A Synopsis of Children's Diseases
- 4th Edition - September 11, 2013
- Authors: John Rendle-Short, O. P. Gray
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 7 9 8 8 - 9
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 5 6 9 - 8
A Synopsis of Children's Diseases, Fourth Edition serves as a guide to the common as well as rare diseases in children. This book discusses the importance of hereditarily… Read more

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Request a sales quoteA Synopsis of Children's Diseases, Fourth Edition serves as a guide to the common as well as rare diseases in children. This book discusses the importance of hereditarily determined diseases. Organized into two parts encompassing 196 chapters, this edition begins with an overview of the norms of development of children. This text then discusses the various types of congenital malformations if mother contracts rubella during pregnancy, including deafness, congenital heart disease, eye defects, and other lesions. Other chapters consider the incidence of infant mortality during the first twelve months of life. This book discusses as well the pathology and cause of intracranial hemorrhage, which is the common cause of death or permanent disability in infants. The final chapter deals with the various causes of sudden death in young infants. This book is a valuable resource for pediatricians and general practitioners. Undergraduate students will also find this book extremely useful.
Preface to the Fourth EditionPreface to the First EditionPart I The Healthy Child I.—Development II.—Physical Growth III.—Infant Feeding IV.—Management of the Normal Newborn Baby V.—Management of the Normal Child VI.—Excretion Part II The Sick Child Section I—General Factors VII.—Examination of Child VIII.—Aetiology of Congenital Defects Section II—The Neonatal Period IX.—Infant Mortality and Morbidity X.—Extracranial Birth Injuries XI.—Cranial and Intracranial Haemorrhage XII.—Respiratory Disorders XIII.—Neonatal Infections XIV.—Other Abnormalities of Neonatal Period XV.—The Premature Baby XVI.—Postmaturity Section III—The Infectious Diseases—Viral XVII.—Control of Common Fevers XVIII.—Measles XIX.—German Measles XX.—Roseola Infantum XXI.—Chicken-Pox XXII.—Vaccinia and Vaccination XXIII.—Mumps XXIV.—Infectious Mononucleosis XXV.—Herpes Simplex Infections Section IV.—The Infectious Diseases—Bacterial and Protozoal XXVI.—Ilemolytic Streptococcal Infections XXVII.—Diphtheria XXVII.—Whooping-Cough XXIX.—Tuberculosis : I. Introduction XXX.—Tuberculosis : II. Clinical Types Section V.—Diseases of Nutrition XXXI.—Failure to Thrive XXXII.—Deficiency and Overdosage of Vitamin A XXXIII.—Deficiency of Vitamin-B complex XXXIV.—Infantile Scurvy XXXV.—Rickets XXXVI.—Tetany XXXVII.—Diabetes Mellitus XXXVIII.—Steatorrhcea XXXIX.—Obesity Section VI.—Diseases of the Respiratory System XL.—Introduction XLI.—Acute Infections of the Respiratory Tract XLII.—Lung Infections XLIII.—Chronic Infections of the Respiratory Tract XLIV.—Diseases of the Nose XLV.—Diseases of the Ear XLVI.—Diseases of the Larynx and Trachea XLVII.—Lung Collapse and Emphysema XLVIII.—Foreign Bodies in Respiratory Tract XLIX.—Idiopathic Pulmonary Flemosiderosis L.—Asthma LI.—Intrathoracic Space-Occupying Lesions Section VII.—The Alimentary System LII.—Physiology of the Digestive System LIII.—Common Intestinal Conditions Occurring in Infancy LIV.—Common Intestinal Conditions Occurring After Infancy LV.—Congenital Anatomical Defects LVI.—Congenital Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis LVII.—Congenital Intestinal Aganglionosis LVIII.—Conditions Affecting Umbilicus LIX.—Diseases of the Mouth and Teeth LX.—Diseases of the Salivary Glands LXI.—Diseases of Gesophagus LXII.—Diseases of Stomach and Duodenum LXIII.—Diseases of Rectum and Anus LXIV.—The Acute Abdomen LXV.—Intestinal obstruction LXVI.—Chronic Ulcerative Colitis LXVII.—Intestinal Parasites LXVIII.—Diarrhoea and Vomiting (Gastro-Enteritis) LXIX.—Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Section VIII.—The Cardiovascular System LXX.—The Heart and Cardiovascular System Health LXXI.—Rheumatic Fever LXXII—Cardiac Failure LXXIII.—Congenital Heart Disease. I LXXIV.—Congenital Heart Disease. II LXXV.—Myocarditis LXXVI.—Endocardial Fibroelastosis LXXVII.—Bacterial Endocarditis LXXVIII.—Disorders of Rate and Rhythm LXXIX.—Disease of Pericardium LXXX.—Disease of Blood-Vessels Section IX.—Diseases of the Nervous System LXXXI.—Examination of the Child LXXXII.