Germ Cell Tumours III
Proceedings of the Third Germ Cell Tumour Conference Held in Leeds, UK, on 8th—10th September 1993
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1994
- Editors: W.G. Jones, P. Harnden, I. Appleyard
- Language: English
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 3 4 7 3 - 1
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 0 - 0 8 - 0 4 2 1 9 8 - 8
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 7 8 3 8 - 4
Advances in the Biosciences, Volume 91: Germ Cell Tumours III documents the proceedings of the Third Germ Cell Tumor Conference held in Leeds, UK on September 8-10, 1993. This… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAdvances in the Biosciences, Volume 91: Germ Cell Tumours III documents the proceedings of the Third Germ Cell Tumor Conference held in Leeds, UK on September 8-10, 1993. This book focuses on germ cell tumors, which can be cancerous or non-cancerous tumors that normally occur inside the gonads. The topics discussed include the embryological mechanisms of maldescent and tumorigenesis; epidemiology of cryptorchidism; simultaneous bilateral testicular tumors; and mediastinal germ cell tumors. The classification of germ cell tumors; role of positron emission tomography in the assessment of germ cell tumors; chemotherapy of seminoma; and prognostic factors in disseminated non-seminomatous testicular cancer are also elaborated in this text. This publication is intended for medical students and individuals interested in germ cell tumors.
Embryological Mechanisms of Maldescent and Tumorigenesis
The Epidemiological Association between Undescended Testis, Inguinal Hernia and Testicular Cancer: Results from the U.K. National Case-Control Study of Testicular Cancer
The Epidemiology of Cryptorchidism: Results from the John Radcliffe Hospital Cryptorchidism Study
Maldescent and Cryptorchidism: A Rational Approach to Management
Recent Progress in Research on CIS in Adults. Biological Aspects and Screening
Simultaneous Bilateral Testicular Tumors
Are Pediatric Germ Cell Tumors Germ Cell Tumors?
Pathology and Cytogenetics of Germ Cell Tumors in Children
UKCCSG Studies of Pediatric Germ Cell Tumors
Changing Pattern of Incidence and Survival in Children with Germ Cell Tumors (GCTs)
Testicular Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor (TGMnS) French Society of Pediatric Oncology Experience (SFOP), 1985-1989
Chemotherapy Associated Toxicity in Patients with Malignant Non Testicular Germ Cell Tumors (MNGCTs). Comparison of MAKEI 83/86 and MAKEI 89
Germ Cell Tumors in Children: A Report of 84 Cases
Pediatric Germ Cell Tumors in the West Midlands Health Authority Region (WMHAR): Increasing Incidence and Pattern of Geographical Distribution
Gonadotrophin and Sex Hormone Levels in Testis Cancer Patients with and without Carcinoma In Situ of the Contralateral Testis
Contralateral Biopsies in Patients with Testicular Germ Cell Tumor - The German Experience
Seminal Fluid Analysis and Carcinoma-In-Situ of the Testis
Abdominal CT Scans in Patients with Retroperitoneal Germ Cell Tumors with or without Carcinoma In Situ
The Value of Testicular Biopsy as a Screening Procedure for Future Malignant Germ Cell Tumors in Infertile Men
Inter-phase Cytogenetics of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Clonal
Origin of Seminoma and Nonseminoma Components in Combined Tumors
Growth of Human Seminoma Cells on STO Feeder Depends on Phenotype, Presence of Fetal Calf Serum and Added Growth Factors
Molecular Genetics in Germ Cell Tumors
Mediastinal Germ Cell Tumors
The Origin of Non-Germ Cell Tumor Elements within Germ Cell
Unusual Neoplasms Detected in Testis Cancer Patients Undergoing Post Chemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymphadenectomy
Outcome Analysis for Patients with Persistent Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor in Post-Chemotherapy Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissections
The Wilms' Tumor 1 Gene in Testicular Cancer Patients
Image Analysis Quantitation of P53 Gene Product and Ki-67 in Testicular Germ Cell Tumors - A Quantitative Immunohistochemical Study
Is Apoptosis an Important Mode of Death in Embryonal Carcinoma?
