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The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) series presents the latest innovations and achievements of leading professionals from the industrial and ac… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
The European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE) series presents the latest innovations and achievements of leading professionals from the industrial and academic communities. The ESCAPE series serves as a forum for engineers, scientists, researchers, managers and students to present and discuss progress being made in the area of computer aided process engineering (CAPE). European industries large and small are bringing innovations into our lives, whether in the form of new technologies to address environmental problems, new products to make our homes more comfortable and energy efficient or new therapies to improve the health and well being of European citizens. Moreover, the European Industry needs to undertake research and technological initiatives in response to humanity's "Grand Challenges," described in the declaration of Lund, namely, Global Warming, Tightening Supplies of Energy, Water and Food, Ageing Societies, Public Health, Pandemics and Security. Thus, the Technical Theme of ESCAPE 21 will be "Process Systems Approaches for Addressing Grand Challenges in Energy, Environment, Health, Bioprocessing & Nanotechnologies."
Engineers, scientists, researchers, managers in the chemical, pharmaceutical, and biochemical industry involved in computer assisted process engineering
Members of the International Scientific Committee
Detailed Mathematical Modelling of Liquid-Liquid Extraction Columns
Multi-Scale modelling of a membrane reforming power cycle with CO2 capture
Modeling the liquid back mixing characteristics for a kinetically controlled reactive distillation process
Application of computer-aided multi-scale modelling framework - Aerosol case study
Sensitivity of shrinkage and collapse functions involved in pore formation during drying
A Reduced-Order Approach of Distributed Parameter Models Using Proper Orthogonal Decomposition
A Process Unit Modeling Framework within a Heterogeneous Simulation Environment
Mathematical description of mass transfer in supercritical-carbon-dioxide-drying processes
Three-moments conserving sectional techniques for the solution of coagulation and breakage population balances
Modelling and Simulation of Forced Convection Drying of Electric Insulators
Comprehensive Mathematical Modeling of Controlled Radical Copolymerization in Tubular Reactors
An Efficient High Resolution FEM for PDE Systems
Simulation of Reactive Absorption: Model Validation for CO2-MEA system
A CFD-Population Balance Model for the Simulation of Kühni Extraction Column
CFD Study on the Application of Rotary Kiln in Pyrolysis
Towards a Generic Simulation Environment for Multiscale Modelling based on Tool Integration
Integral Formulation of the Population Balance Equation using the Cumulative QMOM
Integration of Generic Multi-dimensional Model and Operational Policies for Batch Cooling Crystallization
A Multi-scale Systems Approach to Granulation Process Design
Multi-scale modeling of activated sludge floc structure formation in wastewater bioreactors
A Multi-layered Ontology for Physical-Chemical-Biological Processes
Modeling and simulation of a gas cleaning section in a Cu/Ni metallurgical plant
A novel approach to the biomass pyrolysis step and product lumping
Towards a rigorous model of electrodialysis processes
Stochastic Monte Carlo Simulations as an Efficient Multi-Scale Modeling Tool for the Prediction of Multi-Variate Distributions
Modeling of a batch emulsion copolymerization reactor in the presence of a chain transfer agent
Multiscale modeling of chemical vapor deposition of silicon
3D Cellular automata for modeling of spray freeze drying process
Spatially 3D simulation of a catalytic monolith by coupling of 1D channel model with CFD
A generic framework for stochastic dynamic simulation of chemical engineering systems using free/open source software
Modelling of micro- and nano-patterned electrodes for the study and control of spillover processes in catalysis
Multiscale Modeling of a Silicon Solar Wafer Manufacturing Process
Process modelling and model reduction for chemical engineering applications
General-purpose graphics processing units application for diffusion simulation using cellular automata
Mercury Transformation Modelling with Bromine Addition in Coal Derived Flue Gases
Optimal design of multiple dividing wall columns based on genetic programming
Retrofit design of a pharmaceutical batch process considering green chemistry and engineering principles
Design and control of an energy integrated biodiesel process
A systematic approach towards applicability of reactive distillation
Strategies for the Robust Simulation of Thermally Coupled Distillation Sequences
Spatiotemporal pattern formation in an electrochemical membrane reactor during deep CO removal from reformate gas
Optimization of Design and Operation of Reverse Osmosis Based Desalination Process Using MINLP Approach Incorporating Fouling Effect
Logic-Sequential Approach to the Synthesis of Complex Thermally Coupled Distillation Systems.
Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Processes
Phenomena-based Process Synthesis and Design to achieve Process Intensification
A Novel Process Design for the Hydroformylation of Higher Alkenes.
Flowsheet Optimization by Memetic Algorithms
Biomass to chemicals
A strategy to extend reactive distillation column performance under catalyst deactivation
Separation Circuits Analysis and Design, Using Sensitivity Analysis
Feasibility of reactive pressure swing batch distillation in a double column configuration
Lipid Processing Technology: Building a Multilevel Modeling Network
Enhancement of Productivity of Distillate Fractions by Crude Oil Hydrotreatment: Development of Kinetic Model for the Hydrotreating Process
Modeling and design of reacting systems with phase transfer catalysis
A systematic methodology for the design of continuous active pharmaceutical ingredient production processes
Synthesis tool for separation processes in the pharmaceutical industry
New algorithm for the determination of product sequences in azeotropic batch distillation
Designing multi-product biopharmaceutical facilities using evolutionary algorithms
A retrofit strategy to achieve “Fast, Flexible, Future (F3)” pharmaceutical production processes
Modified Case Based Reasoning cycle for Expert Knowledge Acquisition during Process design.
Integrating process simulation and MINLP methods for the optimal design of absorption cooling systems
A method for the design and planning operations of heap leaching circuits
A data mining approach for efficient systems optimization under uncertainty using stochastic search methods
Integrated Design of a Reactor and a Gas-Expanded Solvent
Computer Aided Flowsheet Design using Group Contribution Methods
A Business Process Model for Process Design that Incorporates Independent Protection Layer Considerations
Conceptual design of glycerol etherification processes
Dynamic Conceptual Design under Market Uncertainty and Price Volatility
Analysis of separation possibilities of multicomponent mixtures
A computer tool for the development of poly(lactic acid) synthesis process from renewable feedstock for biomanufacturing
Robust optimisation methodology for the process synthesis of continuous technologies
A Shortcut Design for Kaibel Columns Based on Minimum Energy Diagrams
A superstructure optimization approach for optimal refinery water network systems synthesis with membrane-based regenerators
New generalised double-column system for batch heteroazeotropic distillation
Design of an Optimal Biorefinery
A Novel Design Concept for the Oxidative Coupling of Methane Using Hybrid Reactors
Comparison of Extractive and Pressure-Swing Batch Distillation for Acetone-Methanol Separation
Constructive nonlinear dynamics for reactor network synthesis with guaranteed robust stability
Systems Analysis of Benign Hydrogen Peroxide Synthesis in Supercritical CO2
Design of pervaporation modules based on computational process modelling
Surrogate-based VSA Process Optimization for Post-Combustion CO2 Capture
Design of flexible process flow sheets with a large number of uncertain parameters
A Design methodology for Internally HeatIntegrated Distillation Columns (IHIDiC) with side condensers and side reboilers (SCSR)
Development of a synthesis tool for Gas-To-Liquid complexes.
