22nd European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering
- 1st Edition, Volume 30 - December 10, 2012
- Editors: David Bogle, Michael Fairweather
- Language: English
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 9 4 5 6 - 3
Computer aided process engineering (CAPE) plays a key design and operations role in the process industries. This conference features presentations by CAPE specialists and ad… Read more

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Request a sales quoteComputer aided process engineering (CAPE) plays a key design and operations role in the process industries. This conference features presentations by CAPE specialists and addresses strategic planning, supply chain issues and the increasingly important area of sustainability audits.
Experts collectively highlight the need for CAPE practitioners to embrace the three components of sustainable development: environmental, social and economic progress and the role of systematic and sophisticated CAPE tools in delivering these goals.
- Contributions from the international community of researchers and engineers using computing-based methods in process engineering
- Review of the latest developments in process systems engineering
- Emphasis on a systems approach in tackling industrial and societal grand challenges
Organising and scientific committees
Objective reduction in multi-criteria optimization of integrated bioethanol-sugar supply chains
A water saving methodology for the efficient development of biorefineries
Economic Value and Environmental Impact analysis tool for sustainable biorefinery design
A Simulated Annealing Algorithm for the Design and Planning of Supply Chains with Economic and Environmental Objectives
Sustainable Development of the Hydrological Basin of Lake Koronia using Mathematical Programming and Statistical Analysis
Integration of Single-Plant Water Networks into an Eco-Industrial Park
Optimal water network synthesis with membrane separation-based regenerators
Environomic optimal design and synthesis of energy conversion systems in urban areas
Towards defining a quantitative methodology to enhance the sustainability performance of major international events.
Design of an IRCC with CO2 capture utilizing a mixed integer optimization method
Integrated assessment of carbon capture and storage technologies in coal-based power generation using CAPE tools
Sustainable design of a reactive distillation system
Multi-level Design and Selection of Optimum Working Fluids and ORC Systems for Power and Heat Cogeneration from Low Enthalpy Renewable Sources
Choosing the suitable Carbon dioxide Storage Location in Sedimentary Basins of Korea
Computer Aided Estimation of Fugitive Emission Rates and Occupational Air Concentration in Process Design
Integrated tool for simulation and optimization of a first and second generation ethanol-from-sugarcane production plant
Computer aided evaluation of eco-efficiency of solvent-based algae oil extraction processes for biodiesel production
Reliable and Efficient Targeting for Optimal Design of SWRO Desalination Processes
A two-step optimisation approach for integrated water resources management
Life cycle assessment and optimization on the production of petrochemicals and energy from polymers for the Greater London Area
Comparative Study of Simulations and Experimental Results of Biodiesel Production Using Two Types of Reactive Distillation Columns
Integrating Economic and Environmental Aspects in the Design and Planning of Supply Chains
Multi-objective Optimization of a Membrane Distillation System for Desalination of Sea Water
Development of a Dynamic Material Flow Analysis Model for French Copper Cycle
Incorporating CO2 emission trading in the optimal design and planning of chemical supply chain networks under uncertainty
Comparative Techno-economic Analysis of Biodiesel Production from Microalgae via Transesterification Methods
Optimization of hybrid anaerobic-aerobic SBR-based systems
An integrated approach combining process simulation and life cycle assessment for eco-efficient process design
Product and Mixture Design in Latent Variable Space by Chemometric Techniques
A Bayesian Network Based Approach for Risk Modeling to Aid in Development of Sustainable Biomass Supply Chains
Multidisciplinary Approach in Developing Region Specific Optimization Tool for Sustainable Biorefining
Automated Environmental Evaluation for the Optimization of Chemical Processes
Semantic Formalism for Waste and Processing Technology Classifications Using Ontology Models
Evaluation of different cogeneration systems in first and second generation ethanol production from sugarcane
Economic and environmental assessment of integrated 1st and 2nd generation sugarcane bioethanol production evaluating different 2nd generation process alternatives
Integrated Modeling of Sugarcane Cultivation and Ethanol Fermentation from Agriculture and Engineering Perspectives
Evaluation of CO2 capture process and operational challenges by dynamic simulation
An Agent-based Model for Analyzing Diffusion of Biodiesel Production Schemes
Integration of Process synthesis and Location- Transportation for the Design of Biomass Conversion Systems
Indentifying redundant environmental objectives in the design of heat-exchanger networks using rigorous dimensionality reduction techniques.
Comparison of technology alternative for palm oil biodiesel production using exergy analysis
Biological Wastewater Treatment
Utilization of Biomass Feedstocks: A Case Study Based on Rice and Sugar Mills in Thailand
Computer aided estimation of sustainability of biodiesel production from palm oil.