Growth Inhibition and Differentiation of a Human Embryonal
Carcinoma (EC) Cell Line by Osteogenic Protein-1 (OP-1)
Revised International Histological Classification of Testicular Tumors
New Classification of Germ Cell Tumors
Discussion on the Classification of Germ Cell Tumors
Grading Germ Cell Tumors as a Means to Resolve the Last Twenty Five Years Transatlantic Conflict over Testis Tumor Classification
The Clinical Value of Imaging Germ Cell Tumors with Radiolabeled Antibodies
The Role of Positron Emission Tomography in the Assessment of Germ Cell Tumors
The Princess Margaret Hospital Experience in the Management of Stage I and II Seminoma - 1981 to 1991
Chemotherapy of Seminoma
Late Relapse in Patients on Surveillance for Stage I Testicular Seminoma
Surveillance of Stage I Non-Seminomatous Testicular Cancer - A Preliminary Report of the EORTC GU-Cooperative Group Surveillance Study
Short Course Adjuvant Chemotherapy in High Risk Stage I Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis (NSGCTT): An MRC Study Report
One Course Adjuvant Treatment for Stage 1 Germ Cell Tumors
NSGCT Stage I - Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients with Vascular Invasion and Surveillance for Patients without Vascular Invasion: Update of a Prospective Trial after 8 Years
Testicular Cancer in Russia
Good Risk Chemotherapy Trials for Patients with Advanced Germ Cell Tumors: The MSKCC Experience
Carboplatin-Based Chemotherapy in Good Prognosis Metastatic Non-Seminoma of the Testis (NSGCT): An Interim report of an MRC/EORTC Randomized Trial
Insurance Status as a Prognostic Factor for Stage and Survival of Testicular Cancer Patients in Illinois
Prognostic Factors in Metastatic Seminoma and Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors
Prognostic Factors in Disseminated Non-Seminomatous Testicular Cancer
Predictors of Residual Mass Histology Following Chemotherapy for Metastatic Nonseminomatous GCT: Univariate and Multivariate Meta-Analysis
Resection of Small Masses of Residual NSGCT and Subsequent Therapy: Dilemmas in Clinical Decision Making
Needs, Findings and Outcome of Post-Chemotherapy Surgery of Residual Masses (RM) in Patients with Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Testis Tumors (NSGCTT) at a Single Institution
Treatment of Brain Metastases Round Table
Treatment of Central Nervous System (CNS) Metastases of Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors: The Charing Cross Experience
Treatment of Cerebral Metastases from Malignant Germ Cell Tumor
Management of Central Nervous System Metastases in Patients with Disseminated Germ Cell Tumors
The Treatment of Brain Metastases from Germ Cell Cancer - A Report of the Round-Table Discussion
Dose Intensive Chemotherapy for Poor Prognosis Germ Cell Malignancies
Schedule Intensive Treatment for Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
Salvage Therapy in Metastatic Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center
Late Relapses in Advanced Malignant Germ Cell Tumors (MGCT) Treated with Cisplatin Based Chemotherapy
The Importance of Dose Intensity in the Chemotherapy of Advanced Testicular Cancer
Salvage Chemotherapy and ABMT Round Table
Salvage Chemotherapy and Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation: 9-Year Experience at Institute Gustave-Roussy
Dose-Intensive Chemotherapy in Patients with Germ Cell Tumors: The Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center Experience
A High-Dose Carboplatin-Based Salvage Strategy for Relapsing or Refractory Germ Cell Cancer
High Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Marrow Rescue for Germ Cell Salvage Consolidation: Vancouver Experience
Management of Recurrent Germ Cell Tumors: Role of High Dose Chemotherapy
High Dose Chemotherapy with Hemopoietic Stem Cell Support
Salvage Chemotherapy and Autologous Bone Marrow Chemotherapy for Refractory Germ Cell Malignancies
