1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress
28 Jun–2 July 1965, Stuttgart, Germany
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1967
- Editor: H. Adam
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 1 2 1 2 6 - 0
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 2 3 8 8 - 2
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 5 6 3 0 - 9
1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress, Volume 2 presents the methods for the epitaxial growth of silicon, which makes use of an ultra-thin layer of a silicon… Read more

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Request a sales quote1965 Transactions of the Third International Vacuum Congress, Volume 2 presents the methods for the epitaxial growth of silicon, which makes use of an ultra-thin layer of a silicon alloy on the substrate surface to develop epitaxial layers at temperature as low as 750°C. This book discusses the potential advantages of the technique and the mechanism of the epitaxial growth process. Organized into four sessions encompassing 42 chapters, this volume starts with an overview of the exact influence of the thin alloy layer. This text then describes the novel X-ray method and its application to semiconductor thin-film problems. Other chapters consider the field of electronic carrier transport in semiconductor films with particular reference to active thin-film devices and their typical behavior. The final chapter deals with the beta-ray single-scatter gauge, which are tested and described in very simple operation. This book is a valuable resource for physicists and scientists.
Part II
Session 5. Evaporation and Thin Films
A New Technique for Producing Epitaxial Silicon Layers Using Ultra-thin Alloy Zones
"Perfect Epitaxy" of Silicon Films on Silicon as Seen in Large-Area X-ray Topographs
Epitaxial Growth of Si on Si in Ultra-high Vacuum
Evaporation de permalloy par bombardement electronique
Thin Film Semiconductors
Some Experiments in the Reactive Evaporation of Tantalum Oxide
Preparation of High Mobility Thin Films of Indium Antimonide
Thermal Shock Effects in Quartz Crystal Microbalances
Weighing at Low Pressures
Impact Activated Sorption as a Means for Gas Incorporation in Sputtered Thin Films
Thin-film Hafnium-Hafnium Oxide Capacitors for high Temperature Operation
Uber die Aggregation von Silber- und Goldaufdampfschichten, die auf Kohlefolien erhohter Temperatur im Ultrahochvakuum niedergeschlagen wurden
Session 6. Vacuum Systems and Pumping Procedures
Pumpzeitberechnung von Vakuumanlagen bei variabler Wandtemperatur
Design Considerations for Vacuum Systems with built-in Getter Ion and Sublimation Pumps
Speed Measuring of Ion Getter Pumps by the "Three-Gauge" Method
The Measurement of Water Vapor Pressure in Vacuum Systems Using a Quartz Crystal Oscillator
Charakteristik von Pumpsystemen ftir grosse Wasserdampfmengen unter Vakuum unter Anwendung von Kondensation und Kompression des Wasserdampfes
Eine gepulste Hochfrequenz-Entladung als Gasumwalzpumpe
Die Anwendung des Kryopumpenprinzips zur Verklirzung der Pumpzeiten in Vakuumkammern
The Effect of Non-condensable Gas Pressure on the Evaporation Rate in a Short Path Distillation Unit
Session 7. Adsorption and Desorption
Modulated Molecular Beam Apparatus for Studies of Atomic Interactions with Surfaces
Controlled Hydrogen Partial Pressure in a Field Ion Microscope
The Chemisorption of Oxygen on Polycrystalline Tungsten
Messung von Adsorptionsisothermen mit Schwingquarzen
Adsorption Isotherms for Hydrogen, Deuterium, Helium, Argon, Neon, Oxygen and Nitrogen on Molecular Sieve 5A at 77°K
Sorption von Wasserstoff an kondensierten Titanschichten bei niedrigen Driicken
A Study of a Sorption Process
Ober die Bestimmung der Haftwahrscheinlichkeit von Gasen an reinen Metalloberflachen
Anwendung des Omegatrons mit schnellem Elektrometerverstarker zur Untersuchung von Desorptionsvorgangen
Untersuchung von Halbleiteroberflachen durch Desorptionsspektroskopie
