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Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles

Drawing of real-world issues and with supporting data from industry, this book overviews the technique and equipment available to engineers and scientists to identify the so… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
Drawing of real-world issues and with supporting data from industry, this book overviews the technique and equipment available to engineers and scientists to identify the solutions of the physical essence of engineering problems in simulation, accelerated testing, prediction, quality improvement, and risk during the design, manufacturing, and maintenance stages. For this goal the book integrates Quality Improvement and Accelerated Reliability/ Durability/ Maintainability/Test Engineering concepts. Accelerated Quality and Reliability Solutions includes new and unpublished aspects in quality: - complex analysis of factors that influence product quality, and other quality development and improvement problems during design and manufacturing ; in simulation: - the strategy for development of accurate physical simulation of field input influences on the actual product – a system of control for physical simulation of the random input influences – a methodology for selecting a representative input region for accurate simulation of the field conditions; in testing: - useful accelerated reliability testing (UART) – accelerated multiple environmental testing technology – trends in development of UART technology; in studying climate and reliability; in prediction: - accurate prediction (AP) of reliability, durability, and maintainability - criteria of AP - development of techniques, etc.. The book includes new and effective aspects integration of quality, reliability, and maintainability.
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