A Textbook of Physical Chemistry
- 2nd Edition - September 15, 1970
- Author: Arther Adamson
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 1 2 - 0 4 4 2 6 0 - 7
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 3 2 3 - 1 6 1 2 8 - 2
A Textbook of Physical Chemistry: Second Edition provides both a traditional and theoretical approach in the study of physical chemistry. The book covers subjects usually covered… Read more

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Request a sales quoteA Textbook of Physical Chemistry: Second Edition provides both a traditional and theoretical approach in the study of physical chemistry. The book covers subjects usually covered in chemistry textbooks such as ideal and non-ideal gases, the kinetic molecular theory of gases and the distribution laws, and the additive physical properties of matter. Also covered are the three laws of thermodynamics, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, liquids and their simple phase equilibria, the solutions of nonelectrolytes, and heterogenous equilibrium. The text is recommended for college-level chemistry students, especially those who are in need of a textbook for the subject.
Preface to the First Edition
1 Ideal and Nonideal Gases
1-1 Introduction
1-2 Equations of State
1-3 Development of the Concept of an Ideal Gas; The Absolute Temperature Scale
1-4 The Ideal Gas Law and Related Equations
1-5 Mixtures of Ideal Gases; Partial Pressures
1-6 Partial Volumes; Amagat's Law
1-7 The Barometric Equation
1-8 Deviations from Ideality—Critical Behavior
1-9 Semiempirical Equations of State. The van der Waals Equation
1-10 The van der Waals Equation, Critical Phenomena, and the Principle of Corresponding States
Commentary and Notes
Special Topics
General References
Cited References
Exercises and Problems
Special Topics Problems
2 Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
2-1 Introduction
2-2 The Boltzmann Distribution Law
2-3 The Distribution of Molecular Velocities
2-4 Average Quantities from the Distribution Laws
2-5 Some Applications of Simple Kinetic Molecular Theory. Collision Frequency on a Plane Surface and Graham's Law
2-6 A Rederivation of the Ideal Gas Law
2-7 Bimolecular Collision Frequency and Mean Free Path
2-8 Transport Phenomena; Viscosity, Diffusion, and Thermal Conductivity
2-9 Summary of Kinetic Molecular Theory Quantities
Commentary and Notes
2-CN-1 Some Further Comments on the Various Distribution Laws
2-CN-2 Verification of the Distribution Laws
2-CN-3 Molecular Diameters; Avogadro's Number
2-CN-4 Transport Phenomena; Phenomenological Equations
2-CN-5 Verification of the Kinetic Molecular Theory
Special Topics
2-ST-1 Use of a Lennard-Jones Potential Function
2-ST-2 Collision Frequencies and Mean Free Paths for Mixtures
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
3 Some Additive Physical Properties of Matter
3-1 Introduction
3-2 Absorption of Light
3-3 Molar Refraction
3-4 Molar Polarization; Dipole Moments
3-5 Dipole Moments and Molecular Properties
Commentary and Notes
3-CN-1 Systems of Units
Special Topics
3-ST-1 The Charge Distribution of a Molecule
3-ST-2 Magnetic Properties of Matter
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
4 Chemical Thermodynamics. The First Law of Thermodynamics
4-1 Introduction
4-2 The Story of a Man
4-3 Energy and the First Law of Thermodynamics
4-4 Mathematical Properties of State Functions. Exact and Path-Dependent Differentials
4-5 Heat and Work for Various Processes
4-6 Enthalpy. An Alternative Form of the First Law
4-7 Applications of the First Law to Ideal Gases
4-8 Molecular Basis for Heat Capacities. The Equipartition Principle
4-9 Statistical Mechanical Treatment of First Law Quantities
4-10 Translational Partition Function for an Ideal Gas
4-11 The Rotational Partition Function
4-12 The Vibrational Partition Function
Commentary and Notes
4-CN-1 Internal Pressure
4-CN-2 Additional Aspects of Statistical Mechanical Treatments
