2001. A Clay Odyssey
- 1st Edition - August 8, 2003
- Editors: E. Domínguez, G. Mas, F. Cravero
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 4 6 6 7 - 8
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 4 4 4 - 5 0 9 4 5 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 9 2 9 8 9 - 7
The meeting was organized by a local university committee and 205 delegates from 35 countries took part. European participation was low due to the economic crisis experienced by… Read more

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Request a sales quoteThe meeting was organized by a local university committee and 205 delegates from 35 countries took part. European participation was low due to the economic crisis experienced by national air lines. During the conference, the AIPEA medals were awarded to Gerhard Lagaly and Tom Pinnavaia.
This volume of the Conference Proceedings contains 85 out of a total of 235 oral presentations and posters presented at the following symposia: Teaching Clay Mineralogy, Clays in Hydrothermal Deposits, Clays in Ceramics, Clays in Petroleum Exploration and Production, Clay Barriers, and Waste Management, as well as in the following general sessions of the Conference: Clays in Geology, Clay Minerals and Environment, Soil Mineralogy, Methods, Crystal Chemistry Structure and Synthesis, and Clays in Industry.
Conference organizing committees. Preface. Table of contents. List of technical referees. I. Special lecture and keynotes. Clays in industry (H.H. Murray). The Tandilia System, Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina: its sedimentary successions (R. Andreis). Technological and compositional requirements of clay materials for ceramic tiles (M. Dondi). Activation of clays for environmental uses - can we improve on nature, and can it pay? (G.J. Churchman, C. Volzone). II. Clays in Geology. Na-bentonites and K-bentonites from Argentina: composition origin and age (R.R. Andreis, P.E. Zalba).
Clay mineralogy and construction problems in volcanic soils near Mount St. Helens: sediment retention structure, southwestern Washington, USA (M.L. Cummings). Neoformed mineral paragenesis in acid weathering systems: sedimentary vs. volcanic environments (Th. De Putter, A. Bernard et al.). Geochemical study of clay materials in Fornos de Algodres Region (central Portugal) in an archaeometric view (M.I. Dias, M.I. Prudêncio, M.A. Gouveia). Fibrous clay minerals as lithostratigraphic markers in a tertiary continental deposit (Malpica do Tejo, Portugal)(M.I. Dias, F. Rocha). Cr-bearing chlorites in low-grade metapelites of the Puncoviscana Formation (Neoproterozoic), northwestern Argentina (M. Do Campo, F. Nieto). Two types of hydrothermal clay deposits in the south-east area of Tandilia, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (J. Dristas, M.C. Frisicale). Occurrence of bentonites in southern South America (M.L.L. Formoso, L.M. Calarge et al.). Clay mineralogy, illite crystallinite and polytypes in the Campana Mahuida Porphyry Cu deposit, Neuquén, Argentina (A. Impiccini, M. Franchini et al.). A neoformed kaolinitic mineral in the Upper Pleistocene of northeastern Argentina (M. Iriondo, D. Kröhling). Surface microtopography of pyrophillite from different modes of occurrence (M. Jige, R. Kitagawa et al.). Geochemistry of the hydrothermal kaolins in the SE area of Los Menucos. Prov. of Río Negro, Argentina (P.J. Maiza, D. Pieroni, S.A. Marfil). Chlorite-smectite geothermometry of two wells from the Copahue Geothermal Field, Argentina (G.R. Mas, L. Bengochea, L.C.Mas). Clay mineral diagenesis of a Pleistocene volcanogenic sequence, Mexican Basin (L. de Pablo-Galan, J.J. De Pablo, M.L. Chavez-Garcia). Analysis of colour rhythmites in sensitive marine clays (Leda Clay) from eastern Canada (J.B. Percival, J.M. Aylsworth, A. Fritz). Berthierine formation in spotted slates (M.D. Ruiz Cruz, E. Galán). The application of clay mineralogical analysis to the reconstruction of a Greek Bronce age coastal environment (C.M. Shriner, H.H. Murray). Facies distribution and pedogenetic evolution of clayey deposits of Caxambu Hill, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil (A.F.D.C. Varajão, M.C. Santos). The effect of deformation on illite crytallite sizes (K. Wagner (née Hetfeld)). III. Soil Mineralogy. X-Ray analysis of clay and silt fractions of soils developed in allocthonous materials of Aeolian (loess) and alluvial origin in the southwestern Pampa, Argentina
