· Provides the first combined MRI and Histology maps of the cortical and subcortical areas of any non-human primate species
· Shows the first detailed delineations of the cortical and subcortical areas in both horizontal and coronal planes in the same animal using five different staining methods
· Illustrates the entire dorsoventral extent of the left hemisphere in 47 horizontal MRI and photomicrographs matched with 47 detailed diagrams (Chapter 3)
· Presents the full rostrocaudal extent of the right hemisphere in 76 coronal MRI and photomicrographs, and 76 corresponding drawings (Chapter 4)
· Illustrates the selected cortical and subcortical areas in horizontal, coronal and sagittal MRI planes (Chapter 5)
· Provides the sterotaxic grid derived from the in-vivo MR image
· Likely to become a standard reference for anatomical, physiological, and functional imaging studies in primates (fMRI, PET and MEG)