Special Topics
4-ST-1 The Joule-Thomson Effect
4-ST-2 The Heat Capacity of a Solid
General References
Special Topics Problems
5 Thermochemistry
5-1 Introduction
5-2 Measurement of Heats of Reaction: Relationship between ΔE and ΔH
5-3 Some Enthalpies of Combustion, Hydrogenation, and Solution
5-4 Combining ΔH or ΔΕ Quantities
5-5 Enthalpies of Formation
5-6 Dependence of ΔH and ΔE on Temperature
Commentary and Notes
5-CN-1 Explosions, Flames, and Rockets
5-CN-2 The Thermochemistry of Nutrition
Special Topics
5-ST-1 Chemical Bond Strengths
5-ST-2 Internal Energy and Enthalpy Functions
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
6 The Second and Third Laws of Thermodynamics
6-1 Introduction
6-2 The Carnot Cycle—Heat Machines
6-3 Generalization of the Carnot Cycle—The Entropy Function
6-4 Calculations of ΔS for Various Reversible Processes
6-5 Calculation of ΔS for Various Irreversible Processes
6-6 Free Energy. Criteria for Equilibrium
6-7 Second Law Relationships
6-8 The Third Law of Thermodynamics
6-9 Statistical Mechanical Treatment of Second Law Quantities
Commentary and Notes
6-CN-1 Summary of the Statements of the Laws of Thermodynamics
6-CN-2 Statistical Thermodynamics—Ensembles—and J. Willard Gibbs
6-CN-3 Additional Comments on the Third Law of Thermodynamics and on the Attainment of 0 Κ
Special Topics
6-ST-1 Thermodynamic Relationships
6-ST-2 Thermodynamic Treatment of a Nonideal Gas—Fugacity
6-ST-3 The Free Energy Function
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
7 Chemical Equilibrium
7-1 Introduction
7-2 The Thermodynamic Equilibrium Constant
7-3 The Determination of Experimental Equilibrium Constants
7-4 The Variation of KP with Temperature
7-5 Gas-Solid Equilibria
7-6 Le Châtelier's Principle
7-7 Free Energy and Entropy of Formation
Commentary and Notes
7-CN-1 Chemical Equilibrium and the Second Law of Thermodynamics
Special Topics
7-ST-1 Effect of Pressure on Chemical Equilibria Involving Gases
7-ST-2 Application of Statistical Thermodynamics to Chemical Equilibrium
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
8 Liquids and Their Simple Phase Equilibria
8-1 Introduction
8-2 The Vapor Pressure of Liquids (and Solids)
8-3 Enthalpy and Entropy of Vaporization; Trouton's Rule
8-4 Liquid-Solid and Solid-Solid Equilibria. Phase Maps
8-5 The Free Energy of a Liquid and Its Vapor
8-6 The Surface Tension of Liquids. Surface Tension as a Thermodynamic Quantity
8-7 Measurement of Surface Tension
8-8 Results of Surface Tension Measurements
8-9 The Kelvin Equation. Nucleation
8-10 Viscosity of Liquids
Commentary and Notes
8-CN-1 Additional Thermodynamic Properties of Liquids
8-CN-2 The Structure of Water
8-CN-3 Anomalous Water
Special Topics
8-ST-1 Intermodular Forces
8-ST-2 The Viscosity of Liquids
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
9 Solutions of Nonelectrolytes
9-1 Introduction
9-2 The Vapor Pressure of Solutions. Raoult's and Henry's Laws
9-3 The Thermodynamics of Multicomponent Systems
9-4 Ideal Gas Mixtures
9-5 Ideal and Nonideal Solutions. Activities and Activity Coefficients
9-6 The Temperature Dependence of Vapor Pressures
9-7 Boiling Point Diagrams
9-8 Partial Miscibility
Commentary and Notes
9-CN-1 Other Properties of Solutions
9-CN-2 Ideal, Regular, and Athermal Solutions
9-CN-3 Statistical Thermodynamics of Solutions
Special Topics
9-ST-1 Partial Molal Quantities
9-ST-2 The Surface Tension of Solutions. The Gibbs Equation
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
10 Dilute Solutions of Nonelectrolytes. Colligative Properties
10-1 Vapor Pressure Lowering
10-2 Boiling Point Elevation
10-3 Freezing Point Depression
10-4 Summary of the First Three Colligative Properties
10-5 Osmotic Equilibrium
10-6 Activities and Activity Coefficients for Dilute Solutions
10-7 Other Methods of Molecular Weight Determination
Commentary and Notes
10-CN-1 Colligative Properties and Deviations from Ideality
10-CN-2 Relationship between Freezing Point Depression and Solubility
