CEMENTS: Review of cements including blended cements, manufacture, chemical composition, chemical and physical processes of hydration, modern methods of analysis. Calcium aluminate cementCEMENTITIOUS ADDITIONS: Review of types covering: pulverised fuel ash, ground granulated blastfurnace slag and silica fume, origins and manufacture, chemical composition, physical characteristics; chemical and physical processes of hydration and interaction: effects on properties of concretes, mortars and grouts: methods of test: applications: mixer blends and blended cements.ADMIXTURES: Review of types and classification: chemical composition: origin and manufacture: actions and interactions: usage: effects on properties of concretes, mortars and grouts: methods of test; applications.AGGREGATES: Review of types: elementary mineralogy and petrology: Aggregate prospecting; quarrying and gravel-winning practice:Production of artificial aggregates: Sampling and testing: effects on properties of concretes, mortars and grouts.