Pareto-Navigation in Chemical Engineering
Integration of ontology and knowledge-based optimization in process synthesis applications
Feasibility analysis of black-box processes using an adaptive sampling kriging based method
Multiobjective Optimization for Plastic Sheet Production
Systematic identification and robust control design for uncertain time delay processes
Control and dynamic optimization of a BTX dividing-wall column
Process Dynamic Optimization Using ROMeo
Model based optimisation of a cyclic reactor for the production of hydrogen
Multi-objective optimisation approach to optimal experiment design in dynamic bioprocesses using ACADO toolkit
A disturbance estimation approach for online model-based redesign of experiments in the presence of systematic errors
A Semidefinite Programming Approach to Portfolio Optimization
Increase the catalytic cracking process efficiency by implementation an optimal control structure. Case study
Experimental Evaluation of a Robust NMPC Strategy for an Unstable Nonlinear Process
Economic Plantwide Control of C4 Isomerization Process
Application of Graphic Processing Unit in Model Predictive Control
Statistical Process Control of Multivariate Systems with Autocorrelation
Implementation of model predictive controller in a pharmaceutical development plant
A Hybrid Branch-and-Cut Approach for the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem
Design of robust PID controller for processes with stochastic uncertainties
MPC vs. PID. The advanced control solution for an industrial heat integrated fluid catalytic cracking plant
Plantwide Control of a Cumene Manufacture Process
A robust optimization based approach to the general solution of mp-MILP problems
A deterministic optimization approach for the unit commitment problem
Tight Convex and Concave Relaxations via Taylor Models for Global Dynamic Optimization
Simulation-based dynamic optimization of discretely controlled continuous processes
Evaluation of Steady State Multiplicity for the Anaerobic Degradation of Solid Organic Waste
Towards global optimization of combined distillation-crystallization processes for the separation of closely boiling mixtures
Time Optimal Control of Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization
Multi-objective optimization of three-phase batch extractive distillation
Integrating Graph-based Representation and Genetic Algorithm for Large-Scale Optimization: Refinery Crude Oil Scheduling
Self-adaptive Differential Evolution with Taboo List for Constrained Optimization Problems and Its Application to Pooling Problems
Disturbance Estimation via Moving Horizon Estimation for In-flight Model-based Wind Estimation
Deterministic global optimization of kinetic models of metabolic networks: outer approximation vs. spatial branch and bound
Optimal Grade Transitions in an Industrial Slurry Phase Catalytic Olefin Polymerization Loop Reactor Series
Nonlinear State Estimation with Delayed Measurements. Application to Polymer Processes
Optimal controlled variable selection using a nonlinear simulation-optimization framework
Comparison of Gradient Estimation Methods for Real-time Optimization
Multiobjective optimization of the pulp/water storage towers in design of paper production systems
Combined nonlinear model reduction and multiparametric nonlinear programming for nonlinear model predictive control
Multi-Model MPC for Nonlinear Systems
Integrated Design and Control of Pressure Swing Adsorption Systems
A robust MILP-based approach to vehicle routing problems with uncertain demands
An Improved Formulation for the Process Control Structure Selection based on Economics Problem
Software application for intelligent control of a bioprocess. Case study
Integration of a multilevel control system in an ontological information environment
Control Structure Selection with Regard to Stationary and Dynamic Performance with Application to A Ternary Distillation Column
The Coulomb Glass - Modeling and Computational Experience with a Large Scale 0–1 QP Problem
Reliable optimal control of a fed-batch fermentation process using ant colony optimisation and bootstrap aggregated neural network models
Integrated process and control design by the normal vector approach
Calibration of a polyethylene plant model for grade change optimisations
Membrane process optimization for hydrogen peroxide ultrapurification
Dynamic optimization of porous media combustor using a greybox neural model and NMPC technique
Monte Carlo Assessment of the Arrival Cost Evaluation Method in Moving Horizon Estimation for Chemical Processes