High Dose Chemotherapy Plus Stem Cell Support for Poor Risk Testicular Cancer or as Salvage Therapy for Patients with Relapsed Disease
Salvage Chemotherapy and Autologous Stem Cell/Bone Marrow Transplantation in Germ Cell Cancer - Summary of Papers Presented and Round-Table Discussion
Surgery in Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis
Aortic Replacement in Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Metastatic Germ Cell Cancer
Resection of the Inferior Vena Cava or Intraluminal Tumor Thrombectomy during Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Metastatic Germ Cell Cancer: Indications and Results
Retroperitoneal Surgery: Management Strategies in Malignant Teratoma
Modified Retroperitoneal Lymph Node Dissection for Testicular Tumor: Open and Laparoscopic Approach, Operative Technique and Results
Late Side Effects in Patients Treated for Testicular Cancer
Fertility in Nerve-Sparing RPLND
Treatment for Loss of Ejaculation after Para-Aortic Lymphadenectomy
Second Cancer Risk Following Testicular Cancer
Long-Term Toxicity after Cisplatinum-Based Chemotherapy
Experience of a Testicular Cancer Patient Support Group
Severe Vascular Side Effects of Cisplatinum Based Chemotherapy
Hemopoietic Growth Factors: An Overview
Development of New Antiemetics
Strategies to Control Vomiting Caused by Anticancer Drugs
Chemotherapy for Testicular Cancer: Prophylactic Ciprofloxacin Reduces the Incidence of Neutropenic Pyrexia
Germ Cell Tumors: Past, Present and Future
Abstracts of Poster Presentations
Is there any Relationship between Vasectomy and Testicular Cancer?
Primary Cerebral Germinoma in Children - French Society of Pediatric Oncology (SFOP) Experience
NSGCTT Metastases
A Pilot Evaluation of Peripheral Blood Stem Cell Transplants Compared to ABMT following High Dose Chemotherapy
Clinical Features and Prognosis of Primary Mediastinal and Retroperitoneal Germ Cell Tumors Treated with Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy
Four Drug Combination Chemotherapy Consisting of Etoposide, Cisplatin, Bleomycin and Cyclophosphamide for Advanced Metastatic Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors
Germ Cell Tumors and Carcinoma In Situ of the Testis Detected by Fine Needle Biopsy
Malignant Sex Cord/Stromal Tumors: A Case Report of a Metastatic Sertoli-Leydig Cell Tumor of the Testis
Phase III Trial of Early Intensified Chemotherapy (HDCT) with Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation (ABMT) in First Line Treatment of Poor Risk Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors (NSGCT): Long Term Results of a Randomized Trial
Estimation of 12p Copy Number in Paraffin-Embedded Tissue Sections of Germ Cell Tumors by In Situ Hybridization of a Microdissected 12p Probe
An Evolution of a Testicular Self-Examination Video
High Dose Chemotherapy with Autologous Bone Marrow Transplantation for Advanced Germ Cell Tumors
Localized Gonadal Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors - French Society of Pediatric Oncology Experience (SFOP)
Salvage Therapy in Refractory/Relapsed Germ Cell Tumors: Etoposide, Ifosfamide and Cisplatin (VIP)
Preliminary Results of BOP-VIP Protocol in Poor Risk "Worst Prognosis" Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors of Testis
Cancer in Cryptorchid Testes at IRCH All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi 1987-1992
Weekly Cisplatinum Combination Chemotherapy Regimes for Relapsed/Poorly Responding Metastatic Malignant Germ Cell Tumors
The Results of a Surveillance Study in Stage I Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumors of the Testis
HCG Positive Seminoma
- No. of pages: 480
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1994
- Imprint: Pergamon
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483234731
- Hardback ISBN: 9780080421988
- eBook ISBN: 9781483278384
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