(M. del C. Blanco, I.M. Natale et al.). Coastal dune soils in Oregon, USA, forming allophane, imogolite and gibbsite
(G.H. Grathoff, C.D. Peterson, D.L.Beckstrand). Deep and actively forming illuvial clay in the regolith and on bedrock (D.L. Johnson, D.N. Johnson, D.M. Moore). Pedogenic mineral formation as environmental indicator in a paleosol sequence from the Miocene to the Holocene at Mergelstetten, southwest-Germany (K. Stahr, P. Kallis et al.). Experiences with selective extraction procedures for iron oxides (J.K Torrance, J.B. Percival). Neoformed halloysite in podzols developed on the Bärhalde granite, southern Black Forest, Germany (M. Zarei, M. Sommer, K. Stahr). IV. Applied Clay Science
Ceramics, Petroleum and Waste Managements. Clay mineralogy of raw materials and ancient pottery from archaeological sites in the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina (S.R. Bertolino, M. Fabra). Transformation of chlorinated aliphatic compounds by ferruginous smectite (J. Cervini-Silva, R.A. Larson et al.). Porous alumina-nano-clay functionally gradient membrane structures (K. Darcovich, F.N.Toll, L. Kotlyar). Effect of chemical modification of stilbite zeolite on removing lead from wastewaters (A.C.P. Duarte, M.B.M. Monte et al.). Pore lining chlorites in hydrocarbon reservoirs: structure and composition related to their origin (C. Durand, B. Rebours et al.). Mechanochemical activation of kaolinite surfaces (R.L.Frost, É. Makó et al.). The role of hydrophobic solids in the separation and upgrading of bitumen from Athabasca oil sands (L.S. Kotlyar, B.D. Sparks et al.). The physico-chemical and rheological characterizations of two industrial bentonites (C. Malfoy, A. Besq et al.). Application of bentonite and organoclay in stabilization/solidification of tannery waste (C.A. Pinto, S.M. Toffoli et al.). Plasticity of bricks clays: comparison of several empirical tests and correlation with mineralogical composition and particle size distribution (M. Raimondo, M. Cocchi et al.). Adsorption of phenol by organo-clays (M.M.G. Ramos Vianna, C.L. Vieira José et al.).
Portuguese clays used in geomedicine: study of their relevant properties (J. Silva, C. Gomes, F. Rocha). Industrial clays of Brazil: a review (P. de Souza Santos). White bentonite from Patagonia, Río Negro Province, Argentina (J.M. Vallés, A. Impiccini). Corrensite, a stratigraphic marker in the Quintuco Formation, Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina, and Mississipian carbonates of the Illinois Basin, Illinois, USA (J.M. Vallés, G. Pettinari, D.M. Moore). Study of the structural order degree of Brazilian kaolinites by X-ray diffraction (A.C. Vieira Coelho, P. Souza Santos). Geology and evaluation of the Yarmouth Kaolin Deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada
(I.R. Wilson, H.H. Murray et al.). Demonstration of the existence of subcritical growth cracks in sintered kaolin (C. Xavier, P.K. Kiyohara, P. Souza Santos). Geology and physical properties of palygorskite from central China and southeastern United States (H. Zhou, H.H. Murray). V. Mineral Structure and Investigational Methods. a) Crystal chemistry. Distribution and characterization of forms of Fe and Al in particle-size fractions of an Entic Haplustoll by selective dissolution techniques, X-ray powder diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy (S.G. Acebal, M.E. Aguirre et al.). Thermal transformation of synthetic bayerite and nordstrandite as studied by electron-optical methods (M.L.P. Antunes, H. Souza Santos). Proton binding at clay surfaces in aqueous media (M.J. Avena, M.M. Mariscal, C.P. De Pauli). Hydrothermal transformation of