Conference Participants
Commercial Exhibitions
I. Introductory Reviews
Artifact Free Measurement of Biological Parameters: Biotelemetry, a Historical Review and Layout of Modern Developments.
The Advantages of Short Range Telemetry through the Intact Skin for Physiological Measurements in Both Animals and Man.
Physiology of Large Mammals by Implanted Radio Capsules.
Physiological Radio Telemetry of Vertebrates.
Approaches, Field Considerations and Problems Associated with Radio Tracking Carnivores.
Application of Radio Tracking in Wildlife Research in the Netherlands.
Making the Most of Radio Tracking — A Summary of Wolf Studies in Northeastern Minnesota.
Radio Monitoring Birds of Prey.
An Analysis of Objectives in Telemetry Studies of Fish in the Natural Environment.
Biotelemetry with Radionuclide Tracers.
Radar as an Aid to the Study of Insect Flight.
II. Design, Construction and Performance
A Practical Guide to Radio Tracking.
An Elementary Guide to Practical Aspects of Radio Tracking
A Simple and Cheap Radio Tracking System for Use on Hedgehogs.
Plans for a Light weight Inexpensive Radio Transmitter.
Modulators for Miniature Tracking Transmitters.
A Versatile Coded Wild life Transmitter.
Hybrid Microcircuits for Implantable Radio Transmitters.
Low Power VHF Transmitter for Multiplexed Telemetry.
Assembly of a Small Ultrasonic Transmitter.
Improved Techniques in the Construction of pH-sensitive Radio Pills.
Construction Techniques Using Subminiature Discrete Components.
Encapsulation and Packaging of Implanted Components.
Power Sources for Implant Telemetry and Stimulation Systems.
Expanded Radio Tracking Potential in Wild life Investigations with the Use of Solar Transmitters.
The Design of Antennas for Use in Radio Telemetry.
A Collapsible Dipole Antenna for Radio Tracking on 102 MHz.
A Practical, Remotely-controlled, Portable Radio Telemetry Receiving Apparatus.
Construction of an Acoustic Receiver and Hydrophone.
Heart Rate Telemetry Using Micropower Integrated Circuits.
An Implantable Transducer for the Measurement of Respiratory Air Flow.
Implantable Telemetry System for Strain Measurements.
An Implantable FM Telemetry System for Measuring Forces on Prosthetic Hip Joints.
A Monitoring Chamber for Trout Behavior and Physiology.
The Capture of Deer for Radio Tagging.
A Simplified Technique for Mobile Radio Tracking.
Time-sharing for Biological Signals in Radio Telemetry.
A New Automatic Food Dispenser.
Optical and Radio Optical Techniques for Tracking Nocturnal Animals.
Automatic Monitoring of Nest Attentiveness in Incubating Birds.
Continuous Observation of Individual Herring Gulls during the Incubation Season Using Radio Tags: An Evaluation of the Technique and a Cost-Benefit Analysis of Transmitter Power.
III. Evaluation, Data Acquisition and Analysis
A Comment on the Use of Radio Tracking in Ecological Research.
The Application of Radio Tracking and Its Effect on the Behavioral Ecology of the Water Vole, Arvicola terrestris (Lacepede).
Growth, Reproduction and Survival in Peromyscus leucopus Carrying Intraperitoneally Implanted Transmitters.
An Evaluation of Several Grid Trapping Methods by Comparison with Radio Telemetry in a Home Range Study of the Eastern Chipmunk (Tamias striatus L.).
Strategies for Analyzing Radio Tracking Data.
The Evaluation of Home Range Size and Configuration Using Radio Tracking Data.
A Computer Based Data File Management System for Telemetry Studies on Free Ranging Animals.
Remote Data-Acquisition in Rehabilitation.
The Automatic, Continuous and Fixed Radio Tracking System of the Chize Forest: Theoretical and Practical Analysis.
An Automatic Telemetry System for Tracking and Physiology
Animal Activity Recorded by Radio Tracking and an Audio Time Lapse Recorder.
Ultrasonic Tracking of Juvenile Cod by Means of a Large Spaced Hydrophone Array.
