TEST METHODS AND EQUIPMENT: Types, characteristics; calibration and maintenance; reference testing; Analysis of fresh concrete; Accelerated testing methods; Analysis of hardened concrete and mortar; Core drilling and testing; Partially destructive testing; Non-destructive testing; Load testing; Assessment of reinforcement condition; QUALITY CONCEPTS: Definitions; principles and Standards; quality schemes; third party capability assessment; QA schemes for materials, ready-mixed concrete and pre-cast concrete; QA in concrete construction; product conformityQUALITY CONTROL: Quality of mixed concrete: outline of problems involved; control techniques; selection of control procedures. Quality of finished productSTATISTICS: Measures of dispersion, probability and sampling theory, tests of significance, curve fitting and regression, repeatability and reproducibility, control charts; The role and limitations of statistics in concrete technologySTANDARDS, SPECIFICATIONS AND CODES OF PRACTICE: Review of existing documents relevant to preceding items and discussion of their relevance in the light of recent research and practiceASSESSMENT OF CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION: Inspection of concrete and investigation of failures; assessment of concrete strength in structures; surface blemishes - causes and remedies