—Head Injuries and Vascular Lesions LXXXIII—Nerve Lesions LXXXIV.—Diseases of the Spinal Cord LXXXV.—Hydrocephalus LXXXVI—Cerebral Palsy LXXXVII.—Diseases of Extrapyramidal System LXXXVIII.—Epilepsy and Convulsions LXXXIX.—The Ataxias XC.—Demyelinating Diseases of Central Nervous System XCI.—Meningococcosis XCII.—Meningitis XCIII.—Diseases Caused by Bacterial Toxins XCIV.—Encephalitis and Encephalopathy XCV.—Poliomyelitis XCVI.—Toxoplasmosis XCVII.—Space-Occupying Lesions of Skull XCVIII.—Neurofibromatosis Section X.—Psychological Disorders XCX.—Mental Disorders. I C.—Mental Disorders. II CI.—Compulsive Habits CII.—enuresis and Encopresis CII—Speech Defects CIV.—Neuroses Section XL—Diseases of the Genito-Urinary System CV.—Introduction CVI.—Abnormal Substances in Urine CVII.—Abnormalities of Genitalia in Boys CVIII.—Abnormalities of Genitalia in Girls CX.—Abnormalities of Urethra CX.—Malformations of Ureter CXI.—Malformation of Kidney CXII.—Renal Failure CXIII.— Phimosis and Paraphimosis CXIV.—Infections of Urinary Tract CXV.—Nephritis CXVI.—Renal Tumours CXVII.—Urinary Calculus CXVIII. — Idiopathic Renal Acidosis Section XII.—Diseases of the Blood CXIX.—Anatomy and Physiology CXX.—Iintroduction CXXI. —Iron-Deficiency Anaemia CXXII.— The Hlemolytic Anaemias CXXIII.—Aplasia and Hypoplasia of Bone-Marrow CXXIV. —Purpura CXXV.—Henoch-Schonlein Syndrome CXXVI.—Coagulation Defects CXXVII. Hiemorrhagic Disease of Newborn CXXVIII.— The Leukaemias Section XIII.—Diseases of Lymphatic System and Lymph-nodes CXXIX. — General Considerations CXXX.—Cystic Hygroma CXXXI.—Chylous Ascites Section XIV.—Diseases of Liver and Biliary System CXXXII.-Jaundice CXXXIII.— Infective Hepatitis(Catarrhal Jaundice) and Homologous Serum Jaundice CXXXIV.—Hepatic Cirrhosis Section XV.—Diseases of Bone and Joint CXXXV.—Generalized Abnormalities of Bone CXXXVI.—Abnormalities Mainly Affecting Limbbones CXXXVII.—Abnormalities Mainly Affecting Spine CXXXVIII.—Abnormalities Mainly Affecting Skull CXXXIX.— Acute Infection of Bones and Joints CXL. Osteochondritis Juvenilis CXLI.—Rheumatoid Arthritis CXLIII.—Diseases of Hip- Joint CXLII.—Tumours Benign and Malignant CXLLV.—Postural Deformities Section XVI.—Diseases of Muscles CXLV.—Congenital Absence of Muscle CXLVI.—Muscle Atrophy CXLVII.—Muscular Dystrophies CXLVIII. — Muositis CXLIX.—Epidemic Myalgia CL.—Unclassified Diseases of muscle Section XVII.—Diseases of Skin CLL. Nevi CLII.—Dermal congenital Abnormalities CLIII.—Generalized Congenital Abnormalities CLIV.—Napkin Rash and Meatal Ulcer CLV.—Vesicular Eruptions CLVI.—Parasitic Infections of Skin CLVII.—Fungous Infections of Skin CLVIII.—Bacterial Infections of Skin CLIX.—Toxic and Drug Eruptions CLX.—Diseases of Subcutaneous Fat CLXI. —Diseases of Subcutaneous Glands CLXII.—Diseases of Hair CLXIII.—Dermatitis and Eczematoid Lesions CLXIV.—Urticaria CLXV.—Diseases Due to Cold Section XVIII.—Diseases of Endocrine System CLXVI. —The Pituitary and Hypothalamus CLXVII. —Dwarfism CLXVIII.— Diseases of Posterior Pituitary and Hypothalamus CLXIX.—The Adrenal Medulla CLXX.—The Adrenal Cortex CLXXI. —Sexual Development CLXXIL — The Gonads CLXXIII.—Aberrations in Sexual Development CLXXIV.—Sexual Precocity CLXXV.—The Thyroid Gland CLXXVL—Goitre Section XIX.—Inborn Errors of Metabolism CLXXVIL.—General CLXXVIII.—Errors in Protein Metabolism CLXXIX.—Errors in Amino-Acid Metabolism CLXXX.—Maple Syrup Urine Disease CLXXXXI.-Errors of Cystine Metabolism CLXXXII.-Errors in Mucopolysaccharid Metabolism CLXXXIII.-Errors in Monosaccharid Metabolism CLXXXIV.-Errors in Glycogen Metabolism CLXXXV.-Errors in Lipoid Metabolism. I CLXXXVI.-Errors in Lipoid Metabolism. II CLXXXVII- Pyridoxine Dependence CLXXXVIII.-Porphyria Section XX.-Venereal Diseases CLXXXIX.-Syphilis Section XXI .-Accidents in Childhood CXC.-Iron Poisoning CXCI.-Lead Poisoning CXCII.-Pink Disease CXCIII.-Methamoglobinemia CXCIV.-Barbiturate Poisoning CXCV.-Boron Poisoning CXCVI.-Burns and Scalds CXCVII.-Sudden DeathAppendix I.-Incidence of Some Genetically Determined Conditions Appendix II. Conversion Tables Appendix III.-Dosage of Some Important DrugsAppendix IV.-Potassium Content of Some Oral Fluids Appendix V.-Clinical Pathology in Children: Normal ValuesAppendix VI.-Risk of Rubella Embryopathy at Different Fetal AgesIndex
- No. of pages: 696
- Language: English
- Edition: 4
- Published: September 11, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483179889
- eBook ISBN: 9781483195698
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