Automation of Data Collection in Ultrasonic Biotelemetry.
IV. Applications in Biotelemetry
Telemetric Measurements of Hemodynamic Responses to Car Driving in Coronary Patients.
Practical Problems of Controlling Medical Implants via Radio Links.
Characterization of Diurnal Activity in Man, Using LAPSE.
Longterm Monitoring of the Electroencephalogram in Epileptic Patients.
The Radio Pressure Pill — Its Use when Measuring Truncal Stress.
Radio Telemetric System for Medical Supervision during Swimming.
Prospects for the Use of Biotelemetry in Studies of the Differentiation of Mammalian Locomotor Systems.
Temperature Sensitive Telemetry Applied to Studies of Small Mammal Activity Patterns.
The Animal as a Sound Source.
Biotelemetry of the Vocalizations of a Group of Monkeys.
Feeding Dairy Cows by Using Radio Telemetry.
Atropine Effect on Fear Bradycardia of the Eastern Cottontail Rabbit, Sylvilagus floridanus.
Respiratory Sinus Arrhythmia i n Free Ranging Woodchucks, Marmota monax.
Radio Telemetry of Heart Rate and Temperature in Fallow Deer.
The Use of Radio Telemetry in the Studies of Diving and Flying of Birds.
The Use of Radio Telemetry Devices to Measure Temperature and Heart Rate in Domestic Fowl.
Changing Heart Rates of Herring G ulls when Approached by Humans.
Telemetry of Heart Rate as a Possible Method of Estimating Energy Expenditure in the Redshank Tringa totanus (L.).
Telemetry of Heart Rate as a Measure of the Effectiveness of Dispersal Inducing Stimuli in Seagulls.
The Conflict between Feeding and Overheating in the Aldabran Giant Tortoise.
Salinity Telemetry from Estuarine Fish.
V. Applications in Radio Tracking
The Serengeti Radio Tracking Program, 1971-73.
The Social Organization of a Nocturnal Primate Revealed by Radio Tracking.
Radio Tracking in the Study of Bovine Tuberculosis in Badgers.
Radio Tracking of Rattus norvegicus on Farms.
The Determination of Free Ranging Rodent Activity by Telemetry.
A Radio Tracking Study of Young Translocated Elephants.
Territorial Behavior of the Roe Buck as Determined by Radio Tracking: Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Territorial Movements.
Home Ranges and Patterns of Distribution of Foxes (Vulpes Vulpes) in an Urban Area, as Revealed by Radio Tracking.
The Ranging Behavior of a Maturing Female Red Fox, Vulpes Vulpes.
Home Range and Activity Rhythm of Adult Male Foxes during the Breeding Season.
Movements and Daily Activity Pattern of Radio Tracked Male Stoats, Mustela erminea.
Summer Activity Patterns of Radio Marked Beaver, Castor Canadensis.
Radio Telemetric Determination of the 24-Hour Feeding Activities of Sea Otters, Enhydra lutris.
Home Range Concept and Activity Patterns of the European Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa L.) as Determined by Radio Tracking.
The Use of Radio Tracking in an Ecological Study of the Lesser Flamingo i n the Eastern Rift Valley.
Radio Tracking in Australia.
Methods and Experience Gained from Biotelemetry Investigations of Mouflon (Ovis Ammon Musimon Schreber 1782).
Satellite Radio Tracking of Polar Bears Instrumented in Alaska.
Tracking Pelagic Dolphins by Satellite.
Radio Tracking of Dolphins in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Using VHF and HF Equipment.
Homing Behavior of Juvenile Green Turtles, Chelonia Mydas.
Long Range Tracking of Crooodylus porosus in Arnhem Land, Northern Australia.
The Use of Longterm Ultrasonic Implants for the Location and Harvest of Schooling Fish.
The Movements of Migrating Salmonids in the Vicinity of a Heated Effluent Determined by a Temperature and Pressure Sensing Radio Telemetry System.
Studies on the Behavior of Fish in Relation to Power Station Operation in the U.K.
The Coastal Movements of Returning Atlantic Salmon, Salmo salar L.
Author Index
Subject Index