explicit method
b. MacCormack’s implicit method
12.10 Discrete vortex methods (DVM)
12.11 Cloud in cell method (CIC)
Appendix - Mathematical aids
A1. Vector differential calculus
A2. Vector integral calculus
A3. Fourier series and integrals
A4. Solution of ordinary differential equations
a. Method of Frobenius
b. Mathieu equation
c. Finding eigenvalues - the Riccatti method
A5. Index notation
A6. Tensors in Cartesian coordinates
A7. Tensors in orthogonal curvilinear coordinates
a. Cylindrical polar coordinates
b. Spherical polar coordinates
A8. Tensors in general coordinates
- No. of pages: 368
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: June 21, 2007
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Paperback ISBN: 9780323281812
- Hardback ISBN: 9780123708854
- eBook ISBN: 9780080549088