kaolinite into 2:1 expandible minerals (M. Bentabol, M.D. Ruiz Cruz et al.). Synthesis and characterization of novel inorganic/organic hybrid materials prepared from layered double hydroxides (G.C.G. Caravaggio, A. Moser, C.D.C. Detellier). EPR characterisation of iron in various clay minerals: montmorillonites and layered double hydroxides (F. Dijoux, B. Deroide, D. Tichit). Synchrotron x-ray study of hydration dynamics in the synthetic swelling clay Na-fluorohectorite (E. DiMasi, J.O. Fossum, G.J. da Silva). Experimental weathering of biotite, muscovite and vermiculite: a Mössbauer spectroscopy study (E.A. Ferrow). Syntheses of smectite-analogue/coumarin composites (K. Fujii, S. Hayashi). Thermogravimetric analysis-mass spectrometry (TGA-MS) of hydrotalcites containing CO32-, NO3-, Cl-, SO42- or ClO4-. (J.T. Kloprogge, J. Kristóf, R.L. Frost). Spectroscopic analysis and X-ray diffraction of zinnwaldite (J.T. Kloprogge, S. van der Gaast et al.). Clay mineralogy and tensile strength of different soils from the southwestern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (M. Del P. Moralejo, O.E. Soulages et al.). Molecular and particulate organisation in dye-clay films prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett method (R. Ras, B. Van Duffel et al.). Si-Al-Mg and Si-Al-Zn montmorillonite: synthesis and characterization by EXAFS and quantitative 27Al MAS-MNR (M. Reinholdt, J. Miehé-Brendlé et al.). Electron optical study of star shaped gibbsite microcrystals (H. Souza Santos, P. Souza Santos, P.K. Kiyohara). A new method for the preparation of microcrystals of boehmite (P. Souza Santos, H. Souza Santos, P.K. Kiyohara). Studies of synthetic kaolinites containing copper and zinc.
(A.R.. Tong, B.J. Kennedy, B. Singh). Adsorption of quinoline on Na-sepiolite and Na-palygorskite (L.I. Vico, S.G. Acebal). b) Methods. Controlled rate thermal analysis of formamide intercalated kaolinites (R.L. Frost, J. Kristof et al.). Cathodoluminescence of kaolin group minerals (M. Plötze, J. Götze). FT-IR photoacoustic spectroscopy of kaolinite and gibbsite surfaces (H.D. Ruan, R.L. Frost et al.). FT-Raman spectroscopic and SEM of gibbsite, bayerite, boehmite and diaspore in relation to the characterization of bauxite (H.D. Ruan, R.L. Frost et al.). VI. Teaching Clay Mineralogy. Evaluation of colloidal properties using clay minerals: experiments for undergraduate and introductory chemistry students (M.B. Lombardi, M. Baschini). Three simple experiments to visually demonstrate the impact of clay minerals on the behavior of organic pollutants in soils (G. Rytwo). Microbes associated with clay minerals - formation of bio-halloysite (K. Tazaki R. Asada). 3rd International Symposium on Activated Clays (ISAC). Acid activation and bleaching capacity of bentonites from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
(G. Christidis, S. Kosiari, E. Petavratzi). Synthesis and characterization of copper-loaded Titania pillared clays (Z. Ding, R.L. Frost et al.). Synthesis and characterization of SiO2 - Cr2O3 pillared montmorillonites (E.M. Farfán-Torres, A.G. Mercado et al.). Castor, cottonseed, and soybean oil bleaching by activated bentonites (E.L. Foletto, C. Volzone et al.). OH-Al complexes on kaolinite surface and their effect on suspension properties (L.B. Garrido, C. Volzone). Remotion of chromium from water by treated altered-tuffaceous materials (A. Hülsken, D. Hall Gómez et al.). Clay iron oxide magnetic composites for the adsorptions of contaminants in water (L.C.A. Oliveira, R.M. Lago et al.). Thermal decomposition of layered Co-Al hydrotalcite: an in situ study (J. Pérez Ramírez, G. Mul et al.). Some structural properties of an Al-PILC influenced by grinding the starting montmorillonitic clay (M. Sergio, S. Cardozo et al.). Synthesis and characterization of pillared clays from Argentinean bentonites (C. Solar, E. Fernández et al.). Influence of the smectite type on the basal spacing after polyhydroxy-aluminum pillaring in some Brazilian and Argentinian clays (A.C. Vieira Coelho, P. Souza Santos et al.).
