Adult Information Processing
Limits on Loss
- 1st Edition - August 19, 1993
- Editors: William Hoyer, John Cerella, John Rybash, Michael L. Commons
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 1 6 5 1 8 0 - 0
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 8 8 5 7 8 - 0
This book aims to reverse the bias shown in research literature concerning the decline of information processing abilities with age. Twenty chapters identify areas of limited or no… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThis book aims to reverse the bias shown in research literature concerning the decline of information processing abilities with age. Twenty chapters identify areas of limited or no decline in cognitive functioning with respect to rate of information processing, attentional capacity, object perception, word perception, language comprehension, learning, memory, and problem-solving. These findings attest to the imbalance of previous published research, presenting a fairer portrayal of the aged mind.
- Investigates a broad variety of information-processing tasks and capabilities
- Shows that aging adults can look forward to minimum dysfunction over a wide range of intellectual activity
- Reverses the bias toward portrayal of the aged, dysfunctional mind
- Provides information applicable toward interacting with the aged in counseling and care-giving settings
Students and researchers in cognitive sciences and psychology as well as in psychotherapy/psychoanalysis, neuropsychology, social psychology, experimental psychology, gerontology, counseling, education, psycholinguistics, and neurosciences.
Introduction:A.T. Welford, The Gerontological Balance Sheet. Neurophysiological Sparing:D.S. Woodruff-Pak, Neural Plasticity as a Substrate for Cognitive Adaptation in Adulthood and Aging. T.R. Bashore, Differential Effects of Aging on the Neurocognitive Functions Subserving Speeded Mental Processing.R. Parasuraman and P.G. Nestor, Preserved Cognitive Operations in Earl Alzheimers Disease.Information Processing Rate: J. Myersonand S. Hale, General Slowing and Age-Invariance in Cognitive Processing: The Other Side of the Coin.S.H. Johnson and J.M. Rybash, A Cognitive Neuroscience Perspective on Age-Related Slowing: Developmental Changes in the Functional Architecture.A. Baron and J. Cerella, Laboratory Tests of the Disuse Account of Cognitive Decline.T.R. Bashore and P.H. Goddard, Preservative and Restorative Effects of Aerobic Fitness on the Age-Related Slowing of Mental Processing Speed. AttentionalCapacity: B. Molander and L. Backman, Performance of a Complex Motor Skill Across the Life-Span: General Trends and Qualifications.L.M. Giambra, Sustained Attention in Older Adults: Performance and Processes.D.J. Madden and D.J. Plude, Selective Preservation of Selective Attention.Perception of Objects: N.L. Bowles, Semantic Processes that Serve Picture Naming.D.L. Schacter, J.F. Kihlstrom, A.W. Kaszniak, and M. Valdiserri, Preserved and Impaired Memory Functionsin Elderly Adults.J.C. Bartlett, Limits on Losses in Face Recognition.Word Perception:J.M. Duchek and D.A. Balota, Sparing Activation Processes in Older Adults.R. McGinchey-Berroth and W. Milberg, Preserved Semantic Memory Structure in Alzheimers Disease.Language Comprehension:P.A. Tun and A. Wingfield, Is Speech Special? Perception and Recall of Spoken Language in Complex Environments.L.L. Light, S.A. Owens, P.G. Mahoney, and D. LaVoie, Comprehension of Metaphors by Young and Older Adults.S. Kemper and C. Anagnopoulos, Adult Use of Discourse Constraints on Syntactic Processing.Learning, Memory, and Problem Solving:D.V. Howard and C.L. Wiggs, Aging and Learning: Insights from Implicitand Explicit Tests.E.A. Maylor, Minimized Prospective Memory Loss in Old Age.D.A. Walsh and D.A. Hershey, Mental Models and the Maintenance of Complex Problem-Solving Skills in Old Age. Conclusion:E. Hunt, What Do We Need to Know about Aging?Subject Index.
- No. of pages: 605
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: August 19, 1993
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780121651800
- eBook ISBN: 9780080885780
William Hoyer
Affiliations and expertise
Syracuse UniversityJC
John Cerella
Affiliations and expertise
VA Outpatient ClinicJR
John Rybash
Affiliations and expertise
Hamilton CollegeMC
Michael L. Commons
Affiliations and expertise
Harvard Medical School