A Synopsis of Biology
- 1st Edition - October 22, 2013
- Author: W. B. Crow
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 5 3 2 - 6
A Synopsis of Biology summarizes the entire field of biology using a telegraphic style. The discussions are organized around seven themes: form and structure (morphology);… Read more

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Request a sales quoteA Synopsis of Biology summarizes the entire field of biology using a telegraphic style. The discussions are organized around seven themes: form and structure (morphology); functions (physiology); organism and environment (ecology); evolution and heredity (genetics); plant classification (systematic botany); animal classification (systematic zoology); and applications of biology (applied biology). Comprised of seven sections, this book begins with a detailed account of the morphology of living and non-living things, followed by an assessment of the origin of life. The reader is then introduced to reproduction (vegetative, sexual, and asexual); plant and animal tissues; seeds and seedlings; and metameric segmentation. Subsequent chapters explore matter and energy; organic and inorganic compounds; dermal excretion and thermo-regulation; periodicity and seasonal phenomena; and the life of rivers and lakes. The book also examines parasitism; mating and courtship; natural, artificial, and sexual selection; cultivation of plants; and domestication of animals. This monograph will be useful to research workers, degree students, and others interested in biology.
PrefaceIntroductionSection I.—Form and Structure (Morphology) Chapter I.—Living and Non-Living II.—Origin of Life III.—Basic Patterns IV.—The Cell V.—Plants and Animals VI.—Vegetative Reproduction VII.—Asexual Reproduction VIII.—Sexual Reproduction IX.—Alternation of Generations X.—Development XL—Plant Tissues XII.—The Alga XIII—The Lichen XIV.—The Fungus XV.—The Liverwort and the Moss XVI.—The Fern and the Club-Moss XVII.—The Conifer and the Cycad XVIII.—The Flowering Plant XIX.—The Root XX.—The Stem XXI.—The Leaf XXII.—The Flower XXIII—The Fruit XXIV.—Seeds and Seedlings XXV.—The Protozoan XXVI.—Animal Tissues XXVII.—The Cœlenterate XXVIII.—Animal Organs XXIX.—The Echinoderm XXX.—Worms XXXI.—Metameric Segmentation XXXII.—Plant-Like Animals XXXIII.—Molluscs XXXIV.—Amphioxus XXXV.—Arthropods XXXVI.—Cyclostomes XXXVII.— The Dogfish XXXVIII.—The Bony Fish XXXIX.—The Amphibian XL.—The Reptile XLI.—The Bird XLII.—The Mammal XLIII.—HumanitySection II.—Functions (Physiology) XLIV.—Matter and Energy XLV.—Chemical Elements XLVI.—Inorganic Compounds XLVII.—Organic Compounds XLVIII.—Solutions XLIX.—The Colloidal State L.—Enzymes LI.—Digestion LII.—Absorption LIII.—Vitamins LIV.—Circulation LV.—Assimilation LVI.—External Respiration LVII.—Internal Respiration LVIII.—Fermentation LIX.—Excretion LX.—Dermal Excretion and Thermo-Regulation LXI.—Growth LXII.—Reproduction LXIII.—Endocrine Control LXIV.—Excitation LXV.—Conduction LXVI.—ResponseSection III.—Organism and Environment (Ecology) LXVII.—The Cosmic Background LXVIII.—The Inorganic Environment LXIX.—Distribution in Time: Epochs LXX.—Periodicity and Seasonal Phenomena LXXI.—Distribution in Space. Floras and Faunas LXXII.—Deep Sea Life LXXIII.—Life of the Shallow Seas LXXIV.—Between the Tides LXXV.—Life of Rivers and Lakes LXXVI.—Life of Ponds LXXVII.—The Soil LXXVIII.—Hidden and Burrowing Organisms LXXIX.—Herbs, Shrubs, and Trees LXXX.—Wet and Dry Habitats LXXXI.—Land Animals LXXXII.—Epiphytes and Climbers LXXXIII.—Life in the Air LXXXIV.—Saprophytism LXXXV.—Parasitism LXXXVI.—Parasitic Mites and Ticks LXXXVII.—Parasitics Insects LXXXVIII.—Parasitic Worms LXXXIX.—Parasitic Protozoa XC.—Parasitic Fungi XCI.—Disease Bacteria and Viruses XCII.—Parasitic Flowering Plants XCIII.—Insectivorous Plants XCIV.—Pests and Enemies XCV.—Food and Feeding XCVI.—Mating and Courtship XCVII.—Care of the Young XCVIII.—Communities of Individuals of the Same Species XCIX.—Communities of Individuals of Different SpeciesSection IV.—Evolution and Heredity (Genetics) C—The Species CI.—The Natural System CII.—The Evolution Theory CIII.—Evidence from Comparative Anatomy CIV.—Evidence from Embryology CV.—Evidence from Fossils CVI.—Evidence from Physiology CVII.—Evidence from Distribution CVIII.—Natural Selection CIX.—Artificial Selection CX.—Sexual Selection CXI.—Inheritance of Acquired Characters CXII.—Variation CXIII.—Mendelism CXIV.—Neo-Mendelism CXV.—The Physical Basis of Heredity CXVI.—The Determination of Sex CXVII.—Mutation CXVIII.—OrthogenesisSection V.—Plant Classification (Systematic Botany) CXIX.—Algæ CXX. Lichenes CXXI.—Bacteria and Fungi CXXII.—Bryophta CXXIII.—Pteridophyte CXXIV.—Gymnospermia CXXV.—Glumifloræ CXXVI.—Liliifloræ CXXVII.—Spadicifloræ CXXVIII.—Apetalæ CXXIX. Polypetalæ CXXX.—SympetalæSection VI.—Animal Classification (Systematic Zoology) CXXXI.—Protozoa CXXXII.—Two-Layered Animals CXXXIII. Echinodermata CXXXIV.—Vermes=Helminthes CXXXV. Molluscoidea CXXXVI.—Mollusca CXXXVII.—Arthropoda CXXXVIII.—Pisces CXXXIX.—Amphibia CXL.—Reptilia CXLI.—Aves CXLII.—MammaliaSection VII.—Applications of Biology (Applied Biology) CXLIII.—Foods CXLIV.—Drugs CXLV.—Other Medical Applications CXLVI.—Cultivation of Plants CXLVII.—Domestication of Animals CXLVIII.—Fishing and Fisheries CXLIX.—Textiles CL.—Other Plant Products CLI.—Hunting and Hawking CLII.—Other Animal Products CLIII.—Veterinary Applications CLIV.—Perfumery and CosmeticsSection VIII.—The Technique of Biology (Biotechnology) CLV.—Cultures CLVI.—Breeding CLVII.—Preservation CLVIII.—Dissection CLIX.—Microscopy CLX.—Fine Structure Investigation CLXI.—Fixation CLXII.—Staining CLXIII.—Micro-Manipulation CLXIV.—MicrotomyIndex
- No. of pages: 1072
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: October 22, 2013
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- eBook ISBN: 9781483225326
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