Welcome Address
Opening Address
Some Effects of Environmental Pollutants on Endocrine Regulatory Mechanisms
Immunocytochemical Localization of Neurohormones in Bird Hypothalamus
Studies on the Hypothalamic Regulation of Luteinizing Hormone Secretion in the Domestic Fowl
Progesterone Receptors in Hypothalamus and Pituitary of the Hen during the Ovulatory Cycle
Serotonin in Different Brain Parts of Quail under Stress Condition
The Metabolism of Sex Steroids in the Bird CNS and Pituitary
Adenohypophysial Hormones: Their Chemistry, Physiology and Control
Plasma Prolactin and Thyroid Hormone Concentration after Hatching Following Different Incubation Temperatures in the Chicken
Concluding Remarks on Avian Neuroendocrinology
Plasma Concentrations of Luteinizing Hormone, Progesterone, Testosterone and Estradiol in Follicular and Peripheral Venous Plasma during the Ovulation Cycle of the Hen
Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal Sensitivity to Central Injections of Progesterone and LH-RH in the Laying and Molting Hen
Serum Prolactin Levels of Turkey Hens in Relation to Reproductive Function
Effect of Ovariectomy on the Plasma Levels of Thyroid Hormones during the Ontogenesis in the Domestic Hen
Interconnection between Plasma Levels of Sex Steroids, Thyroid Hormones and Corticosterone during the Ovulatory-Oviposition Cycle in the Domestic Hen
Adrenocortical Function and the Ovulation Cycle of the Hen
The Effect of Application of Sexual Hormones upon the Reproductive Characters of Intergeneric Hybrids of Ducks
Characterization and Regulation of Androgen Receptors in the Preen Gland of Adult Male Ducks
Changes in the Responses of the Hypophyseal-Gonadal Axis in Developing Cockerels Raised under Short or Long Photoperiods
Introduction to Prostaglandins
Metabolism of Arachidonic Acid by the Reproductive Tract of the Hen in the Absence and Presence of Indomethacin
Prostaglandin Production by the Hen Oviduct In Vivo and In Vitro
The Role of Prostaglandins in Oviposition
The Role of Ovarian Follicles in Uterine Contraction Associated with Ovulation and Oviposition
Are Prostaglandins Involved in Ovarian Function of the Domestic Hen
Nature of PGF2a Binding to Uterine Membranes in Laying Hens
Current and Future Trends in Prostaglandin Research
Thyroid Function
Transport of Radioiodide into Thyroid and Oocytes of Japanese Quail
Cyclic AMP-Dependent Protein Kinase Activity in the Avian Pituitary and Thyroid Glands Following Goitrogen Treatments
Effect of Testosterone, Progesterone 17-B-Estradiol and Corticosterone on the Peripheral Metabolism of Thyroxine in the Male and Female Japanese Quail
The Effect of Estradiol and Testosterone on Thyrotrophin-Releasing Hormone (TRH) Induced Changes in Plasma Thyroid Hormone Concentration in Immature Chickens
Thyroid Hormone Concentration in Blood Plasma, Blood Supply of the Thyroid Gland and Oxygen Consumption in Japanese Quail Following Acute Cold and Warm Exposure
Effect of Cold and Warm Exposure on Thyroxine Metabolism in the Chick (The Regulatory Role of the Periphery)
Seasonality in Avian Thyroid Function
Thermoregulatory Response and Thyroid Hormone Concentration after Cold Exposure of Young Chicks Treated with Iopanonic Acid or Saline
The Effect of Triidothyronine on Lipid Metabolism — Including Fat-Soluble Vitamins of Chickens
Concluding Remarks on Thyroid Function
Hormonal Control of Metabolism
The Regulation of Calcium Metabolism in Birds
Effect of Arginine Vasotocin and Indomethacin on the Renal Function in Hen
The Interaction of Steroids with the Nasal Gland of the Domestic Duck (Anas platyrhynchos) In Vitro
The Influence of Thyroid Hormones and Sex Steroids on the Peripheral Metabolism of Corticosterone in the Male and Female Japanese Quail
Effect of Sexual Steroids on Carotene, Vitamin A and Zinc Metabolism of Chickens
Early Developmental Dynamics of Circadian Rhythmicity of Plasma Corticosterone in Chickens
Physiological Adaptation to High levels of Corticosterone in the Male Duck (Anas Platyrhynchos L.)
Steroid Receptors in the Lymphoid Organs of the Chick
Behavior of Catechol Hormones in the Migratory Process of Capella Gallinago
Functions of the Endocrine Pancreas in Regulation of Avian Carbohydrate Metabolism
The Influence of Glucagon on Plasma Levels of Glucose, Triglycerides, Total Lipids and Cholesterol in Geese
Effect of Sex Steroids and Thyroid Hormones on Free and Total Cholesterol Level of Male and Female Japanese Quail
Insulin and the Response of the Pancreatic a Cell to Glucose in the Duck
Adrenals and the Post-Insulin Rise in the Chicken Plasma-Free Fatty Acids (FFA)
Hormonal Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism in Embryonic Chick Liver
Interrelationship of Optimum Temperature with the Concentration of Plasma Substrates in the Chicken
Recent Progress in Avian Endocrinology — Closing Remarks