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Journals in Economics and finance

Our Economics and Finance titles are essential reading for students, scholars, policymakers, and market practitioners who want to stay up-to-date with the latest research and foundational topics in the field, from financial markets and trade to e-commerce, econometrics, quantiative investing, financial technology, financial engineering, global finance, corporate finance, law and economics, macro and microeconomics, and risk management.

Titles manage to balance quality of content with the increasing demand for a wider view of the vast array of topics in the field of Economics and Finance.

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Finance Research Letters

  • ISSN: 1544-6123
  • 5 Year impact factor: 7.6
  • Impact factor: 7.4
Finance Research Letters invites submissions in all areas of finance, broadly defined. Finance Research Letters offers and ensures the rapid publication of important new results in these areas. We aim to provide a rapid response to papers, with all papers undergoing a desk review by one of the Editors in Chief before being sent for review.Papers are especially welcome that shed insight on the replicability or lack thereof of established results, that look at transnational applicability of previous findings, that challenge existing methodological approaches, or which demonstrate the methodological contingency of findings. Single country replications of well-established results are not generally within the scope of the journal.Papers for submission should be concise - less than 2500 words; they should be clearly and lucidly written to convey the essence of the findings and novelty; they should contain new, preliminary or experimental results of interest to the broad finance community.Topics welcomed include, but are not limited to, those below. Authors are welcome to contact any of the Chief Editors to inquire, without prejudice, as to topic suitability.Papers are invited in the following areas:Actuarial studies Alternative investments Asset Pricing Bankruptcy and liquidation Banks and other Depository Institutions Behavioral and experimental finance Bibliometric and Scientometric studies of finance Capital budgeting and corporate investment Capital markets and accounting Capital structure and payout policy Commodities Contagion, crises and interdependence Corporate governance Credit and fixed income markets and instruments Derivatives Emerging markets Energy Finance and Energy Markets Financial Econometrics Financial History Financial intermediation and money markets Financial markets and marketplaces Financial Mathematics and Econophysics Financial Regulation and Law Forecasting Frontier market studies International Finance Market efficiency, event studies Mergers, acquisitions and the market for corporate control Micro Finance Institutions Microstructure Non-bank Financial Institutions Personal Finance Portfolio choice and investing Real estate finance and investing Risk SME, Family and Entrepreneurial Finance
Finance Research Letters

Food Policy

  • ISSN: 0306-9192
  • 5 Year impact factor: 6.6
  • Impact factor: 6.8
Food Policy is a multidisciplinary journal publishing original research and novel evidence on issues in the formulation, implementation, and evaluation of policies for the food sector in developing, transition, and advanced economies.Our main focus is on the economic and social aspect of food policy, and we prioritize empirical studies informing international food policy debates. Provided that articles make a clear and explicit contribution to food policy debates of international interest, we consider papers from any of the social sciences. Papers from other disciplines (e.g., law) will be considered only if they provide a key policy contribution, and are written in a style which is accessible to a social science readership.Policy issues that are relevant to the journal include: • Food production, trade, marketing, and consumption • Nutrition and health aspects of food systems • Food needs, entitlements, security, and aid • Food safety and quality assurance • Technological and institutional innovation affecting food systems and access • Food systems and environmental sustainabilityConceptual and methodological articles should be written so that they are accessible to the journal's diverse international readership. We normally do not publish review papers, although we might make rare exceptions for rigorous and critical reviews on topical issues.See also Elsevier's Economics Journals
Food Policy


