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Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Dynamic Systems: A Flatness Based Approach describes the linear control of uncertain nonlinear systems. The net result is a practical… Read more
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Active Disturbance Rejection Control of Dynamic Systems: A Flatness Based Approach describes the linear control of uncertain nonlinear systems. The net result is a practical controller design that is simple and surprisingly robust, one that also guarantees convergence to small neighborhoods of desired equilibria or tracking errors that are as close to zero as desired.
This methodology differs from current robust feedback controllers characterized by either complex matrix manipulations, complex parameter adaptation schemes and, in other cases, induced high frequency noises through the classical chattering phenomenon.
The approach contains many of the cornerstones, or philosophical features, of Model Free Control and ADRC, while exploiting flatness and GPI control in an efficient manner for linear, nonlinear, mono-variable and multivariable systems, including those exhibiting inputs delays.
The book contains successful experimental laboratory case studies of diverse engineering problems, especially those relating to mechanical, electro-mechanical, robotics, mobile robotics and power electronics systems.
Control engineering professors, Control engineering practitioners, Professionals in the field of Control of Mechatronics systems such as: Robotics, Mobile Robotics, Aerospace Robotics, Mechanical, Electromechanical Systems, Power Electronics Systems
Since 2011, he has been with the Postgraduate and Research Section at Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas, IPN. His research interests include robust estimation and control in mechatronic systems, robotics, and algebraic methods in the estimation and control of mechatronic systems. Dr. Alberto Luviano Juárez is the Coordinator of Master's Program in Advanced Technology, since april 2014.