Overture:The State of the House - Curtains for programming, In the methods jungle, Not programming but software engineering, The life-cycle, The state of the union, Can quality be achieved, Quality: a matter of responsibility, Design revisited or divide and conquer, The houses of Ret Up Moc, Many roads lead to Rome, The data-driven world, The abstraction rounds, So what is a method, Software engineering is a social exercise. Entity 1 – Information: The Semantics of Data - Preamble: Codd's relational model, Data has a life of its own, Bachman diagramming, Bachman example: order entry, Subject data-bases go corporate, More semantics: Chen modelling, E/R example 1: order entry, Higher order extensions, E/R example 2: the transportation company, MERISE, entities and relationships a la Française, NIAM or Data is a prisoner, More constraints, NIAM example 1: order entry, NIAM example 2: a school management, Meaning, awareness and visibility, Has-part and Is-a networks, Example: order processing, Object bases, The object subjectivism, The semantics in frames, More power in semantic networks, A repository of structures: the meta-model. The Fine Art of Data Modeling - Entities and data stores have attributes, Environment decomposition: user views, How important is meaning, All the various keys and attributes, Concatenated keys, Primary keys: well-behaved creatures, Multiple relationships, An example and a method, The many to many mess, Nested structures, Key to key relationships, Case study - A transportation company, Key-only forms, View consistency aspects, Suggested repository structures. The Makings of a Logical Data Model - Putting the parts together, The problem of homonyms, Synonyms and paronyms, Cycles over primary keys, The merging process: algorithm, Case study: finalization of the transportation company, Stability assurance, Final logical model: topological, Final logical model: tabular, Suggested repository structures, Responsibility & ownership. Relationship Between Entity 1 and Entity 2 – Organization: Semantic Action Model - Getting at the data is half the fun, What is a system, Once again: what is a system, Responsibility and ownership, Approach 1: The Information Flow Paradigm, Approach 2: A World of Functions, Approach 3: The Object-Oriented Paradigm, Approach 4: The System State Model. Entity 2 – Actions: Function & Task Design - Tasks: what's in a name, Task normalization, Normalizing the processes, Defining data stores and data views, Case study: the transportation company, OLTP tasks, OLTP tasks have a structure, Ownership re-considered, Subtasks and co-tasks, Menus: a dinner of dialogs, Ownership re-considered, Subtasks and co-tasks, Menus: a dinner of dialogs, Ownership and sharability, Jobs and planned tasks, Object-oriented design: what are tasks, Cooperative processing and the client-server model, A world of GUIs in windows, The structure of the task in a window, Prototyping: the American way, The repository image. Program Design - Moving towards the programs, Batch programs: another paradigm, Modular decomposition, Component hierarchies rather that networks, Common modules, Ownership of modules, The usage of subroutines, Structuring using co-routines, Programs and data views, View ownership re-visited, Decision tables: a matter of style, The case of structured programming, Michael Jackson's complaint, Michael Jackson's method, Example 1, Example 2, JSP and the subroutine, JSP: a panacea, Program structure and data-base traversal, State-driven programming, Entity lifecycles and state diagrams, The object-oriented paradigms for programming, Suggested repository structure. Appendices: Normalization is With Us To Stay. About the Bill Of Materials. About Structured Programming. Object-oriented Programming.