10-CN-3 Osmotic Pressure
10-CN-4 Water Desalination
Special Topics
10-ST-1 Dilute Solution Conventions for Activities and Activity Coefficients
10-ST-2 Theoretical Treatment of Diffusion
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
11 Heterogeneous Equilibrium
11-1 The Gibbs Phase Rule
11-2 One-Component Systems
11-3 Two-Component Systems
11-4 Sodium Sulfate-Water and Other Systems
11-5 Three-Component Systems
11-6 Three-Component Solubility Diagrams
Commentary and Notes
11-CN-1 Definitions of the Terms Component and Phase
Special Topics
11-ST-1 Two-Component Freezing Point Diagrams. Partial Miscibility
11-ST-2 Partial Miscibility in Three-Component Systems
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
12 Solutions of Electrolytes
12-1 Introduction
12-2 Conductivity—Experimental Definitions and Procedures
12-3 Results of Conductance Measurements
12-4 Some Sample Calculations
12-5 Ionic Mobilities
12-6 Transference Numbers—Ionic Equivalent Conductivities
12-7 Activities and Activity Coefficients of Electrolytes
12-8 The Debye-Hückel Theory
12-9 Ionic Equilibria
Commentary and Notes
12-CN-1 Electrolytic Dissociation
12-CN-2 Activity Coefficients for Other than Dilute Aqueous Solutions
12-CN-3 Acids and Bases
Special Topics
12-ST-1 Ionic Diffusion Coefficients
12-ST-2 The Hittorf Method
12-ST-3 Treatment of Complex Ionic Equilibria
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
13 Electrochemical Cells
13-1 Definitions and Fundamental Relationships
13-2 Experimental Procedures
13-3 Determination of E0 Values and Activity Coefficients
13-4 Additivity Rules for Emf's. Standard Oxidation Potentials
13-5 Emf and Chemical Equilibria
13-6 Concentration Cells
13-7 Oxidation-Reduction Reactions
13-8 Determination of pH
13-9 Irreversible Electrode Processes
Commentary and Notes
13-CN-1 Standard Oxidation Potential E0 and Standard Electrode Potential V0
13-CN-2 Storage Batteries
13-CN-3 Thermodynamic Quantities for Aqueous Ions
13-CN-4 Electrocapillarity. Absolute Electrode Potentials
Special Topics
13-ST-1 Liquid Junctions
13-ST-2 Polarization at Electrodes. Polarography
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
14 Kinetics of Gas-Phase Reactions
14-1 Introduction
14-2 Rate Laws and Simple Mechanisms
14-3 Experimental Methods and Rate Law Calculations
14-4 Rate Laws and Reaction Mechanisms
14-5 Temperature Dependence of Rate Constants
14-6 Collision Theory of Gas Reactions
14-7 Unimolecular Reactions
14-8 Absolute Rate Theory. The Activated Complex
Commentary and Notes
14-CN-1 Termolecular Reactions
14-CN-2 Collision versus Transition-State Theory
14-CN-3 Radicals, Molecular Beams, and Reaction Trajectories
14-CN-4 Explosions
Special Topics
14-ST-1 Heterogeneous Catalysis. Chemisorption of Gases
14-ST-2 Statistical Thermodynamic Treatment of Transition-State Theory
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
15 Kinetics of Reactions in Solution
15-1 Additional Comments on Rate Laws. Reversible Reactions
15-2 Experimental Methods
15-3 Kinetic-Molecular Picture of Reactions in Solution
15-4 Diffusion-Controlled Reactions
15-5 Transition-State Theory
15-6 Linear Free Energy Relationships. Reactions Involving an Acid or a Base
15-7 Ionic Reactions. Role of Activity Coefficients
Commentary and Notes
15-CN-1 Comparison of Collision-Encounter and Transition-State Theories
15-CN-2 Relationship between the Equilibrium Constant for a Reaction and Its Rate Constants
15-CN-3 Entropy Production during a Chemical Reaction
Special Topics
15-ST-1 Enzyme Catalysis
15-ST-2 Integrated Forms for Some Additional Rate Laws
15-ST-3 Effect of Mechanical Pressure on Reaction Rates
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
16 Wave Mechanics
16-1 Introduction
16-2 Energy Units
16-3 Hydrogen and Hydrogen-Like Atoms
16-4 The Schrödinger Wave Equation
16-5 Some Simple Choices for the Potential Function V
16-6 The Harmonic Oscillator
16-7 Solutions of the Wave Equation for the Hydrogen Atom
