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In its fully revised and updated second edition, Musculoskeletal Imaging covers every aspect of musculoskeletal radiology. This medical reference book incorporates the latest diagn… Read more
Up to 25% off Essentials Robotics and Automation titles
In its fully revised and updated second edition, Musculoskeletal Imaging covers every aspect of musculoskeletal radiology. This medical reference book incorporates the latest diagnostic modalities and interventional techniques, as well as must-read topics such as hip, groin and cartilage imaging; newly described impingements; and new concepts in the hip including teres ligament pathology. Accessibility in print, online and across portable devices makes Musculoskeletal Imaging a fully searchable and dependable source for both reading and reference. This publication is a key title in the popular Expert Radiology Series, which delivers evidence-based expert guidance from around the globe.
"This is an excellent benchbook and accompanying electronic resource which will be of value to trainee radiologists and established consultants." Reviewed by: Dr Steve Amerasekara, Consultant Radiologist on behalf of journal RAD Magazine Date: July 2015
"This outstanding text is now an acclaimed primary resource and therefore belongs in the libraries and at the work stations of all general and orthopedic hospital departments of radiology and, indeed, at any and all imaging facilities involved in musculoskeletal imaging."Foreword by: Lee F. Rogers, June 2015
1. General Imaging Principles
PART I: INJURYSection 1: Axial Skeleton2. General Principles of Osseous Injury3. Imaging of Facial and Skull Trauma4. Cervical Spine Injuries5. Injury of the Thoracic Cage and Thoracolumbar SpineSection 2: Appendicular SkeletonUpper Extremities6. Normal Shoulder7. Osseous Injuries of the Shoulder Girdle8. Shoulder Impingement Syndromes9. Glenohumeral Instability10. Normal Elbow11. Acute Osseous Injury of the Elbow and Forearm12. Soft Tissue Injury to the Elbow13. Normal Wrist14. Acute Osseous Injury to the Wrist15. Internal Derangement of the Wrist16. Acute Osseous Trauma to the Hand17. Compressive and Entrapment Neuropathies of the Upper Extremities 18. Soft Tissue Injuries of the Hand and Wrist
Lower Extremities19. Normal Pelvis and Hip20. Acute Osseous Injury to the Pelvis and Acetabulum21. Athletic Pubalgia22. Acute Osseous Injury to the Hip and Proximal Femur23. Internal Derangement of the Hip and Proximal Femur24. Normal Knee25. Acute Osseous Injury to the Knee26. Internal Derangement of the Knee: Meniscal Injuries27. Internal Derangement of the Knee: Ligament Injuries28. Internal Derangement of the Knee: Tendon Injuries29. Internal Derangement of the Knee: Cartilage and Osteochondral Injuries30. Normal Ankle and Foot31. Acute Osseous Injury to the Ankle and Foot32. Soft Tissue Injury to the Ankle: Ligament Injuries33. Soft Tissue Injury to the Ankle: Tendon Injuries34. Soft Tissue Injury to the Ankle: Osteochondral Injuries and Impingement 35. Compressive and Entrapment Neuropathies of the Lower Extremity36. Imaging of the Forefoot
Section 3: Pediatric Injuries37. Lower Extremity Injuries in Children38. Upper Extremity Injuries in Children39. Skeletal Manifestations of Pediatric Nonaccidental InjurySection 4: Other Musculoskeletal Injuries40. Stress Injury41. Radiation Effects in the Musculoskeletal System42. Complications of Osseous Trauma43. Muscle Injury and Sequelae44. Complex Regional Pain SyndromePART II: ARTHROPATHIES AND NEUROLOGIC/MUSCULAR DISORDERS AND CONNECTIVE TISSUE DISEASE45. Degenerative Disorders of the Spine46. Aging47. Degenerative Disease: Physiology and Advanced Imaging48. Rheumatoid Arthritis49. Psoriatic Arthritis and Psoriatic Spondyloarthropathy50. Reactive Arthritis51. Ankylosing Spondylitis52. Progressive Scleroderma53. Systemic Lupus Erythematosus54. Mixed Connective Tissue Disease 55. Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis56. Idiopathic Inflammatory Myopathy57. Hemochromatosis58. Ochronosis59. Diffuse Idiopathic Skeletal Hyperostosis and Ossification of the Posterior Longitudinal Ligament60. Gout61. Crystal-Related Arthritis62. Neuropathic OsteoarthropathyPART III: INFECTION63. Noninflammatory Intraarticular Pathology64. Soft Tissue Infection: Cellulitis, Pyomyositis, Abscess, Septic Arthritis65. Appendicular Infection66. Spinal Infection67. Diabetic Pedal Infection68. Pediatric Infections69. HIV Infection and AIDS70. Atypical Mycobacterial InfectionPART IV: HEMATOLOGIC AND VASCULAR DISEASE71. General Principles of MRI of the Bone Marrow72. Ischemic Bone Lesions73. Hemophilia and Related Disorders74. Sickle Cell Anemia75. Thalassemia76. MyelofibrosisPART V: METABOLIC, HORMONAL, AND SYSTEMIC DISEASE77. Osteoporosis78. Hyperparathyroidism, Renal Osteodystrophy, Osteomalacia, and Rickets79. Amyloidosis80. Pituitary and Thyroid Disorders81. Gaucher Disease82. Storage Diseases83. Osteogenesis Imperfecta84. Marfan Syndrome85. Paget Disease86. Hypertrophic Osteoarthropathy87. Sarcoidosis88. Tuberous Sclerosis89. Drug-Related Bone and Soft Tissue DisordersPART VI: MUSCULOSKELETAL TUMORS AND TUMOR-LIKE LESIONS90. The Patient with a Tumor or a Tumor-Like Lesion of Bone91. The Patient with a Soft Tissue Lump92. Primary Bone Tumors93. Myeloma94. Tumor-Like Lesions of Bone95. Soft Tissue Tumors96. Tumor-Like Soft Tissue Lesions97. Metastatic Disease98. Treatment Strategies for Musculoskeletal Tumors and Tumor-Like Lesions99. Staging Bone and Soft Tissue Tumors100. Monitoring Therapy in Bone and Soft Tissue TumorsPART VII: CLINICALLY RELEVANT DEVELOPMENT DYSPLASIAS101. Focal Growth Disturbances 102. Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip103. Coalitions104. Dysplasias105. Spinal DeformityPART VIII: POSTSURGICAL IMAGING AND COMPLICATIONS106. Principles and Complications of Orthopedic Hardware107. Postoperative Shoulder108. Postoperative Elbow, Wrist, and Hand109. Postoperative Hip110. Postoperative Knee111. Postoperative Ankle and Foot112. Imaging of the Residual Limb after Amputation113. Postoperative InfectionsPART IX: MISCELLANEOUS114. Temporomandibular Joint115. Dental Imaging116. Normal Variants
PART IX: MUSCULOSKELETAL PROCEDURES117. Biopsy: Soft Tissue118. Percutaneous Biopsy of the Appendicular Skeleton119. Percutaneous Biopsy of the Spine120. Tumor Ablation121. Spinal Injections122. Discography123. Vertebroplasty and Kyphoplasty124. Percutaneous Intradiskal Therapies125. Ultrasound ProceduresAPPENDICESAppendix 1: Measurements Most Frequently Used in Orthopedic ImagingAppendix 2: Orthopedic DevicesAppendix 3: Fractures with NamesAppencix 4: Diseases with NamesAppendix 5: Classic Signs and Findings in Musculoskeletal Radiology