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A Handbook of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy
With Chapters on Instruments
- 3rd Edition - January 1, 1936
- Author: Karuna K. Chatterji
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 9 0 7 - 8
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 1 0 6 7 - 4
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 4 1 0 - 7
A Handbook of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy with Chapters on Instruments presents the methods, techniques, and instruments used in operative surgery and surgical anatomy.… Read more
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Request a sales quoteA Handbook of Operative Surgery and Surgical Anatomy with Chapters on Instruments presents the methods, techniques, and instruments used in operative surgery and surgical anatomy. The book covers broad aspects of surgical procedures and methods that are practiced in operating rooms. The text provides instructions and details on operations on various parts of the body such as the stomach, neck, central and sympathetic nervous systems, bones, and thorax. Methods of amputations, ligation of arteries, selection and use of instruments for operations and the electro-surgical methods of operation are elaborated as well. Surgeons, physicians, and those working in medical operating rooms will find the text invaluable.
Chapter I. General Principles The knife Incisions Sutures and Ligatures Silk Catgut Kangaroo-Tendon Silkwormgut Horse Hair Wound Suturing Different Methods Interrupted Continuons Blanket Subcuticular Tension or Relaxation Metallic Ligation of Arteries False or Granny Knot Reef or Square Knot Friction Knot True or Surgeon’s Knot Transfixing Ligature Staffordshire Knot Ligature Interlocking or Chain Ligature Operation Position of the Patient Line of Artery Incisions Exposure and Identification of Arteries Opening the Sheath Passing the Ligature Tying the KnotChapter II. Ligation of Arteries Preliminary Remarks Arteries of the Upper Extremity Surgical Anatomy Subclavian Axillary Brachial Ulnar Radial Ligation of Subclavian Axillary Brachial Radial Ulnar Arteries of the Head and Neck Middle Meningeal Common Carotid Internal Carotid External Carotid Inferior Thyreoid Lingual Facial Artery Temporal Vertebral Internal Mammary IntercostalChapter III. Ligation of Arteries (Contd.) The Abdominal Aorta and Iliac Arteries Abdominal Aorta Common Iliac Internal Iliac Sciatic Branch of the Anterior Branch of the Internal Iliac Internal Pudic of Internal Iliac External Iliac Arteries of the Lower Extremities Femoral Popliteal Anterior Tibial Dorsalis Pedis Posterior TibialChapter IV. Operation on Nerves Exposure of the Nerves of Head and Neck Supra-Orbital Infra-Orbital Facial Spinal Accessory Injection of the Gassarion Ganglion Phrenic Exposure of the Nerves of the Upper Extremities Median Ulnar Musculo-Spiral Exposure of the Nerves of the Lower Extremities Sciatic Common PeronealChapter V. Operations on Tendons and Muscles Tendons Tenotomy Tendo Achillis Tibialis Posticus Tibialis Anticus Hamstring Tendons Peronei Tendons Sternomastoid Muscles Myotomy Myectomy Myoplasty Myorrhaphy Muscle Lengthening Muscle-Slide OperationsChapter VI. Amputations Methods of Amputation Circular Modified Circular Oval Method Flap Methods Racket Method Osteoplastic Method Aperiosteal Method Tendinoplastic Musculoperiosteal Disarticulation Characteristics of Good Amputations HæmorrhageChapter VII. Amputations of the Upper Extremity The Fingers of the Thumb Terminal Phalanx Second Phalanx Metacarpophalangeal Joint Amputation of Index and Little Fingers by Modified Racket