Adaptive Advanced Control of a Copolymerization System
Control of processes with multiple steady states using MPC and RBF neural networks
Simulation Optimization of Cost, Safety and Displacements in a Construction Design
Methodologies for input-output data exchange between LabVIEW® and MATLAB®/Simulink®software for Real Time Control of a Pilot Scale Distillation Process
Plant-wide optimisation and control of a multi-scale pharmaceutical process
Optimization of Hybrid Reactive Distillation-Pervaporation System
Dynamic Modeling and Optimization of Flash Separators for Highly-Viscous Polymerization Processes
Role of MPC in Building Climate Control
Efficient Computation of First- and Second-Order Sensitivities Using an Internal Forward Differentiation Scheme
A novel approximation technique for online and multi-parametric model predictive control
Multi-Parametric Model Predictive Control of an Automated Integrated Fuel Cell Testing Unit
Use of commercial structured databases as innovative solution for FEED projects
Controlled Variables from Optimal Operation Data
Optimization of IMC-PID Tuning Parameters for Adaptive Control: Part 1
System identification using wavelet analysis
Robust Reallocation and Upgrade of Sensor Networks for Fault Diagnosis
Explicit/Multi-Parametric Model Predictive Control of a Solid Oxide Fuel Cell
A Reformulation Scheme for Parameter Estimation of Hybrid Systems
Dynamic optimization of bioreactors using probabilistic tendency models and Bayesian active learning
Plantwide Control Design of a Postcombustion CO2 Capture Process
A theoretically rigorous approach to soft sensor development using Principal Components Analysis
Approximate Multi-Parametric Programming based B&B Algorithm for MINLPs
Experimental Comparison of Type-1 and Type-2 Fuzzy Logic Controllers for the Control of Level and Temperature in a Vessel
Simulation-based Dynamic Optimization under Uncertainty of an Industrial Biological Process
Parallel Solution of Large-Scale Dynamic Optimization Problems
Optimization of simulated moving bed chromatography with fractionation and feedback incorporating an enrichment step
Tuning a Distillation Column Simulator
A Comparative Study of MPC-Based Control Configurations of an Industrial Bioreactor to Produce Ethanol
Control of an azeotropic distillation process to acetonitrile production
Optimal Temperature Tracking of a Solid State Fermentation Reactor
Receding Nonlinear Kalman (RNK) Filter for Nonlinear Constrained State Estimation
Free Radicals Copolymerization Optimization, System
Convex optimization for shape manipulation of multidimensional crystal particles
A Worst-Case Observer for Impurities in Enantioseparation by Preferential Crystallization
A Simulated Annealing Approach for the BiObjective Design and Scheduling of Multipurpose Batch Plants
Robust Logistics Network Modeling and Design against Uncertainties
Operating Procedure Synthesis Subject to Restricted State Transition Using Differential Evolution
MILP Formulation for Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems
Self-learning of fault diagnosis identification
Complex Network Optimization in FMCG
Freshwater Production by MSF Desalination Process: Coping with Variable Demand by Flexible Design and Operation
Optimal run length in Factory operations to reduce overall costs
Batch sizing in multi-stage, multi-product batch production systems
Decision Support System for Multiproduct Pipeline and Inventory Management Systems
Ice Cream Scheduling
Production Optimization and Scheduling across a Steel Plant
Simultaneous Optimization of Planning and Scheduling in an Oil Refinery
Efficient Scheduling of Batch Plants Using Reachability Tree Search for Timed Automata with Lower Bound Computations
Robust Market Launch Planning for a Multi-Echelon Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
A new Coordination Heuristic for Plant-wide Planning and Scheduling
Optimization of Closed-Loop Supply Chains under Uncertain Quality of Returns
Integrated Refinery Planning under Product Demand Uncertainty
Modelling and dynamic optimisation for optimal operation of industrial tubular reactor for propane cracking
An Efficient Mathematical Framework for Detailed Production Scheduling in Food Industries
Corporate Production Planning for Industrial Gas Supply Chains under Low-Demand Conditions
Standards for Continual Scheduling of Batch Operations
New Scheduling Approach for Shared Resources and Mixed Storage Policies
Optimal Scheduling of Multi-Level Tree-Structure Pipeline Networks
New Tools for the Detailed Scheduling of Refined Products Pipelines
