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The API Individual Certification Programs (ICP) are well established in the oil/gas/petroleum industries. API runs multiple examination sites around the world at 6-monthly… Read more
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The Quick Guide Series
How to Use This Book
Chapter 1: Interpreting API and ASME Codes
1.1 Codes and the real world
1.2 ASME construction codes
1.3 API inspection codes
1.4 Code revisions
1.5 Code illustrations
1.6 New construction versus repair activity
1.7 Conclusion: interpreting API and ASME codes
Chapter 2: An Introduction to API 653: 2009 and its Related Codes
2.1 Section 1: scope
2.2 Section 3: definitions
2.3 API 653 scope and definitions: practice questions
Chapter 3: An Introduction to API RP 575
3.1 Scope
3.2 API 575 sections 1 and 2: scope and references
3.3 API 575 section 3: definitions
3.4 API 575 section 4: types of storage tanks
3.5 API RP 575: practice questions
Chapter 4: Reasons for Inspection: Damage Mechanisms
4.1 The approach to damage mechanisms (DMs)
4.2 API 575 section 5: reasons for inspection
4.3 API 571: introduction
4.4 The first group of DMs
4.5 API 571 practice questions (set 1)
4.6 The second group of DMs
4.7 API 571 practice questions (set 2)
4.8 The third group of API 571 DMs
4.9 API 571 practice questions (set 3)
Chapter 5: Inspection Practices Frequency
5.1 API 653 section 6: inspection
5.2 API 653 section 6: view of RBI
5.3 API 575 section 6: inspection frequency and scheduling
5.4 API RP 575: inspection practices
5.5 API 653: inspection intervals: practice questions
Chapter 6: Evaluation of Corroded Tanks
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The contents of API 653 section 4: suitability for service
6.3 Tank roof evaluation
6.4 Shell evaluation
6.5 API 653 (4.4): tank bottom evaluation
6.6 Foundation evaluation: API 653 (4.5)
6.7 Bottom settlement: API 653 Annex B
6.8 API 653 section 4: evaluation: practice questions (set 1)
6.9 API 653 appendix B: tank bottom settlement: practice questions (set 2)
Chapter 7: API 650: Tank Design
7.1 Reminder: the API 653 body of knowledge (BOK)
7.2 API 650: material allowable stresses
7.3 API 650: material toughness requirements
7.4 Tank component arrangement and sizes
7.5 Some tips on exam questions
7.6 Finally: bits and pieces from the API 650 appendices
Chapter 8: Tank Non-destructive Examination
8.1 The ideas behind API 653 section 12: examination and testing
8.2 Weld leak testing
8.3 How much RT does API 650 require?
8.4 How much RT does API 653 require?
8.5 Tank NDE: practice questions
Chapter 9: Tank Repairs and Alterations
9.1 Repairs or alterations?
9.2 Hydrotest requirements
9.3 Repair and alterations – practical requirements
9.4 Repair of shell plates
9.5 Shell penetrations
9.6 Adding an additional bottom through an existing tombstone plate (9.9.4)
9.7 Repair of tank bottoms
9.8 Repair of tank roofs
9.9 Hot tapping: API 653 (9.14)
9.10 Tank repair and alteration – other requirements
9.11 Repair and alterations: practice questions
Chapter 10: Tank Reconstruction
10.1 Code requirements for tank reconstruction
10.2 Reconstruction responsibilities
10.3 API 653 section 10: structure
10.4 Reconstruction (10.4 and 10.5)
10.5 API 653 section 10: dismantling and reconstruction: practice questions
Chapter 11: Hydrostatic Testing and Brittle Fracture
11.1 What is the subject about?
11.2 Why? The objectives of a hydrotest
11.3 When is a hydrotest required?
11.4 Avoiding brittle fracture
11.5 Is a hydrotest needed? API 653 flowchart (Fig. 5-1)
11.6 API 653: hydrotesting: practice questions
Chapter 12: Tank Linings: API RP 652
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Linings and their problems, problems, problems
12.3 So where does API 652 fit in?
12.4 European surface preparation standards
12.5 Tank linings: practice questions
Chapter 13: Introduction to Welding/API RP 577
13.1 Module introduction
13.2 Welding processes
13.3 Welding consumables
13.4 Welding process familiarization questions
13.5 Welding consumables familiarization questions
Chapter 14: Welding Qualifications and ASME IX
14.1 Module introduction
14.1.1 Weld procedure documentation: which code to follow?
14.2 Formulating the qualification requirements
14.3 Welding documentation reviews: the exam questions
14.4 ASME IX article I
14.5 Section QW-140 types and purposes of tests and examinations
14.6 ASME IX article II
14.7 ASME IX articles I and II familiarization questions
14.8 ASME IX article III
14.9 ASME IX article IV
14.10 ASME IX articles III and IV familiarization questions
14.11 The ASME IX review methodology
14.12 ASME IX WPS/PQR review: worked example
Chapter 15: Cathodic Protection: API RP 651
15.1 Cathodic protection–what’s it all about?
15.2 The content of API 651
15.3 Determination of the need for cathodic protection (API 651 section 5)
15.4 Criteria for cathodic protection (API 651 section 8)
15.5 Operation and maintenance of CP systems (API 651 section 11)
15.6 API 651: cathodic protection: practice questions
Chapter 16: The NDE Requirements of ASME V
16.1 Introduction
16.2 ASME V article 1: general requirements
16.3 ASME V article 2: radiographic examination
16.4 ASME V article 6: penetrant testing (PT)
16.5 ASME V articles 1, 2 and 6: familiarization questions
16.6 ASME V article 7: magnetic testing (MT)
16.7 ASME V article 23: ultrasonic thickness checking
16.8 ASME V articles 7 and 23: familiarization questions
Chapter 17: Thirty Open-book Sample Questions
Chapter 18: Answers
18.1 Familiarization question answers
18.2 Answers to open-book sample questions