Gas Desorption by Synchrotron Radiation in Storage Rings
Die mittlere Verweilzeit und Haftwahrscheinlichkeit von Kohlendioxyd an Eisen
Session 8. Pressure Measurement and Leak Detection
Measurement of Small Ion Currents in a Mass Spectrometer with a Scintillation Detector
High Sensitive D.C. Split-magnetron Ionization Gauge
Utilization of Omegatron Type Mass Spectrometer for the Analysis of Release Gases and Hydrolysis Gases from Alkali Fluorides Samples at High Temperature
The Stability of Omegatron Sensitivity for Different Electrode Materials
Theoretische Grundlagen und experimentelle Ergebnisse einer neuen Methode der Partialdruckmessung fur Vakuumanlagen
Yacuum Chromatography
A Two-Chamber Ionization Gauge
A Cycloidal Path Mass Spectrometer with Wirewound Electric Field Structure
Electrochemical Vacuum Gauges
The Electron-Single-Scatter Gauge - A New Vacuum Gauge for the Range from 10~5 Torr to 1 Torr
Part III
Session 9. Cryogenics; Vacuum Metallurgy
Eine Kryopumpe fiir Temperaturen bis 1,5°K mit sehr geringem Kaltemittelverbrauch
Ein Beitrag zu den Untersuchungen des Saugvermogens einer Kryopumpe fiir Gasgemische
A Simple Cryo-Getter Pump for Ultra-high Vacuum
Pump Speed Measurements in a New Type of Cryopumped Vacuum System
Yerteilung der molekularen Dichte und des Saugvermogens innerhalb grosser, mit Kryopumpen ausgerusteter, Yakuumkammern
Herstellung extrem gasfreier Metalle nach dem van Arkel-Yerfahren durch mehrfache Umsetzung
Das Vakuumgiessen von hochreinen Kupferteilen
Elektronenstrahl-Schweissen unter Yakuum und an Atmosphare
Vergleichende Betrachtungen der Umschmelzbedingungen im Yakuumlichtbogenofen und Elektronenstrahl-Mehrkammerofen
Session 10. Sputtering and Gettering
Optimale Ausnutzung des Magnetfeldes bei Ionen-Zerstauberpumpen
Untersuchung der elektrischen Gasaufzehrung von Ar, He, N2 und CO
Measurement by a Hot W Filament Technique of the Clean-up of Water Vapor in a N2 Atmosphere by Means of a Getter
Low Energy Triode Sputtering
An Evaluation of Sputtering Processes for Long-Term Electric Propulsion System Testing
Bias Sputtering of Molybdenum Films
RF Sputtering of Insulators
Dynamic Absolute Sputtering Yield Measurement in the Threshold Region
Sputtering Studies of Insulators by Means of Langmuir Probes
Getter-Ion Pumps with Directly Heated Titanium Evaporators
Session 11. Adsorption and Desorption
Sorption de l'oxyde de Carbone sur le Nickel polycristallin
Temperature Dependence of the Desorption of Argon Ionically Pumped in Glass
Sorption of inert gas ions by titanium
The Adsorption of Oxygen on Discontinuous Metal Films
Adsorptionsmessungen von Xenon an Aktivkohle im Hochvakuum bei — 196°C mit Hilfe eines radioaktiven Tracers
Ion Bombardment of Tungsten by Inert-Gas Ions and Subsequent Adsorption of Oxygen as observed in the Field Emission Microscope
Session 12. Space Simulation
Mesures directes en haute atmosphere
Thermal Radiative Properties of Carbon Dioxide Cryodeposits
Analysis of High Sticking Coefficient Cryopanel Arrays for the Simulation of the Permissive Nature of the Space Environment
The 2 m-Space Simulation Chamber of the DVL
Bericht iiber das Hochvakuum-Erprobungslaboratorium in Ottobrunn bei Miinchen
Session 13. Vacuum Metallurgy
Uber die Vakuumentgasung fliissiger Metalle mit Hilfe der Gasblasenpumpe
Moglichkeiten der Vakuum-Gas-Metallurgie bei der Herstellung des Stahles
Einfluss des Sauerstoff- und Wasserdampfpartialdruckes auf die Entgasung von Niob und Tantal
Influence des efforts appliques sur la deformation des microgeometries et la conductance interfaciale de deux solides en contact
Contents of Volume 1
Contents of Volume 2, Part I
- No. of pages: 275
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1967
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080121260
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483123882
- eBook ISBN: 9781483156309
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