Advances in Morphogenesis
Volume 2
- 1st Edition - January 1, 1962
- Editors: M. Abercrombie, Jean Brachet
- Language: English
- Hardback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 1 - 9 9 4 9 - 8
- Paperback ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 1 1 0 9 - 1
- eBook ISBN:9 7 8 - 1 - 4 8 3 2 - 2 4 5 2 - 7
Advances in Morphogenesis, Volume 2 considers the significant advances in various aspects of morphogenesis. This book is composed of nine chapters that cover the morphological and… Read more

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Request a sales quoteAdvances in Morphogenesis, Volume 2 considers the significant advances in various aspects of morphogenesis. This book is composed of nine chapters that cover the morphological and biochemical aspects of cell growth and development. The opening chapter deals with the principles and phenomena of morphogenesis characteristic of ciliate protozoa Stentor. The succeeding chapters examine the phenomena of symmetrization in amphibian, birds, reptiles, and fish, and discuss comparative biochemical studies on amphibian and invertebrate. These topics are followed by surveys on the histochemical and morpholopgical studies of limb morphogenesis in vertebrates. Other chapters are devoted to embryonic and larval development, as well as the regeneration in certain group of animals. This book is directed primarily to developmental biologists.
Contributors to Volume 2
Morphogenesis in Stentor
I. Introduction
II. Development of New Individuals in Stentor
A. The Normal Form
B. Origin of Two Stentors from One in Division
C. Reorganization of an Individual
D. Regeneration
III. Adjustment of Proportionality and Arrangement of Parts
IV. Relation of Cell Elaborations to the Cortical Pattern
A. Induction of Membranellar Bands
B. Induction of Mouthparts Formation
V. Activation and Inhibition of Primordium Formation in Development
VI. Upper and Lower Limits to Size of Organizational Mass
A. Lower Limits
B. Upper Limits
VII. Reconstitution of Minced Stentor
VIII. Nucleocytoplasmic Interaction
A. Cytoplasmic Differentiation without Nuclear Differentiation
B. Necessity of the Nucleus for Primordium Formation and Development
C. Nuclear Behaviour Governed by the Cytoplasm
D. Chimeras
IX. Conclusions
Symmetrization of the Egg of Vertebrates
I. Introduction
II. Determination of Bilateral Symmetry in Amphibians
A. Rana Fusca
B. Other Amphibians
C. Conclusions
III. Determination of Bilateral Symmetry in Birds
A. Structure of the Egg
B. Formation of the Egg
C. Relation between Position of the Embryo and Direction of Coiling of the Chalazae
D. Relation between Egg Position in the Uterus and Embryo Orientation
E. The Critical Phase during Symmetrization of the Uterine Egg
F. Conclusions
IV. Determination of Bilateral Symmetry in Reptiles
V. Determination of Bilateral Symmetry in Fish
A. Chondrostei (Acipenser Sturio, A. Ruthenus, A. Huso)
B. Selachii (Scylliorhinus Canicula)
C. Teleostei
VI. Discussion and Interpretation of Results
VII. Summary
Comparative Biochemical Studies on Amphibian and Invertebrate Development
I. Introduction
II. Embryonic Development and Metamorphosis of Amphibians
A. Proteolytic Enzymes
B. Ribonucleic Acid and Phosphates
C. Amylases
D. Lipases
E. Energy Sources
III. Biochemical Considerations on the Development of some Invertebrates
A. Arternia Salina Leach
B. Bombyx Mori L
C. Musca Domestica L
IV. Results and Conclusions
The Acrasina
I. Introduction
A. Deviations from the Mean
B. The Pseudoplasmodium
II. The Non-Social Phase
A. The Cells
B. Organization
III. The Onset of the Social Phase
A. Food Shortage
B. The Initiators
C. The Founders
D. Sexuality
IV. The Aggregation
A. The Cells
B. Organization
C. Acrasin
D. The Nature of Intercellular Bonding
V. The Grex
A. The Cells
B. The Whole
Histochemical Aspects of Limb Morphogenesis in Vertebrates
I. Introduction
II. Experimental Data
III. Histochemical and Morphological Data
A. Methods
B. Observations
IV. Conclusions
The Proteins in Embryonic and Larval Development
I. Introduction
II. Studies on Differentiation
A. Sea Urchins
B. Amphibians
C. Attempt at Comparison
III. Studies on Determination
A. Alterations in Early Determination
B. Differences in Proteins from Embryos Showing Different Malformations
C. Animalizing Agents Denaturing Proteins
D. Protein Denaturation and Developmental Processes
E. Action of Vegetalizing Agents
F. Differences in Resistance to Breakdown of Proteins from Embryos Showing Different Malformations
G. Predisposition to and Inhibition of Protoplasmic Structural Breakdown
H. Embryonic Proteins and the Nature of the Denaturation induced by Animalizing Agents
I. Evidence from the Research of Other Authors
J . Conclusion
Ooplasmic Reaction Systems in Insect Embryogenesis
I. Introduction
II. Natural and Experimental Conditions Influencing Development
A. External Factors
B. Internal Factors
III. Preformed Prerequisites in the Ooplasm
A. Egg Dimorphism
B. Control Substances
C. Control Centers
D. Types of Egg Architecture
IV. Superficial Cleavage
A. Synchronous Mitoses and Collective Migration of Energids
B. Vitellophags
C. Cleavage in the Future Thorax Region
V. Activation
A. A Type of Reaction Sequence
B. Autonomous Ooplasmic Processes
C. Nucleocytoplasmic Interactions
VI. Morphogenetic Movements
A. Germ Anlage Formation
B. Anatrepsis
VII. Metameric Organization
A. Organ Pattern in the Periplasm
B. Antagonistic Polar Prerequisites
C. Initial Concentration of Potentialities
Factors in Morphogenesis of Regenerating Fresh-Water Planaria
I. Introduction
II. The Neoblasts of Fresh-Water Planaria
A. Cytological Study of the Neoblasts
B. Neoblasts of the Regeneration Blastema
C. Planarian Neoblasts with Limited Regeneration Capacity
III. Differentiation Factors
A. Determination of the Blastema
B. Organ Differentiation in Regeneration
IV. Conclusion
Experimental Morphology of the Aortic Arches and the Heart Loop in Chick Embryos
I. Methods Relating to the Problem of Local Intervention
II. Experimental Morphology of the Aortic Arches
A. Suppression of One Aortic Arch
B. Simultaneous Suppression of Two or Three Aortic Arches
C. Simultaneous Suppression of Four or Five Aortic Arches
D. Some Vascular Anomalies Resulting from Experiments on Aortic Arches
E. Position of the Recurrent Nerve in Various Aortic Arch Patterns
III. Experimental Morphology of the Heart Loop
A. Conditions Governing the Form and Location of Ventricular Septal Defects
B. Experimental Heart Ectopia
C. Haemodynamic Effects of Suppressing Development of the Atrium and their Morphogenetic Significance
D. Transposition of the Aorta into the Right Ventricle
E. Influence of the Blood Stream on the Proximal Bulbar Cushions
IV. Simultaneous Experiments on the Heart Loop and Aortic Arches
A. Relation of the Incumbent and Transposed Aorta
B. Dependence of the Critical Period on Experimental Procedure
V. Theory of the Teratogenetic Meaning of Local Damage to the Heart Loop and Aortic Arches
Author Index
Subject Index
- No. of pages: 400
- Language: English
- Edition: 1
- Published: January 1, 1962
- Imprint: Academic Press
- Hardback ISBN: 9781483199498
- Paperback ISBN: 9781483211091
- eBook ISBN: 9781483224527
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