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A Practical Approach to Fracture Mechanics provides a concise overview on the fundamental concepts of fracture mechanics, discussing linear elastic fracture mechanics, fracture… Read more
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A Practical Approach to Fracture Mechanics provides a concise overview on the fundamental concepts of fracture mechanics, discussing linear elastic fracture mechanics, fracture toughness, ductile fracture, slow crack propagation, structural integrity, and more. The book outlines analytical and experimental methods for determining the fracture resistance of mechanical and structural components, also demonstrating the use of fracture mechanics in failure analysis, reinforcement of cracked structures, and remaining life estimation. The characteristics of crack propagation induced by fatigue, stress-corrosion, creep, and absorbed hydrogen are also discussed. The book concludes with a chapter on the structural integrity analysis of cracked components alongside a real integrity assessment.
This book will be especially useful for students in mechanical, civil, industrial, metallurgical, aeronautical and chemical engineering, and for professional engineers looking for a refresher on core principles.
1. General Concepts of Mechanical Behavior and Fracture1.1. Fracture Mechanics Field of Application1.2. Definition of Stress and Strain1.3. Mechanical Behavior Under Tension1.4. The Stress Tensor1.5. The Mohr's Circle1.6. Yield Criteria1.7. Stress Concentration1.8. Definitions and Basic Concepts of Fracture1.9. Objective and Field of Application of Fracture Mechanics
2. Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics2.1. Cohesive Strength2.2. The Griffith Criterion2.3. The Stress Intensity Factor (Irwin's Analysis)2.4. Known Solutions of the Stress Intensity Factor2.5. Expermiental Determination of the Stress Intensity Factor2.6. Experimental Determination of the Stress Intensity Factor by the Finite Element Method2.7. The Plastic Zone2.8. The Crack Tip Opening Displacement
3. The Energy Criterion and Fracture Toughness3.1. The Energy Criterion3.2. The R-Curve3.3. Plane Strain Fracture Toughness3.4. Plane Strain Fracture Toughness Testing (KIC)3.5. Effect of the Size on Fracture Toughness3.6. Charpy Impact Energy Fracture Toughness Correlations3.7. Dynamic Fracture and Crack Arrest
4. Elastic-Plastic Fracture Mechanics4.1. Elastoplastic Fracture and the J Integral4.2. JIC Testing4.3. Use of the J Integral as a Fracture Parameter4.4. The Crack Tip Opening Displacement as Fracture Parameter4.5. The Two-Parameter Criterion
5. Fracture Resistance of Engineering Materials5.1. Remaining Strength5.2. Materials Selection for Fracture Resistance5.3. Material Properties Charts5.4. Failure Analysis Using Fracture Mechanics5.5. Reinforcement of Cracked Structures5.6. The Leak-Before-Break Condition
6. Fatigue and Environmentally Assisted Crack Propagation6.1. Fatigue Crack Growth and the Paris' Law6.2. Effect of the Load Ratio on Fatigue Crack Growth Rate6.3. Fatigue Crack Closure6.4. The Effect of Environment on the Fatigue Crack Growth6.5. Effect of Variable Loads on Fatigue Crack Growth6.6. Effect of a Single Overload on Fatigue Crack Growth6.7. Fatigue Cracks Emanating from Notches6.8. Stress-Corrosion Cracking6.9. Creep Crack Growth6.10. Crack Growth by Absorbed Hydrogen
7. Structural Integrity7.1. In-Service Damage of Structural Components7.2. General Aspects of Structural Integrity7.3. Remaining Life of Cracked Components7.4. A Methodology for the Estimation of Remaining Life7.5. Structural Integrity Assessment Procedure7.6. Example of a Structural Integrity Assessment