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Journals in Social sciences

71-80 of 310 results in All results

Economics of Transportation

  • ISSN: 2212-0122
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.8
  • Impact factor: 2.8
The official journal of the International Transportation Economics Association Economics of Transportation publishes scholarly papers that make important contributions to transportation economics. The journal also publishes papers that research the interaction between transportation and other economic activities; papers that seek to promote cross fertilization with other fields of economics including labor, trade, urban economics, and industrial organization; and substantive papers on timely policy issues relating to transportation. The journal welcomes both theoretical and applied papers. Papers are welcome regardless of the originating discipline provided they contribute to the goals of the journal. Economics of Transportation aims to uphold the highest standards of scientific originality and quality.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Economics of Transportation

Educational Research Review

  • ISSN: 1747-938X
  • 5 Year impact factor: 15.6
  • Impact factor: 11.7
The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI) Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach. This may include thematic or methodological reviews, or meta-analyses. The journal does not limit its scope to any age range. The journal invites articles on the broad range of settings in which people learn and are educated (school settings, corporate training, formal or informal settings, etc.). Empirical studies or theoretical contributions that do not include a critical review analysis are not accepted.
Educational Research Review

Electoral Studies

  • ISSN: 0261-3794
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.4
  • Impact factor: 2.3
An International Journal on Voting and Electoral Systems and Strategy Electoral Studies is an international journal dedicated to the study of elections and voting in different parts of the world. With a reputation established over more than 35 years of publication, Electoral Studies is widely recognised as a major journal in the field. It publishes theoretically informed and empirically robust research on all aspects of elections, and provides a forum for the analysis of topics such as turnout, voting behaviour, campaigns, political parties and electoral systems, amongst many others. The recent emergence of new democracies in many parts of the world provides a wealth of new information, and scope for testing hypotheses. On specific topics of particular interest to the community, the Journal accepts collections of 4-6 short articles that form special issues. Electoral Studies permits the publishing of short notes and papers extending or replicating previous empirical findings. All articles are subject to "double anonymized" peer review.
Electoral Studies

Emotion, Space and Society

  • ISSN: 1755-4586
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2
  • Impact factor: 1.8
Emotion, Space and Society provides a forum for multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary debate on theoretically informed research on the emotional intersections between people and places. These objectives are broadly conceived and seek to encourage investigations of feelings, encounter and affect in various spatial and social contexts, environments and landscapes. Submissions may focus on the core journal concepts - emotion, space and society - in both conceptual and methodological capacity. Submissions should critically consider the multiplicity of spaces and places that produce and are produced by emotional and affective life, representing an inclusive range of theoretical and methodological engagements with emotion as a social, cultural and spatial phenomenon. Questions of emotion are relevant across diverse disciplines, and the editors welcome submissions across the humanities and social sciences. The journal's editorial ethos is grounded in taking emotions, the emotional and the place of emotions and affect seriously, as central to all human interactions with each other and the worlds in which we live. The journal's presentational structure and style demonstrates the richness generated by multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary engagements with emotions and affects. The journal is open to questioning normative models of academic paper presentation and writing, instead emphasising intellectually and critically grounded work, and offering a unique and timely opportunity to explore exciting new ways to think about natures, cultures and histories of emotional life.
Emotion, Space and Society


  • ISSN: 0160-9327
  • 5 Year impact factor: 0.5
  • Impact factor: 0.6
A quarterly international journal dedicated to the history and philosophy of science A proud tradition Endeavour, established in 1942, has, over its long and proud history, developed into one of the leading journals in the history and philosophy of science. Endeavour publishes high-quality articles on a wide array of scientific topics from ancient to modern, across all disciplines. It serves as a critical forum for the interdisciplinary exploration and evaluation of natural knowledge and its development throughout history. Each issue contains lavish color and black-and-white illustrations. This makes Endeavour an ideal destination for history and philosophy of science articles with a strong visual component. Multi-faceted scholarship Endeavour presents the history and philosophy of science in a clear and accessible manner, ensuring the journal is a valuable tool for historians, philosophers, practicing scientists, and general readers. To enable it to have the broadest coverage possible, Endeavour features four types of articles: -Feature Research articles are concise, fully referenced, and beautifully illustrated with high quality reproductions of the most important source material. -In Vivo articles will illustrate the rich and numerous connections between historical and philosophical scholarship and matters of current public interest, and provide rich, readable explanations of important current events from historical and philosophical perspectives. -Book Reviews and Commentaries provide a picture of the rapidly growing history of science discipline. Written by both established and emerging scholars, our reviews provide a vibrant overview of the latest publications and media in the history and philosophy of science.