A rigorous mathematical formulation to Automated Wet-Etch Station scheduling with multiple material-handling robots in Semiconductor Manufacturing Systems
A MILP Planning Model for a Real-world Multiproduct Pipeline Network
Improving supply chain management in a competitive environment
Optimal Scheduling of Biodiesel Plants through Property-based Integration with Oil Refineries
Integration of financial statement analysis in the optimal design and operation of supply chain networks
Integrated production planning and scheduling optimization of multi-site, multi-product process industry
Simulation-based reactive scheduling in tomato processing plant with raw material uncertainty
Scenario-Based Strategic Supply Chain Design and Analysis for the Forest Biorefinery
The Role of Supply Chain Analysis in Market-Driven Product Portfolio Selection for the Forest Biorefinery
Real-time Process Management in Particulate and Pharmaceutical Systems
Modeling Next Generation Feedstock Development for Chemical Process Industry
Prediction of the Permeability and Filtration Performance of Packed Beds
Study of Closed Operation Modes of Batch Distillation Columns
Dynamic failure assessment of incidents reported in the Greek Petrochemical Industry
A continuous-time MILP to compute schedules with minimum changeover times for a make-and-pack production
An Evaluation Method for Plant Alarm System Based on a Two-Layer Cause-Effect Model
Generating cause-implication graphs for process systems via blended hazard identification methods
Integrated Supply Chain Planning for Multinational Pharmaceutical Enterprises
Data Mining and Decision Making Tool Development for an Industrial Dual Sequential Batch Reactor
A Novel CP Approach for Scheduling an Automated Wet-Etch Station
Agent-based coordination framework for disruption management in a chemical supply chain
Recipe-driven dynamic hybrid simulation of batch processes
Recipe-based Batch Process Engineering Tool for Development Workflow
Superstructure Approach to Batch Process Scheduling by S-graph Representation
The TriLab and ilough-Lab portal - Systematic evaluation of the use of remote and virtual laboratories in engineering education
Long Distance Operator Training
Modularization within the framework of the course Computer-Aided Plant Design
Academic performance and success rate
Is it possible to improve creativity? If yes, how do we do it?
Use of Advanced Educational Technologies in a Process Simulation Course
MOSAIC, an environment for web-based modeling in the documentation level
Addressing interdisciplinary process engineering design, construction and operations through 4D virtual environments
Integrating Alternate Reality Games and Social Media in Engineering Education
Supply Chain Design and Planning with Environmental Impacts
Modelling the Natural Gas Pipeline Internal Corrosion Rate Resulting from Hydrate Formation
Multilevel strategies for the retrofit of a large industrial water system
Synthesis of water integration networks in ecoindustrial parks
Eco Industrial Parks for Water and Heat Management
Effect of Demister Separation Efficiency on the Freshwater Purity in MSF Desalination Process
Evaluation of CO2 absorption-desorption cycle by dynamic modeling and simulation
CO2 Sustainable Recovery Network Cluster for Carbon Capture and Sequestration
Minimization of the life cycle impact of chemical supply chain networks under demand uncertainty
Design of an electric and electronic equipment recovery network in Portugal - Costs vs. Sustainability
Multiscale whole-systems design and analysis of CO2 capture and transport networks
On the model based optimization of secreting mammalian cell cultures via minimal glucose provision
A systematic methodology for the synthesis of unit process chains using Life Cycle Assessment and Industrial Ecology Principles
Integrating Economic, Environmental and Social Indicators for Sustainable Supply Chains
Evaluating the reactivity of limestone utilized in Flue Gas Desulfurization. An application of the Danckwerts theory for particles reacting in acidic environments and agitated vessels with Archimedes number less than 40
Sustainability in Chemical Processes
Design and Simulation of Eco-Efficient Biodiesel Manufacture
New Environmentally-Conscious Design Approach and Evaluation Tool for Chemical Processes
Optimal Reactor Design for the Hydroformylation of Long Chain Alkenes in Biphasic Liquid Systems
Optimal design of real world industrial wastewater treatment networks
A Mixed-Integer Programming Model for Pollution Trading
Modelling and process integration of carbon dioxide capture using membrane contactors