Techno-Economic Optimization of IGCC Integrated with Utility System for CO2 Emissions Reduction
Integration of strategic and operational decision-making for continuous power-intensive processes
Control Strategies For Flexible Operation Of Power Plant Integrated With Co2 Capture Plant
Carbon Dioxide Liquefaction Process for Ship Transportation
Combining coal, natural gas, and nuclear heat for liquid fuels production with reduced CO2 emissions
Effective Coordination of Simultaneous Delivery Flows into Receipt Terminals of Multiproduct Pipelines
Hydrogen production through steam electrolysis: a model-based study
Multi-Objectives, Multi-Period Optimization of district heating networks Using Evolutionary Algorithms and Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP)
Selection of heat pump technologies for energy efficient distillation
A Prototype Simulation- based Optimization Approach to Model Feedstock Development for Chemical Process Industry
Multi-objective optimization of coal-fired electricity production with CO2 capture
Multi-objective optimization of absorption refrigeration systems involving renewable energy
Design and Thermal Analysis of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell System Integrated with Ethanol Steam Reforming
Design of a hydrogen supply chain using multiobjective optimisation
Numerical Optimization of Steam Cycles and Steam Generators Designs for a Coal to FT plant
Proposition of methodology for optimization of energy system design under uncertainty
Investigation of a proton-conducting SOFC with internal autothermal reforming of methane
Optimisation based analysis of a dwelling with an air source heat pump
Development an Optimization Model for Green Supply Chains: Integration of CO2 Disposal and Renewable Energy Supply
Optimization of a Distributed Small Scale Biodiesel Production System in Greater London
A Model Predictive Control Framework for Residential Microgrids
Optimal Energy Management and Production Scheduling
Case Study - Online Energy Management and Optimisation of Utility Generation Assets on Industrial Sites
Improvements on hydrogen production efficiency based on switching multiple renewable power sources
Optimal planning of energy management system under demand uncertainty
Energy Management Strategies for Process Site CO2 Emissions Reduction
Optimal Residential Solar Photovoltaic Capacity in Grid Connected Applications
Thermodynamic Efficiency and Cost-Effective Optimization of Heterogeneous Batch Distillation
An alternative real-time optimization algorithm with modifier adaptation
Production planning of batch and semi-continuous bioprocesses across multiple biopharmaceutical facilities
Operational and strategic alignment in the decision process of molecule substitution
Transportation Planning of Oil Products
Network Structure and Logistics Efficiency
Operational, Tactical and Strategical Integration for Enterprise Decision-Making
Integration of Mathematical Programming and Game Theory for Supply Chain Planning Optimization in Multi-objective competitive scenarios
Optimum Design and Planning of Resilient and Uncertain Closed-Loop Supply Chains
A Two-Stage Stochastic Model for the Design and Planning of a Multi-Product Closed Loop Supply Chain
Towards Integrated Production and Distribution Management
Realizing Continuous Improvement in Pharmaceutical Technical Operations - Business Process Model in Roche’s Parenterals Production Kaiseraugst
Integration in Process Industries via Unified Processing Core (UPC) in operational and logistic planning levels
Design and Planning of Downstream Petroleum Supply Chains
Application of semantic and lexical analysis to technology forecasting by trend analysis - thematic clusters in separation processes
Quotation Tool for Process Equipment
Designing and planning of closed-loop supply chains for risk and economical optimization
Semantic Support for Industrial Symbiosis Process
Supply Chain Planning under Uncertainty using Genetic Algorithms
Multiproduct, multiechelon supply chain analysis under demand uncertainty and machine failure risk
Synthesis and Design of Processing Networks: Stochastic Formulation and Solution
Inventory Management for Multi-product Tank Farm Systems using a MILP Model with Rolling Horizon
MILP-based Approach for the Scheduling of Automated Manufacturing System with Sequence-Dependent transferring times
Carbon Management in the Chemical Process Arena – a multi-faceted CAPE problem
Computer-Aided Design and Evaluation of Batch and Continuous Multi-Mode Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes
A Framework for the Evaluation of Investments in Clean Power-Technologies
Incorporating Topographical Characteristics in Molecular Signature Descriptors
Impact of Fouling on Flexible Design and Operation of MSF Desalination Process with Variable Freshwater Demand
A Genetic Algorithm (GA) based rational approach for design of discrete microfluidic networks
A general framework for latent variable model inversion to support product and process design
Modular equipment design in optimization-based process synthesis
Innovative biodiesel production in a reactive dividing-wall column
Batch heteroazeotropic distillation with variable decanter hold-up
Dynamic modelling of margarine manufacturing