Clay mineralogy and construction problems in volcanic soils near Mount St. Helens: sediment retention structure, southwestern Washington, USA (M.L. Cummings). Neoformed mineral paragenesis in acid weathering systems: sedimentary vs. volcanic environments (Th. De Putter, A. Bernard et al.). Geochemical study of clay materials in Fornos de Algodres Region (central Portugal) in an archaeometric view (M.I. Dias, M.I. Prudêncio, M.A. Gouveia). Fibrous clay minerals as lithostratigraphic markers in a tertiary continental deposit (Malpica do Tejo, Portugal)(M.I. Dias, F. Rocha). Cr-bearing chlorites in low-grade metapelites of the Puncoviscana Formation (Neoproterozoic), northwestern Argentina (M. Do Campo, F. Nieto). Two types of hydrothermal clay deposits in the south-east area of Tandilia, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (J. Dristas, M.C. Frisicale). Occurrence of bentonites in southern South America (M.L.L. Formoso, L.M. Calarge et al.). Clay mineralogy, illite crystallinite and polytypes in the Campana Mahuida Porphyry Cu deposit, Neuquén, Argentina (A. Impiccini, M. Franchini et al.). A neoformed kaolinitic mineral in the Upper Pleistocene of northeastern Argentina (M. Iriondo, D. Kröhling). Surface microtopography of pyrophillite from different modes of occurrence (M. Jige, R. Kitagawa et al.). Geochemistry of the hydrothermal kaolins in the SE area of Los Menucos. Prov. of Río Negro, Argentina (P.J. Maiza, D. Pieroni, S.A. Marfil). Chlorite-smectite geothermometry of two wells from the Copahue Geothermal Field, Argentina (G.R. Mas, L. Bengochea, L.C.Mas). Clay mineral diagenesis of a Pleistocene volcanogenic sequence, Mexican Basin (L. de Pablo-Galan, J.J. De Pablo, M.L. Chavez-Garcia). Analysis of colour rhythmites in sensitive marine clays (Leda Clay) from eastern Canada (J.B. Percival, J.M. Aylsworth, A. Fritz). Berthierine formation in spotted slates (M.D. Ruiz Cruz, E. Galán). The application of clay mineralogical analysis to the reconstruction of a Greek Bronce age coastal environment (C.M. Shriner, H.H. Murray). Facies distribution and pedogenetic evolution of clayey deposits of Caxambu Hill, Quadrilátero Ferrífero, Minas Gerais, Brazil (A.F.D.C. Varajão, M.C. Santos). The effect of deformation on illite crytallite sizes (K. Wagner (née Hetfeld)). III. Soil Mineralogy. X-Ray analysis of clay and silt fractions of soils developed in allocthonous materials of Aeolian (loess) and alluvial origin in the southwestern Pampa, Argentina
(M. del C. Blanco, I.M. Natale et al.). Coastal dune soils in Oregon, USA, forming allophane, imogolite and gibbsite
(G.H. Grathoff, C.D. Peterson, D.L.Beckstrand). Deep and actively forming illuvial clay in the regolith and on bedrock (D.L. Johnson, D.N. Johnson, D.M. Moore). Pedogenic mineral formation as environmental indicator in a paleosol sequence from the Miocene to the Holocene at Mergelstetten, southwest-Germany (K. Stahr, P. Kallis et al.). Experiences with selective extraction procedures for iron oxides (J.K Torrance, J.B. Percival). Neoformed halloysite in podzols developed on the Bärhalde granite, southern Black Forest, Germany (M. Zarei, M. Sommer, K. Stahr). IV. Applied Clay Science
Ceramics, Petroleum and Waste Managements. Clay mineralogy of raw materials and ancient pottery from archaeological sites in the Ambato Valley, Catamarca, Argentina (S.R. Bertolino, M. Fabra). Transformation of chlorinated aliphatic compounds by ferruginous smectite (J. Cervini-Silva, R.A. Larson et al.). Porous alumina-nano-clay functionally gradient membrane structures (K. Darcovich, F.N.Toll, L. Kotlyar). Effect of chemical modification of stilbite zeolite on removing lead from wastewaters (A.C.P. Duarte, M.B.M. Monte et al.). Pore lining chlorites in hydrocarbon reservoirs: structure and composition related to their origin (C. Durand, B. Rebours et al.). Mechanochemical