TABLE OF CONTENTS: 1. Introduction, the main TCM theories and their place in modern practice. Dealt with very briefly. Discussion of wholism as applied to acupunctureLayers of an onion used as a model, indicating arrangement of chaptersBasic physiotherapy training deals with only one, the meridian layerDiscussion of interlinking and use of acupoints when their complete actions are understood2. Key conceptsDevelopment theory, starting with the building blocks., innermost layerHeaven, Earth, original Qi. Body components Blood Qi and fluidsInfluence of embryology in ear acupuncture and also extra channelsSelected research where it serves to illustrate the theoriesCase histories3. Key conceptsZang FuTheories, descriptions, relation to channels and clinical applications, particularly in physiotherapySelected researchCase histories 4. Key conceptsExtra Meridians, clinical applicationSelected researchApplication in physiotherapyCase histories5. Key conceptsMeridian acupuncture, clinical application, particular application to pain and neurological conditionsSelected researchApplication in physiotherapyCase histories6. Key conceptsSuperficial layers:Luo vessels, Musculo-tendinous acupuncture, Trigger point acupunctureSelected researchApplication in physiotherapyCase histories7. Key conceptsMicrosystemsSelected researchApplication in physiotherapyCase histories 8. Key conceptsChinese diagnosis, pulling it all together, interlinking layers• 5 elements• 8 principles• 6 chiaos• Tongue• Pulse• PathogensIntroduction to syndromesSelected researchApplication in physiotherapyCase histories9. Possible mechanismsSummary only, reference to further reading and research papers10. Research, how assess papers from a TCM perspectiveEvolving good protocols, examples, evidence and further reading11. Oddments; scalp acupuncture, moxa and cupping. Relationship to layers of the onion.12. Additional case histories to encourage clinical use of the wholistic approachIndexTreatments by condition, ref to case histories