Improving Health and Nutrition through Bioactive Compounds: Benefits and Applications presents bioactive compounds and functional foods as a therapeutic approach to disease and overall health and well-being. It covers various bioactive compounds, including peptides, phenols, and flavonoids as foods to consider for complementary treatment in disease management. Written for nutrition researchers, food scientists, graduate students and other food science and health professionals, this book is a welcomed reference for those who wish to better understand the role of bioactive compounds and functional foods in the treatment and prevention of disease.
Practical Aviation Security: Predicting and Preventing Future Threats, Fourth Edition is a guide to the aviation security system, from crucial historical events to the policies, policymakers, and major terrorist and criminal acts that have shaped the procedures in use today, as well as the cutting-edge technologies that are shaping the future. Using case studies and practical security measures now in use at airports worldwide, readers learn the effective methods and fundamental principles involved in designing and implementing a security system. This expanded fourth edition covers new threats and technologies to reflect the latest knowledge in the field from the past decade.This book will be ideal for airport, airline, charter, government, and others with aviation security responsibilities to better implement their security programs, evaluate the ever-changing risk environment, and respond appropriately and responsibly.
Freight Transport Planning highlights new advances in the field of transportation, with this new volume presenting interesting chapters. Each chapter is written by an international board of authors. Specific chapters in this new release include E-commerce, Decarbonization, Equity, Climate resilience, Spatial patterns and investments, Regional planning, Urbanism, Drones, Stakeholder engagement, and Digital twins.
Ecohydrology of Kerala: River Catchments and Coastal Backwaters presents 20 years of research to provide suggestions for sustainable management solutions for issues surrounding the urbanization of the rivers of Kerala. This helps identify major issues and develop management strategies. Themes explored include biogeochemistry of rivers/estuarine systems, productivity and trophic status, biology: fauna and flora, biodiversity, threats and conservation, invasive species and impact on riverine ecology, landscape/land use/land cover change in the catchment, socioeconomic status of catchment population, economic and livelihood activities along the river courses/estuaries (river and estuarine tourism, sand extraction, fisheries), pollution monitoring and assessment, impacts of climate change, and more. This book can be used as a tool in the holistic management of resources, and to devise proper mitigation measures. The content of the book is a model for other tropical regions and countries with rapidly developing economies and populations
Individuals of Asian descent are a demographic often overlooked in mainstream body image scholarship. Historically, body image concerns were thought to only affect white, upper-to-middle-class women in North America and Western Europe. However, empirical data accumulated in recent decades have subverted this myth. Contrary to popular belief and stereotypes that Asian Americans are a Model Minority in the United States, they experience significant body image concerns, as well as related disordered eating and mental health challenges. Asian diasporas in Western countries also face challenges similar to those faced by Asian Americans (e.g., racialized and objectified views of Asians). Asian nationals in Asia, on the other hand, are juggling between their collective and national standards of beauty/fitness and the body-image ideals propagated through commercialism and capitalization amidst the historical context of colonization and the contemporary atmosphere of globalization. Body Image and the Asian Experience: Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian Diasporas Across the Globe discusses the dearth of knowledge—and sometimes misinformation—about body image among people of Asian descent, including Asian nationals dwelling in Asia and those in the diaspora (Asian Americans, Asian immigrants in the United Kingdom, Australia, etc.).The first section of the book reviews the applicability of existing theories in understanding the body image experiences of individuals of Asian descent and proposes a new theoretical framework that emphasizes both decolonizing and intersectional perspectives in conceptualizing Asian body image. The next section examines the current state of research on body image among Asians, Asian Americans, and Asian diasporas around the globe, including attending to some seriously neglected specific demographic and social identity groups. The last section explores mental health and psychosocial implications of body image in the aspects of mental disorders, interpersonal and social relationships, and identity development.