activation of kaolinite surfaces (R.L.Frost, É. Makó et al.). The role of hydrophobic solids in the separation and upgrading of bitumen from Athabasca oil sands (L.S. Kotlyar, B.D. Sparks et al.). The physico-chemical and rheological characterizations of two industrial bentonites (C. Malfoy, A. Besq et al.). Application of bentonite and organoclay in stabilization/solidification of tannery waste (C.A. Pinto, S.M. Toffoli et al.). Plasticity of bricks clays: comparison of several empirical tests and correlation with mineralogical composition and particle size distribution (M. Raimondo, M. Cocchi et al.). Adsorption of phenol by organo-clays (M.M.G. Ramos Vianna, C.L. Vieira José et al.).
Portuguese clays used in geomedicine: study of their relevant properties (J. Silva, C. Gomes, F. Rocha). Industrial clays of Brazil: a review (P. de Souza Santos). White bentonite from Patagonia, Río Negro Province, Argentina (J.M. Vallés, A. Impiccini). Corrensite, a stratigraphic marker in the Quintuco Formation, Neuquén Basin, west-central Argentina, and Mississipian carbonates of the Illinois Basin, Illinois, USA (J.M. Vallés, G. Pettinari, D.M. Moore). Study of the structural order degree of Brazilian kaolinites by X-ray diffraction (A.C. Vieira Coelho, P. Souza Santos). Geology and evaluation of the Yarmouth Kaolin Deposit, Nova Scotia, Canada
(I.R. Wilson, H.H. Murray et al.). Demonstration of the existence of subcritical growth cracks in sintered kaolin (C. Xavier, P.K. Kiyohara, P. Souza Santos). Geology and physical properties of palygorskite from central China and southeastern United States (H. Zhou, H.H. Murray). V. Mineral Structure and Investigational Methods. a) Crystal chemistry. Distribution and characterization of forms of Fe and Al in particle-size fractions of an Entic Haplustoll by selective dissolution techniques, X-ray powder diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy (S.G. Acebal, M.E. Aguirre et al.). Thermal transformation of synthetic bayerite and nordstrandite as studied by electron-optical methods (M.L.P. Antunes, H. Souza Santos). Proton binding at clay surfaces in aqueous media (M.J. Avena, M.M. Mariscal, C.P. De Pauli). Hydrothermal transformation of kaolinite into 2:1 expandible minerals (M. Bentabol, M.D. Ruiz Cruz et al.). Synthesis and characterization of novel inorganic/organic hybrid materials prepared from layered double hydroxides (G.C.G. Caravaggio, A. Moser, C.D.C. Detellier). EPR characterisation of iron in various clay minerals: montmorillonites and layered double hydroxides (F. Dijoux, B. Deroide, D. Tichit). Synchrotron x-ray study of hydration dynamics in the synthetic swelling clay Na-fluorohectorite (E. DiMasi, J.O. Fossum, G.J. da Silva). Experimental weathering of biotite, muscovite and vermiculite: a Mössbauer spectroscopy study (E.A. Ferrow). Syntheses of smectite-analogue/coumarin composites (K. Fujii, S. Hayashi). Thermogravimetric analysis-mass spectrometry (TGA-MS) of hydrotalcites containing CO32-, NO3-, Cl-, SO42- or ClO4-. (J.T. Kloprogge, J. Kristóf, R.L. Frost). Spectroscopic analysis and X-ray diffraction of zinnwaldite (J.T. Kloprogge, S. van der Gaast et al.). Clay mineralogy and tensile strength of different soils from the southwestern Buenos Aires Province, Argentina (M. Del P. Moralejo, O.E. Soulages et al.). Molecular and particulate organisation in dye-clay films prepared by the Langmuir-Blodgett method (R. Ras, B. Van Duffel et al.). Si-Al-Mg and Si-Al-Zn montmorillonite: synthesis and characterization by EXAFS and quantitative 27Al MAS-MNR (M. Reinholdt, J. Miehé-Brendlé et al.). Electron optical study of star shaped gibbsite microcrystals (H. Souza Santos, P. Souza Santos, P.K. Kiyohara). A new method for the preparation of microcrystals of boehmite (P. Souza Santos, H. Souza Santos, P.K. Kiyohara). Studies of synthetic kaolinites containing copper and zinc.