Developing Cost-Effective Processes for Converting Natural Gas into Single Cell Protein
Multiobjective optimization of membrane processes for chemicals ultrapurification
Economic and environmental evaluation of microalgae biodiesel production using process simulation tools
Optimal Dynamic Controllability in Compressor-Aided Distillation Schemes Using Stochastic Algorithms
A new graphical exergy targeting representation for processes operating above and below ambient temperature
Process design optimization strategy to develop energy and cost correlations of CO2 capture processes
Novel MILP-based optimization method for retrofitting heat exchanger networks
Simultaneous process and working fluid optimisation for Organic Rankine Cycles (ORC) using PC-SAFT
Model-based Optimization in Pharmaceutical Technical Operations – Yield Measurement and Increase in Roche’s Parenterals Production Kaiseraugst
Hybrid Simulation-Optimization Logic Based Algorithms for the Rigorous Design of Chemical Process
Application of Computer Aided Mixture Design in Paints and Coatings
A Nonlinear Programming Approach to Conceptual Design of Reaction-Separation Systems
Optimal design of chemical processes with chance constraints
Predicting a Wide Variety of Constant Pure Compound Properties for Long Chain Substances Using a “Reference Series” Method
Considering Physical Property Uncertainties in Process Design
Modeling of open-system process for sustainable production
High-boiling-point petroleum fractions upgrading using the centrifugal reactive-molecular distillation process over catalyst
A Novel Method for Designing Flotation Circuits
Water and Energy Use in Mineral Processing
Evaluation of the batch distillation process in the ethanol production
Removal and recovery of organic solvents from wastewater by distillation
Integrated Operation and Design of a Simulated Moving Bed Reactor
Modeling and Analysis of Intensified Processes for Economic Recovery of High-Grade Lactic Acid
Economic Analysis of an Industrial Refining Unit Involving Hydrotreatment of Whole Crude Oil in Trickle Bed Reactor using gPROMS
Design of glycerol etherification process by constructive nonlinear dynamics
An Integrated Framework for Flowsheet Synthesis and Molecular Design
Enhanced bioethanol dehydration in extractive dividing-wall columns
Enhancing multi-component separation of aromatics with Kaibel columns and DWC
Genetic Algorithms in the Design of Configurations for Distillation of Quaternary Mixtures using Less than N-1 columns with Thermally Coupling
Multiobjective Optimization in Distillation with Reactor-Side for Hydrodesulfurization Process of Diesel
Design and Optimization of Pressure Swing Distillation using a Stochastic Algorithm based in the Boltzmann Distribution
A Neural Network Application in the Design of Emulsion-Based Products
Cyclic distillation - towards energy efficient binary distillation
An integrated framework for product formulation by computer aided mixture design
Analysis of the Production of Methyl Esters by the Two-Step Supercritical Method using Reactive Distillation
Environmental and economic optimization of distillation structures to produce anhydrous ethanol
Ontology-driven description and engineering of Autonomous Systems
Design of Experiments and Sensitivity Analysis for Microalgal Bioreactor Systems
Process design of integrated reaction and membrane separation by organic solvent nanofiltration using evolutionary algorithms
Reactive distillation processes used as unique operation or finishing stage
New distillation sequences for bioethanol production by extractive distillation
Optimal design and control of trains of dividing wall columns for the separation of petrochemical mixtures
A sustainable design and simulation of waste sulfuric acid concentration process for semiconductor industry
An Integrated Methodology for Design of Tailor-Made Blended Products
A framework for the design of reacting systems with phase transfer catalysis
The Solvent Selection framework
Regular and non-regular production scheduling of multipurpose batch plants
An Efficient Unit-Specific Event-Based Continuous-Time MILP Formulation for Short-Term Scheduling of Multistage and Multiproduct Batch Plants
Dynamic behaviour and control of extended Petlyuk distillation arrangements
Exploiting grid adaptation and structure detection in multi-objective dynamic optimization problems
Dynamics of reactive distillation for the production of ethyl acetate
Integrated Model for Refinery Production and Pipeline System Scheduling
An advanced control solution for a fluid catalytic cracking unit
Reliable Batch-to-Batch Iterative Learning Control of a Fed-batch Fermentation Process
Dynamic Validation of Model for Post-Combustion Chemical Absorption CO2 Capture Plant
PID Control of Reverse Osmosis Based Desalination Process
Optimal Operation of RO System with Daily Variation of Freshwater Demand and Seawater Temperature
A stop-and-restart approach to hybrid dynamic optimization problems
Parameter accuracy vs. decorrelation in optimal experiment design
Analyzing the effects of uncertainties on the economic performance of a chemical process plant using a probabilistic optimization technique
Oil Well Drilling Inside Operational Window – Simulation and Experimental Control Studies