Method Index Finger Little Finger Amputation of Thumb by Disarticulation through the Metacarpophalangeal Joint Disarticulation of Index Finger with its Metacarpal Disarticulation of Little Finger with its Metacarpal Disarticulation of the Thumb with its Metacarpal Disarticulation of the Two Contiguous Fingers with their Metacarpals The Metacarpals Amputation of Fingers and Thumb with the Metacarpals The Wrist Amputation of Hand through Wrist-Joint Disarticulation of Wrist by a Long Palmar Flap The Forearm Amputation through Lower Third Amputation through Upper Third The Elbow Amputation of Forearm through Elbow The Arm Amputation by Modified Core Method Amputation by Unequal Antero-Posterior Flaps Amputation at the Surgical Neck of Humerus The Shoulder-Joint Disarticulation Interscapulo-Thoracic Disarticulation of the Upper Limb with Scapula and Part of ClavicleChapter VIII. Amputations of the Lower Extremity The Toes and Metacarpals Amputation of Toes The Terminal Phalanx Second Phalanx Metatarsophalangeal Joint Amputation of Great Toe by Disarticulation at Metatarsophalangeal Joint Disarticulation of Little Toe at Metatarsophalangeal Joint Amputation of Other Toes The Metatarsals The Foot Amputation of Foot Lisfranc’s Chopart’s Farabœuf (Subastragaloid) Syme’s The Leg Guyon’s Amputation through Lower Third of Leg by Long Anterior and Short Posterior Flaps Amputation through Lower Third of Leg by Short Anterior and Long Posterior Flaps Amputation of the Middle Third by Antero-Posterior Flaps Tibiofemoral Osteoplastic Amputation of Leg Faraboeuf’s Amputation of Leg (at the Seat of Election) Amputation of the Upper Third by Bilateral Flaps The Knee-Joint Stephen Smith Carden and Lister Stokes-Gritti The Thigh Amputation of Thigh by Large Anterior Flap The Hip-Joint Furneaux Jordan’s Operation Disarticulation of Hip-Joint by Anterior Racket Incision Disarticulation of Hip-Joint by TransfixionChapter IX. Operation on Cartilages Resection and Excision of Cartilages Excision of Semilunar Cartilages of Knee-JointChapter X. Operation on Bones Excision of Bones Upper Jaw Lower Jaw Half of Lower Jaw Resection of Ribs Excision of Astragalus Osteotomy Supra-Condylar SequestrotomyChapter XI. Operations of Fractures Suturing the PatellaChapter XII. Operations of Joints Arthrotomy Arthrotomy of the Knee-Joints Excision of Joints The Upper Extremity Excision of the Wrist-Joint Elbow-Joint Shoulder-Joint Lower Extremity Excision of the Ankle-Joint Knee-Joint Hip-JointChapter XIII. Operations in the Middle Line of the Neck Pharyngotomy Thyreotomy Laryngotomy Tracheotomy High Tracheotomy Low Tracheotomy ThyreoidectomyChapter XIV. Operations on the Central and Sympathetic Nervous Systems Operations on the Brain and Spinal Cord The Cisterns Trephining Wagner’s Osteoplastic Resection of the Skull Middle Meningeal Hæmorrhage Hæmorrhage from Venous Sinuses Traumatic Epilepsy Intracranial Suppuration Puncture of Ventricles Cisterna Puncture Operations on the Spine and Spinal Cord Lumbar Puncture Laminectomy Division of Posterior Nerve-Roots Operations on the Sympathetic Nervous System Sympathectomy : For Disorders of Circulation For Disorders of Visceral Motor Mechanism For Relief of PainChapter XV. Operations on the Thorax Injuries of the Thorax The Heart and the Pericardium (Wound of the Heart) The Lungs (for Pulmonary T.B.) Artificial Pneumothorax Phrenic Avulsion Thoracoplastic Operations Empyema Paracentesis Pericardii Pericardiotomy Operations on the Œsophagus External ŒsophagotomyChapter XVI. Operations on the Breast Suppurative Mastitis or Mammary Abscess Excision of the Breast Partial Excision of the BreastChapter XVII. Abdominal