Dynamic Relationality Theory of Creative Transformation: Grounding Machinic Ecosystems in Life Experiences introduces a visionary approach to understanding the evolving relationship between technology and human experiences. It delves into the transformative potential of Machinic Generalized Intelligence (MGI), where AI and human intelligence converge harmoniously, creating a new paradigm of interactive, machinic life experiences. This book challenges the traditional tech-centric view, advocating for a life and experience-first perspective. It presents the Dynamic Relationality Theory (DRT), a novel conceptual framework that redefines our interaction with technology, emphasizing cocreative, emergent experiences over mere digital platformization.Through an interdisciplinary approach combining philosophical insights and social theories with practical applications, this book navigates the complexities of digitalized life ecosystems, employing concepts and tools from assemblage theory, category theory, sheaf theory, differential topology, and gauge theory. For readers grappling with the complexities of AI and its societal implications, this book offers clarity and direction. It provides a robust theoretical framework to understand the changing landscape of human–technology interaction. Furthermore, it integrates philosophical insights and ethical considerations into the discussion of AI and technology, providing a well-rounded perspective that aids in ethical decision-making and responsible innovation. It also delves into practical applications and future implications of AI, aiding readers in applying these concepts in real-world scenarios.By moving beyond a purely technological focus, this book equips readers with the insights needed to navigate the ethical, philosophical, and practical challenges posed by the integration of AI into daily life. A crucial resource for academics, professionals, and policymakers, this book serves as a guide to making informed decisions and fostering responsible innovation in the age of AI.
This book catalogs the evidence based on the social, economic and environmental effectiveness of Nature based Solutions (NbS) to face environmental challenges and simultaneously provide a better understanding of associated social-ecological interactions.NbS are reframing discussion and policy responses worldwide to environmental challenges. The concept builds on and complements other closely related concepts, such as the ecosystem approach, ecosystem services, ecosystem-based adaptation/mitigation, disaster risk reduction, sponge cities, and green/blue infrastructures. The quantification of existing NbS’ effectiveness, their operationalization and replication in different environmental settings are presented here in such a way that allows them to be both widely accepted and incorporated in policy development and in practical implementation.
The Sustainability Handbook: How to Go About Disruptive Sustainability Innovation, Volume Three provides a comprehensive and holistic understanding of sustainability, bridging the gap between academic theory and business practices. Using numerous specific case studies and insights from industry leaders, the book shows how to strategically integrate sustainability into an organization, with extensive focus on policies, incentives, measures, operations, production, consumption and lifecycle management. Aimed at those who have already established a mature Sustainability Portfolio Management approach, it explores the “why” of Disruptive Sustainably Innovation and how to capture and use Sustainability Drivers and Requirements.Global climate change poses enormous environmental challenges, and societies across the world must adapt and innovate to further the goals of sustainability for present and future generations. The private sector especially must find new ways of doing business to align their practices with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the international community. Using a conceptually structured framework throughout, the book examines the latest academic research to summarize what environmental, social, and economic sustainability actually means in different contexts. This book will be ideal for researchers, students and businesspeople at all levels and sectors.
Essentials of Mental Health is an authoritative guide designed to provide comprehensive mental health knowledge that caters to professionals and students alike. The book reviews major mental disorders, including mood, anxiety, and personality disorders, as well as conditions like schizophrenia and sleep-wake disorders. Each disorder has specific symptoms, diagnostic criteria, and case studies to illustrate real-world applications. Special populations, such as older adults, women, children, and cultural minorities are given focused attention, underscoring unique mental health challenges and considerations. The book concludes with a comprehensive section on treatment options, ranging from hospital psychiatry to community-based services and psychotherapy techniques.It is a well-rounded resource that equips readers with the latest insights and practical tools for effective mental health care and intervention.
A Practical Guide to Functional Assessment and Treatment for Severe Problem Behavior discusses how to utilize functional assessment and function-based treatment for patients with severe problem behaviors. The book begins by defining problem behavior, contrasting functional and structural definitions, and clearly reviewing the term “severe”. The second section, Functional Assessment of Problem Behavior, reviews three different assessments in detail, providing sample questionnaires, methods for interviewing and brief bonus videos. The third section, Function-Based Treatments, outlines three main treatment options, including comprehensive and trauma-informed strategies and outline information on collecting, graphing, and analyzing treatment data.The final section, Promoting Sustainability and Compassionate Care will review strategies to implement these assessments and treatments in a culturally relevant and compassionate way.