Operational optimization of low-temperature energy systems
Improving dryer controllability & energy efficiency
A new data driven index for control performance monitoring
A Signal Processing Approach for Fault Detection Problem
Efficient Scheduling of Complex Multipurpose Chemical Batch Processes
Online Feasibility and Effectiveness of a Spatio-temporal Nonlinear Model Predictive Control. The Case of Methanol Synthesis Reactor
MINLP model for optimal biocide dosing and maintenance scheduling of seawater cooled plants
Online real-time inference of ethanol composition in a mixed distillation column
Dynamic simulation of natural gas liquefaction process
Linking Scheduling to Control in an Oil Refinery
A promising OPC-based computer system applied to fault diagnosis
Quality Assessment Support System and its Use in Pharmaceutical Plant Operations
Shared Resources Management by Price Coordination
A Novel Method for Monitoring of Separation Performance in Distillation Columns
Use Case Driven Development of a Risk Management Tool with Business Process Model for Chemical Plants
Aggregate Model for Refinery Production Planning
Control system performance monitoring based on optimal action selection
Run-to-Run MPC Tuning via Gradient Descent
Control of Forced Convection Drying in Food Slabs
Avoiding Oversizing in Plant-Wide Control Designs for Industrial Processes
A New Dual Modifier-Adaptation Approach for Real-Time Optimization with Inaccurate Models
Specifying risk level for constraint violation in stochastic systems - a case study on papermaking
Analysis of Dynamic Behavior of a Thermally Coupled Distillation Column Implemented on a Process with Recycles
Ontology-based expert system for process supervision
Control Performance Assessment for a class of Nonlinear Multivariable Systems
Advanced Control for Anaerobic Digestion Processes
A novelty detection approach for detecting faulty batches in a photo-Fenton process
Modeling and simulation of Poly-lactic acid synthesis in batch process for biomedical applications
Operational optimization of crude oil distillation systems using artificial neural networks
Improvement of Crude Oil Refinery Gross Margin using a NLP Model of a Crude Distillation Unit System
Ontology approach to model construction
Multivariate control chart with a deployed matrix for autocorrelated data
Estimation of catalyst deactivation parameters of ethyl tert-butyl ether (ETBE) reactors based on industrial plant data
Reactor network analysis of Claus furnace with detailed kinetics
Multiscale modelling of spillover processes in heterogeneous catalytic systems
A stochastic approach to improve the particle size distribution prediction of a classical emulsion polymerization model
Multiscale simulation for high efficiency biodiesel process intensification
Simulation and analysis of crystallization of high aspect ratio crystals with fragmentation
Modelling of Cold Traps for Sodium purification in Fast Reactor
HAZOP studies using a functional modeling framework
An Online Inverse Problem for the Simulation of Extraction Columns using Population Balances
Simulation of bioethanol production process from residual microalgae biomass
Hydrodynamic And Heat Transfer Modeling Of Polydisperse Fluidized Bed Olefin Polymerization Reactors
Modelling, validation and control of an evaporative cooling system for scraped surface heat exchangers
Automated optimization model to perform sensitivity analysis on cost of investment required to upgrade treatment plants in water networks.
Mathematical investigation of the case hardening phenomenon explained by shrinkage and collapse mechanisms occurring during drying processes
Dynamic modelling and simulation of Kühni extraction columns
Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes Modelling of the Near-Field Structure of Accidental Releases of Carbon Dioxide from Pipelines
Large Eddy Simulation and Particle Impact Kinetics for Bend Erosion Prediction
Prediction of the Permeability of Packed Beds of Non-Spherical Particles
Syngas production from sugar cane bagasse in a circulating fluidized bed gasifier using Aspen Plus™: Modelling and Simulation
Novel Adiabatic Reactor Design for Supercritical Fischer-Tropsch Synthesis
Process Analysis of Rotary-Type Solar Reactor for Hydrogen Production Systems
Modeling and simulation of suspension polymerization of vinyl chloride via population balance model
Computational Study of a Rotating Packed Bed Distillation Column
Sugarcane bagasse as raw material to Syngas production: 3D simulation of gasification process
CFD Modelling and Video Analysis Based Model Validation for a Stirred Reactor
Dynamic Modelling of a Polypropylene Production Plant
Multi-Scale Modelling of Biomass Pyrolysis Processes
Information integration
CFD study of liquid drainage in flotation foams
Estimation of Kinetic Parameters and Mathematic Model Validation for Nylon-6 Process
CPFD simulation of fluidized bed flow in FCC regenerator
CFD Simulation of Three-Dimensional Multiphase Flow in a Rotating Packed Bed
Monte Carlo simulation of shape evolution in solutions - A model study of BaSO4 precipitation
Using CAPE to Enhance the Sustainability of Utilizing Natural Gas in Ammonia Production
Food supply chain planning and quality optimization approach.