(A.R.. Tong, B.J. Kennedy, B. Singh). Adsorption of quinoline on Na-sepiolite and Na-palygorskite (L.I. Vico, S.G. Acebal). b) Methods. Controlled rate thermal analysis of formamide intercalated kaolinites (R.L. Frost, J. Kristof et al.). Cathodoluminescence of kaolin group minerals (M. Plötze, J. Götze). FT-IR photoacoustic spectroscopy of kaolinite and gibbsite surfaces (H.D. Ruan, R.L. Frost et al.). FT-Raman spectroscopic and SEM of gibbsite, bayerite, boehmite and diaspore in relation to the characterization of bauxite (H.D. Ruan, R.L. Frost et al.). VI. Teaching Clay Mineralogy. Evaluation of colloidal properties using clay minerals: experiments for undergraduate and introductory chemistry students (M.B. Lombardi, M. Baschini). Three simple experiments to visually demonstrate the impact of clay minerals on the behavior of organic pollutants in soils (G. Rytwo). Microbes associated with clay minerals - formation of bio-halloysite (K. Tazaki R. Asada). 3rd International Symposium on Activated Clays (ISAC). Acid activation and bleaching capacity of bentonites from the Troodos ophiolite, Cyprus
(G. Christidis, S. Kosiari, E. Petavratzi). Synthesis and characterization of copper-loaded Titania pillared clays (Z. Ding, R.L. Frost et al.). Synthesis and characterization of SiO2 - Cr2O3 pillared montmorillonites (E.M. Farfán-Torres, A.G. Mercado et al.). Castor, cottonseed, and soybean oil bleaching by activated bentonites (E.L. Foletto, C. Volzone et al.). OH-Al complexes on kaolinite surface and their effect on suspension properties (L.B. Garrido, C. Volzone). Remotion of chromium from water by treated altered-tuffaceous materials (A. Hülsken, D. Hall Gómez et al.). Clay iron oxide magnetic composites for the adsorptions of contaminants in water (L.C.A. Oliveira, R.M. Lago et al.). Thermal decomposition of layered Co-Al hydrotalcite: an in situ study (J. Pérez Ramírez, G. Mul et al.). Some structural properties of an Al-PILC influenced by grinding the starting montmorillonitic clay (M. Sergio, S. Cardozo et al.). Synthesis and characterization of pillared clays from Argentinean bentonites (C. Solar, E. Fernández et al.). Influence of the smectite type on the basal spacing after polyhydroxy-aluminum pillaring in some Brazilian and Argentinian clays (A.C. Vieira Coelho, P. Souza Santos et al.).
- No. of pages: 676
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: August 8, 2003
- Imprint: Elsevier Science
- Paperback ISBN: 9780444546678
- Hardback ISBN: 9780444509451
- eBook ISBN: 9780080929897
F. Cravero
Affiliations and expertise
Universidad Nacional del Sur, Departamento de Geologia, Bahia Blanca, Argentina