Energy Policy

  • ISSN: 0301-4215
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.5
  • Impact factor: 9
The International Journal of the Political, Economic, Planning, Environmental and Social Aspects of Energy Energy Policy is an international peer-reviewed journal addressing the policy implications of energy supply and use from their economic, social, planning and environmental aspects. Papers may cover global, regional, national, or even local topics that are of wider policy significance, and of interest to international agencies, governments, public and private sector entities, local communities and non-governmental organisations. Within this broad spectrum, topics of particular interest include energy and environmental regulation, energy supply security, the quality and efficiency of energy services, the effectiveness of market-based approaches and/or governmental interventions, technological innovation and diffusion, and voluntary initiatives where the broader policy implications can be recognised. Policy prescriptions are required to be supported by rigorous analysis and balanced appraisal. Given the aims and scope of Energy Policy, all submitted papers should explicitly address policy issues involving energy supply or use. This journal welcomes contributions that support and advance the UN's sustainable development goals, in particular SDG 7 (Affordable and clean energy). Special issue proposals Prospective guest editor(s) should submit written proposals that incorporate the rationale for the special issue topic, positions it in the literature, and include some illustrative topics and proposed contributors. Guest Editors should complete and submit this Special Issue Proposal template to be considered for publication in the Journal.
Energy Policy

English for Specific Purposes

  • ISSN: 0889-4906
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.4
  • Impact factor: 2.5
English For Specific Purposes is an international peer-reviewed journal that welcomes submissions from across the world. Authors are encouraged to submit articles and research/discussion notes on topics relevant to the teaching and learning of discourse for specific communities: academic, occupational, or otherwise specialized. Topics such as the following may be treated from the perspective of English for specific purposes: second language acquisition in specialized contexts, needs assessment, curriculum development and evaluation, materials preparation, discourse analysis, descriptions of specialized varieties of English, teaching and testing techniques, the effectiveness of various approaches to language learning and language teaching, and the training or retraining of teachers for the teaching of ESP. In addition, the journal welcomes articles and discussions that identify aspects of ESP needing development, areas into which the practice of ESP may be expanded, possible means of cooperation between ESP programs and learners' professional or vocational interests, and implications that findings from related disciplines can have for the profession of ESP. The journal also carries reviews of scholarly books on topics of interest to the profession. Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
English for Specific Purposes

Environmental Science & Policy

  • ISSN: 1462-9011
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.4
  • Impact factor: 6
Environmental Science & Policy advances research in the intersections between environmental science, policy and society. The journal invites scholarship within this broad thematic that fits with one or more of the following four focal areas: 1) Studies of the relationship between the production and use of knowledge in decision making; 2) Studies of the relation between science and other forms of environmental knowledge, including practical, local and indigenous knowledge; 3) Analyses of decision making practices in government, civil society, and businesses and the ways that they engage environmental knowledge; or 4) Studies that present actionable environmental research with a clear description of how it responds to specific policy directives and the pathways by which this research is informing (or could inform) decision-making. Research can address a wide number of environmental issues, such as climate change, food systems, biodiversity loss, human and ecological well-being, resource use- and extraction, land use change, and sustainability more generally. The journal aspires to achieve an appropriate balance between perspectives from the global North as well as the global South and welcomes discussions of (environmental) justice, equity and inclusion. The journal is particularly interested in cutting edge developments in inter- and transdisciplinary work on co-production; arts-based research; integrated nexus and landscape approaches; the trade-offs and synergies between environmental issues and policies; innovations in integrated assessment, monitoring and evaluation; and transitions and transformative change. Editorial Policy: Submitted articles can offer empirical analysis and can also advance new theory, conceptual frameworks or other innovations. To be considered for publication, articles should fit with the aims and scope of the journal. This means that they should address the relation between environmental science and knowledge, policy and society. To be considered, environmental research articles must go beyond simply stating potential societal and policy relevance. Submitted articles should be of international relevance and well embedded in relevant scholarly conversations and debates, and they should consider the scholarship that has been published in the journal. They should provide a compelling objective and specify how they advance the state of the knowledge beyond the current state of the art. In-depth case studies or local issues may be considered if articles clearly and sufficiently articulate their wider international significance. The journal will consider the following article types: research papers, reviews, perspectives, and letters to the editor. Specific requirements and guidance for each article type can be found in the guide for authors. The journal welcomes proposals or Special Issues, guidance for preparing and submitting a proposal can be found here. Authors should not submit to a special issue unless they have explicit approval by the managing guest editor of the special issue. Benefits to Authors: We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Environmental Science & Policy

Environmental and Sustainability Indicators

  • ISSN: 2665-9727
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.7
  • Impact factor: 4.3
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, a companion title to the highly-respected Ecological Indicators, is an open access journal promoting research on indicators as drivers for environmental management, policy formulation, and interdisciplinary research assessing complex environmental interactions for stimulating sustainable development. The primary aim of Environmental and Sustainability Indicators is the publication of high-quality papers that develop and disseminate indicators as common practice for guiding human actions to achieve sustainable management and development in natural and human modified systems. Papers considered for this journal should contribute to development or methodological steps at the interface of the three main drivers of the human society development at present: •Search for human well-being and the maintenance of human health and safety; •Maintenance of ecological sustainability and of natural environmental well-being; •Systems' resilience in face of an increasing human pressure, resulting from population size and demand for wealth creation. Indicators for sustainability and environmental management are requested in the areas of environmental management, climate change risk assessment, energy and natural resource management, and demographic and socioeconomic issues. Cross disciplinary work that touches on multiple goals of the UN SDGs are welcome, as disciplinary areas can include Agricultural and Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences and Humanities, Economics of Climate Change, Management Sciences, Medicine, and Engineering. The journal will accept the following types of contributions: •Full-length research papers •Review articles •Mini-reviews •Case studies •Policy overviews •Perspective papers (by invitation)
Environmental and Sustainability Indicators