16-8 The Graphical Appearance of Hydrogen-Like Orbitals
16-9 Graphical Appearance of the Electron Density around a Hydrogen-Like Atom
16-10 Hybrid Orbitals
16-11 The Variation Method. Polarizability of the Hydrogen Atom
Commentary and Notes
16-CN-1 Albert Einstein
16-CN-2 An Alternative Interpretation of the Uncertainty Principle
16-CN-3 Steps beyond Hydrogen-Like Wave Functions
Special Topics
16-ST-1 Atomic Energy States
16-ST-2 The Rigid Rotator
16-ST-3 First-Order Perturbation Theory
16-ST-4 Quantum Theory of Blackbody Radiation
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
17 Molecular Symmetry and Bonding
17-1 Introduction
17-2 Symmetry and Symmetry Operations
17-3 A Set of Symmetry Operations as Constituting a Group
17-4 Representations of Groups
17-5 Atomic Orbitals as Bases for Representations
17-6 Character Tables
17-7 Bonds as Bases for Reducible Representations
Commentary and Notes
17-CN-1 Crystal Field Theory
Special Topics
17-ST-1 The Direct Product
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
18 Wave Mechanics and Bonding
18-1 Introduction
18-2 The Valence Bond Method for the Hydrogen Molecule
18-3 Molecular Orbitals. The Hydrogen Molecule Ion, H2+
18-4 Variation Method for Obtaining Molecular Orbitals
18-5 Molecular Orbital Energy Levels for Diatomic Molecules
18-6 Triatomic Molecules. Walsh Diagrams
18-7 Polyatomic Molecules. The Hückel Method
Commentary and Notes
18-CN-1 Comparison of the Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Methods
Special Topics
18-ST-1 Ligand Field Molecular Orbital Diagrams
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
19 Molecular Spectroscopy and Photochemistry
19-1 Introduction
19-2 Excited States of Diatomic Molecules
19-3 Electronic, Vibrational, and Rotational Transitions
19-4 Electronic Excited States of Polyatomic Molecules
19-5 Vibrational Spectra
Commentary and Notes
19-CN-1 Geometric and Electronic Nature of Ground-State Molecules
19-CN-2 Structure and Chemistry of Excited States
19-CN-3 Conversion of Light to Chemical Energy
Special Topics
19-ST-1 Emission and Absorption of Radiation. Transition Probability
19-ST-2 Optical Activity
19-ST-3 Vibrational-Rotational Spectra
19-ST-4 Glossary of Abbreviations
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
20 The Solid State
20-1 Space-Filling Lattices
20-2 Crystal Planes; Miller Indices
20-3 Some Simple Crystal Structures
20-4 Some Geometric Calculations
20-5 Diffraction by Crystals
Commentary and Notes
20-CN-1 Modern Crystal Structure Determination
20-CN-2 Some Structures of Biological Importance
20-CN-3 The Band Model for Solids. Semiconductors
20-CN-4 Crystal Defects
Special Topics
20-ST-1 Symmetry Notation for Crystals
20-ST-2 X-Ray Diffraction Intensities
20-ST-3 Lattice Energies
20-ST-4 Ionic Radii
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
21 Colloids and Macromolecules
21-1 Lyophobic Colloids
21-2 Association Colloids. Colloidal Electrolytes
21-3 Gels
21-4 Rheology
21-5 Liquid Crystals. Mesophases of Matter
21-6 Polymers
Special Topics
21-ST-1 Electrokinetic Effects
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
22 Nuclear Chemistry and Radiochemistry
22-1 Introduction
22-2 Nuclear Energetics and Existence Rules
22-3 Nuclear Reactions
22-4 Absorption of Radiation
22-5 Kinetics of Radioactive Decay
Commentary and Notes
22-CN-1 Theories of Radioactive Decay
22-CN-2 Nuclear Reactors and "Atomic" Bombs
22-CN-3 Nuclear Chemistry
22-CN-4 Quantum Statistics
22-CN-5 Experimental Detection Methods
22-CN-6 The Mossbauer Effect
Special Topics
22-ST-1 The Natural Decay Series. Age Dating
22-ST-2 Statistical Fluctuations in Radioactive Decay
General References
Cited References
Special Topics Problems
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 996
- Language: English
- Edition: 2
- Published: September 15, 1970
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9780120442607
- eBook ISBN: 9780323161282
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