Increasing the Understanding of the BP Texas City Refinery Accident
Integrating process simulation, multi-objective optimization and LCA for the development of sustainable processes
Multi-objective optimization of integrated bioethanol-sugar supply chains considering different LCA metrics simultaneously
Determination of biorestoration strategies in eutrophic water bodies through the formulation of an optimal control problem based on a 3D ecological model
Integration of Carbon Footprint Minimization into the Process Design of SWRO Desalination Pretreatment
Optimization of a Sequencing Batch Reactor process for waste water treatment using a two step nitrification model
Optimization of solar assisted reverse osmosis plants considering economic and environmental concerns
Dynamic modelling of the margarine production process
Microbial Strain Design for Biochemical Production Using Mixed-integer Programming Techniques
A Comprehensive Multi-Scale Modeling of Heterogeneities in Mammalian Cell Culture Processes
Population balance modelling of homogeneous and heterogeneous cellulose hydrolysis
Predicting microbial growth kinetics with the use of genetic circuit models
A combined growth kinetics, metabolism and gene expression model for 3D ESC bioprocesses
Toward Online Control of Glycosylation in MAbs
Population balance modelling of influenza virus replication during vaccine production – Influence of apoptosis
Assessment of Jatropha Curcas bioprocess for fuel production using LCA and CAPE
Methodological Approach for Modeling of Multienzyme in-pot Processes
Systematic Data and Knowledge Utilization to Speed up Bioprocess Design
Integration of stochastic simulation with advanced multivariate and visualisation analyses for rapid prediction of facility fit issues in biopharmaceutical processes
Standards for Continual Scheduling of Batch Operations
Optimizing cyanobacteria metabolic network for ethanol production
Dynamic process monitoring and fault detection in a batch fermentation process
Techno-Economic Assessment and Risk Analysis of Biorefinery Processes
BIOCORE- A systems integration paradigm in the real-life development of a lignocellulosic biorefinery
Prediction of activation of metabolic pathways via dynamic optimization
Non linear identification of Spirulina maxima growth and characteristics
Real-time optimization for lactic acid production from sucrose fermentation by Lactobacillus plantarum
Model-based Dynamic Optimisation of Microbial Processes for the High-Yield Production of Biopolymers with Tailor-made Molecular Properties
Systematic Procedure for Integrated Process Operation
Bioprocessing of exopolysaccharides (EPS)
Simultaneous design and scheduling of a plant for producing ethanol and derivatives
Glycerol metabolic conversion to succinic acid using Actinobacillus succinogenes
Design and Operation of a Continuous Reactor for Acid Pretreatment of Lignocellulosic Biomass
Viscosity Prediction of Compounds Derived from Castor Oil
Global sensitivity analysis in bioreactor networks
Graph Theory Augmented Recursive MILP Approach for Identifying Multiple Minimal Reaction Sets in Metabolic Networks
Model-driven design based on sensitivity analysis for a synthetic biology application
Simulations of hydrodynamic stress in stirred-tank bioreactors using CFD technology
A framework for model-based optimization of bioprocesses under uncertainty
Robust optimal control of a biochemical reactor with multiple objectives
System inversion of multidimensional population balance systems
Implementation and initial evaluation of a decision support platform for selecting production routes of biomass-derived chemicals
Multi-Scale Modeling of PLGA Microparticle Drug Delivery Systems
Computational Molecular Design of Drug Delivery Vehicles for Anti-HIV Microbicides
Towards in silico models of decomplexification in human endotoxemia
Physiologically Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling and Predictive Control
A Novel Physiologically Based Compartmental Model for Volatile Anaesthesia
Modelling of the Insulin Delivery System for patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
Towards a high-fidelity model for model based optimisation of drug delivery systems in acute myeloid leukemia
From Chemical Process Diagnosis to Cancer Prognosis
Computational Investigation of Vascular Surgical Interventions on Popliteal Artery Aneurysms
A Minimal Exercise Extension for Models of the Glucoregulatory System
Three Dimensional Simulation and Experimental Investigation of Intrathecal Drug Delivery in the Spinal Canal and the Brain
