Paul Filippi
Paul Filippi is a Directeur de Recherche at the CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique) in Marseille and an editorial board memeber for the Journal of Sound and Vibration. He has been teaching courses in Acoustics in France since the early seventies, besides having studied and taught in the U.S. He received a degree in Physics in 1958, at the Université de Provence, in Marseille. He started working on Acoustics and Vibrations in 1959 as a Stagiaire de Recherche at the Centre de Recherche Scientifique Industrielle et Maritime in Marseille, a laboratory depending on theCentre National de le Recherche Scientifique. He obtained his Doctorate of Sciences degree (the highest national university diploma in France) in 1968. He was in charge of the Diplôme d’Etude Approfondies d’Acoustique at the Université de la Méditerranée from 1986 to 1995. He is now Directeur de Recherche at the Laboratoire de Mécanique et d’Acoustique (CNRS) in Marseille.
Affiliations and expertise
Laboratoire de Mecanique et d’Acoustique, Marseille, France