Towards a Generic Tool to Support Multiscale Modelling of Discrete Event Systems
Extended rate-based model validation for polyester synthesis by reactive distillation
Prediction of physical properties of non-electrolyte organic compounds by distance weighted group contribution methods
Simulation Tools for the Design of Optimised Membrane Modules and Processes
A New Theoretical Result for Convex Nonlinear Generalized Disjunctive Programs and its Applications
A generalization of classical αBB underestimation to include bilinear terms
An index reduction method for solving differential algebraic equations
Linear MPC based on data-driven Artificial Neural Networks for large-scale nonlinear distributed parameter systems
Surrogate based Optimisation for Design of Pressure Swing Adsorption Systems
Wavelet-Threshold Influence in Optimal Control Problems
Intelligent Automation Platform for Bioprocess Development
Efficient optimization of simulated moving bed processes using reduced order models
Dual Stochastic Programming for Data Mining Enhancement
HAZOP - an automaton-inspired approach
Effect of Topology on Parallel Computing for Optimizing Large Scale Logistics through Binary PSO
An Approach to Process Monitoring under Probabilistic Constraints
A Novel Hybrid Simulation-Optimization Approach for the Optimal Design of Multicomponent Distillation Columns
Reduced Rigorous Models for Efficient Dynamic Simulation and Optimization of Distillation Columns
State estimators for better bioprocesses operation
Practical aspects on nonlinear state estimation
Design of Flotation Circuits Including Uncertainty and Water Efficiency
Heat Integration in non-Isothermal Systems Using an Alternative Disjunctive Optimization Model
Global Solution of Min-Max Optimization Problems for Nonlinear Dynamic Systems
Rigorous computational methods for dimensionality reduction in multi-objective optimization
An Efficient Adjoint-Free Dynamic Optimization Methodology for Batch Processing using Pontryagin’s Formulation
A Fractional Calculus Application to Biological Reactive Systems
Bounding the Solutions of Parametric ODEs
Identification and Estimation of Functional States in Drinking Water Plant Based On Fuzzy Clustering
Comparison of surrogate models for wastewater process synthesis
Homotopy Continuation Solution Method in Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Applications
Stochastic and hybrid approaches to solve integrated synthesis and operation of batch processes
Model-based design of experiments for model identification using closed-loop set-point response
Development of a Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Framework for a PEM Fuel Cell System
A Numerical Tool for Integrating Renewable Energy into Total Sites with Variable Supply and Demand
Pilot-plant Simulation, Experimental Campaign and Rigorous Modeling of a Batch MMA Polymerization Reactor for the Fabrication of Bone Tissue
Probabilistic optimal control of blood glucose under uncertainty
A novel optimal experiment design technique based on multi-objective optimization and its application for toxin kinetics model of hemodialysis patients
Optimization of protein A chromatography for antibody capture
Multiscale Modelling and Simulation of simultaneous Oxygen and Nitric Oxide uptake in the Human Lungs and its application to Methemoglobin Anemia
Thermodynamically constrained Flux and Control Analysis of Escherichia coli
In Silico Analysis to Explore the Effect of Various Carbon Sources on Ethanol Production in Zymomonas mobilis
A Mathematical Programming Approach to Community Structure Detection in Complex Networks
Improvements on Adaptive Predictive Control for Blood Glucose Regulation in Type I Diabetic Patients
Virtual Reality and Augmented-Virtual Reality as Tools to Train Industrial Operators
Use of a distributed simulation environment for training in Supply Chain decision making
Bridging the Experience Gap - How do we migrate Skills and Knowledge between the Generations?
Computer aided delivery of case-based learning activities in EBL within chemical engineering curriculum
Development of a safety education system for SMB operation
Performance Indicators for the Assessment of Industrial Operators
- No. of pages: 1400
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Volume: 30
- Published: December 10, 2012
- Imprint: Elsevier
- eBook ISBN: 9780444594563