A Computational Model of Cerebral Vasculature, Brain Tissue, and Cerebrospinal Fluid
Systems engineers’ role in biomedical research
Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Modeling: Parameter Estimation for Cyclosporin A
Disease Classification through Integer Optimisation
Optimal design of chitosan-based scaffolds for controlled drug release using dynamic optimization
Insulin Administration for People with Type 1 diabetes
A Variational Bayesian Approach for Dosage Regimen Individualization*
Development of a fuzzy expert system for the control of glycemia in type 1 diabetic patients
Controlling Particle Size in a Novel Spinning Disc Continuous Stir Tank and Settler Reactor for the Continuous Synthesis of Titania
Simultaneous Design of Ionic Liquids and Azeotropic Separation Processes
GPU-Based Parallel Calculation Method for 1Molecular Weight Distribution of Batch Free Radical Polymerization
Chemicals-Based Formulation Design
Simultaneous prediction of phase behaviour and second derivative properties with a group contribution approach (SAFT-γ Mie)
A Lattice Boltzmann Method for Non Ideal Gases Based on the Gradient Theory of Interfaces
Towards robust fabrication of non-periodic nanoscale systems via directed self assembly
Models driven conception of an Computer Aided Mixture Design tool
Iterative learning control of a reactive polymer composite moulding process using batch-wise updated linearised models
CFD Modelling of the Demister in the Multi Stage Flash Desalination plant
Predicting a Variety of Constant Pure Compound Properties by the Targeted QSPR Method
PSE in Pharmaceutical Process Development
Molecular Design of Biofuel Additives for Optimization of Fuel Characteristics
Online estimation of crystal size distribution (CSD) within industrial gibbsite precipitation plants
Simulation of Water Gas Shift Membrane Reactors by a Two-dimensional Model
Potential Impacts and Modelling of the Heat Loss Due to Copper Chelation in Natural Gas Processing and Transport
Optimal biorefinery planning considering simultaneously economic and environmental objectives
Reduce Costs and Energy Consumption of Deethanizing and Depropanizing Fractionation Steps in NGL Recovery Process
Ethanol from corn
A Mixed-Integer Programming Approach to Infrastructure Planning for Chemical Centres
A Multi-Objective Optimization Method to integrate Heat Pumps in Industrial Processes
Techno-economical and environmental evaluations of IGCC power generation process with carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Reynolds Number Effects on Particle Dispersion and Deposition in Turbulent Square Duct Flows
Multiscale Modeling of Biorefineries
Towards Second Generation Bioethanol
Optimization of lignocellulosic based diesel
Using Low-Grade Heat for Solvent Extraction based Efficient Water Desalination
Impact of hydrogen injection in natural gas infrastructures
Optimal Design and Operation of Distributed Energy Systems
Process Synthesis with Heat and Power Integration of Thermochemical Coal, Biomass, and Natural Gas Hybrid Energy Processes
A Novel Catalytic Strategy for the Production of Liquid Fuels from Ligno-cellulosic Biomass
Optimizing the Lignocellulosic Biomass-to-Ethanol Supply Chain
Modeling and Simulation of the Production of Lead and Elementary Sulphur from Lead Sulphide Concentrates
Strategic Planning of Petroleum Supply Chains
Network generation and analysis of complex biomass conversion systems
Fractional-order transfer functions applied to the modeling of hydrogen PEM fuel cells
An Integrated Approach to Optimal Pipeline Routing, Design, Operation and Maintenance
General Methodology for Exergy Balance in a Process Simulator
Process Modelling of Entrained Flow Gasification
Modeling post-combustion CO2 capture with amine solvents
Modelling biomass and biofuels supply chains
Design and performance optimization of hybrid energy systems
Recurrent neural network prediction of steam production in a Kraft recovery boiler
Improved Wind Power Forecasting with ARIMA Models
Power reduction in air separation units for oxy-combustion processes based on exergy analysis
An MILP Model for the Strategic Design of the UK Bioethanol Supply Chain
Long-Term Planning of Wind Farm Siting in the Electricity Grid
Optimal location of gasification plants for electricity production in rural areas
Multi-objective optimization of the electricity production from coal burning
Detailed Operation Scheduling and Control for Renewable Energy Powered Microgrids
Optimization of mixed-refrigerant system in LNG liquefaction process
BOG Handling Method for Energy Saving in LNG Recei