Operations Laparotomy Paracentesis AbdominisChapter XVIII. Abdominal Operations (Contd.) Intestinal Sutares Intestinal Anastomosis Lateral End-to-End End-to-Side By Artificial AppliancesChapter XIX. The Peritoneum, Mesentery and Omentum The Peritoneum Acute Peritonitis Chronic Peritonitis Subphrenic Abscess Operations on Omentum and Mesentery AscitesChapter XX. Operations on the Stomach Gastrotomy Gastrotomy: Frank and Albert’s Gastroenterostomy Posterior Gastroenterostomy Pylorectomy Gastrectomy Pyloroplasty GastroplastyChapter XXI. Operations on the Small Intestines The Hernias Inguinal Bassini’s Method Halstead Author’s Modification Kocher’s Macewen’s Other Operations Willys Andrew’s Gallie’s Methods Umbilical Hernia Ventral Lumbar Femoral Diaphragmatic Obturator Sciatic Perineal and Pudendal Internal HerniasChapter XXII. Operations on the Appendix Appendicectomy AppendicostomyChapter XXIII. Operations on the Large Intestine Colostomy: Inguinal Ascending Transverse Cæcostomy Lumbar Coloplication for MegacolonChapter XXIV. Intestinal Obstruction Treatment of Acute Ileus Intussusception Volvulus Kinks Chronic Intestinal ObstructionChapter XXV. Operations on the Liver and Gall-Bladder Operations on the Liver Abscesses of the Liver Wounds of the Liver Cysts of the Liver Operations on the Gall-Bladder Exposure of the Gall-Bladder Cholecystotomy Cholecystostomy Cholecystectomy Cholecystenterostomy CholedochotomyChapter XXVI. Operations on the Pancreas and the Spleen Exposure of the Pancreas Acute Inflammation Cysts NeoplasmsChapter XXVII. Operations on the Rectum and Anus Examination of the Rectum Congenital Deformities Occlusions Rectal Cryptitis Valvotomy Abscesses in the Ano-Rectal Region Ano-Rectal Fistulæ Anal fissures Pruritus Ani Hæmorrhoids Injection Treatment of Piles Operations for Prolapse of the Rectum Operations for Stricture of the Rectum Excision of the Rectum NeoplasmChapter XXVIII. Operations on the Urogenital Tract The Kidneys and the Ureters Exposure of the Kidney Nephropexy Nephrostomy Nephrolithotomy Nephrectomy The UreterChapter XXIX. Operations on the Urogenital Tract (Contd.) The Bladder Suprapubic Paracentesis of the Bladder Cystotomy Suprapubic Cystotomy Median Perineal Cystotomy Suprapubic Lithotomy Litholapaxy The Prostate The Seminal Vesicles Prostatectomy Young’s Perineal ProstatectomyChapter XXX. Operations on the Urogenital Tract (Contd.) The Urethra Operations on the Urethra Internal Urethrotomy Urethrectomy External Urethrotomy External Syme’s Operation Wheelhouse Operation Dilatation by Bougies Hypospadius Epispadius The Penis Circumcision Amputation of the Penis Long Dorsal and Short Ventral Flaps Method Author’s Long Ventral and Short Dorsal Flaps Method Tapping a Hydrocele Operations for the Cure of the Hydrocele Castration Operation for VaricoceleChapter XXXI. Electro-Surgical Methods of Operation The skin Thyreoid Gland Thorax The Breast Abdomen Genitourinary System Central Nervous SystemChapter XXXII. Selection of Instruments for OperationsChapter XXXIII. Recognition and Use of Instruments General Instruments Ligature of Vessels Amputation Special Operations Suturing Bone Operations Trephine Laminectomy Operations on Nose Pharynx Larynx Oesophagus Mouth and Jaws Cleft Palate Empyema Stricture Urethra Suprapubic Lithotomy and Lithotrity Tenotomy Herniotomy PilesGlossaryAppendix (Figures of Instruments)Index
- No. of pages: 466
- Language: English
- Edition: 3
- Published: January 1, 1936
- Imprint: Butterworth-Heinemann
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483199078
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483210674
- eBook ISBN: 9781483224107