  • ISSN: 0016-3287
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.3
  • Impact factor: 3
Futures: for the interdisciplinary study of futures, visioning, anticipation and foresightJournal Overview Futures is a forum for substantive research and knowledge at the intersections between disciplines (and beyond them) about the relationships between humanity and its possible futures. It has a long-standing commitment to analyse and challenge misuses and abuses of futures, and to build robust knowledge about the conditions for creating emancipatory, socially, responsible, and ecologically just futures.The editors invite contributions that present:- new knowledge about humanity's diverse anticipatory practices and how to understand, challenge, develop or enhance them - novel futures-oriented research that provides insights from a range of relevant disciplines into the diverse aspects of society’s relationship with the future- the highest quality interdisciplinary scholarship in the field of futures studies.Contributions to Futures are typically motivated by a wide range of aims and objectives:questioning the assumptions that shape how futures are imagined; encouraging dialogue across different fields and different knowledge traditions about the futures of cultures and societies, science and technology, economics and politics, environment and the planet, individuals and humanity, organisations and their strategies, building greater understanding of anticipatory behaviours, beliefs, expectations, and practices and their implications in the presentpluralizing the worldviews and perspectives that inform scholarship on and about futures, in particular learning from the knowledges of those who have, hitherto, not been in positions of power developing further the intellectual, ethical and empirical foundations of futures inquiry in interdisciplinary studies, the arts, humanities and social sciences, as well as in practice and policy settingsstrengthening the methodological development of professional practices in the futures field - including e.g. foresight, scenario planning and horizon scanning, as well as methods with roots outside these traditionsengendering high quality, responsible approaches to futures education - in schools, universities, and professional and policy settingsanimating research interest in emerging questions of significance to the futures of people and planet.What criteria should contributions meet in order to be considered for publication? To be considered for publication, submitted articles should make a substantive contribution to knowledge in one or more of the following areas:Understanding how relationships between human societies and their futures are changingUnderstanding anticipatory processes, and in particular the uses of ideas of the future by individuals, organisations, or systemsContributing original insights and novel approaches to the theory, ethics, methods and practices of futures, foresight and other forms of prospective knowledge;The research and practice of futures education and futures literacy.Submitted articles should also: Be transparent and reflexive about the theories, assumptions and methods that they use to make their arguments;Have the potential to make a significant contribution to efforts to create more plural, democratic and ecologically just futures, by providing new empirical/conceptual insights and challenging assumptionsSituate their contributions in relation to existing literature on their chosen topics within the field of futures studies, and where possible, in relation to relevant literature published within Futures and other future-oriented communities journals.We welcome in particular contributions from scholars in the global South and proposals for Special Issues from researchers seeking to create an interdisciplinary forum for topics and issues that fit within the aims and scope of the journal. We also welcome for consideration articles that adopt novel presentational strategies but which fulfil one or more of the above criteria. What kinds of contributions will Futures not consider? We are unable to publish papers that:Do not refer to futures or to potential implications of the paper’s topic for the relationship between society and its futures. For example, papers that would fall into this category are ones that: simply describe technological applications and their possible improvements and efficienciesdiscuss methods, theories or innovations with no reference to their implications for humanity's relationship to futures or for developing futures-oriented researchdo not explain why a proposed theory, method or innovation is of significance for human anticipatory capacities.Do not engage with and contribute to existing scholarly work within futures studies that is relevant to a paper’s topic. Our readers expect papers published in the journal to engage with existing relevant debates within Futures and in other leading futures journals. Expressly advocate for a vision of a particular desired, possible or probable future, without reflecting on the basis for these visions and/or without enquiring into the potential consequences of these future visions for the present. Simply describe the outcome of a specific futures method or technique (e.g. ‘we produced these scenarios’ or 'we used method discussion of its potential consequences for scholarship, policy or practicereflexivity towards the assumptions and theory that underpinned itno analysis of the contribution to the scholarship or practice already existing in the field of futures studies, broadly construedThis excludes from consideration contributions which simply set out a particular model or forecast.History of the journal Futures was launched in 1968 to create a forum for the emerging field of Future Studies and is internationally recognised as a leading journal in the fieldToday, Futures is at the cutting edge of developments in the theory and practice of futures-oriented research across many disciplines, opening-up new ways of theorising, studying, challenging and cultivating human anticipationFutures acts as a point of encounter between the 50+ year history of Futures Studies and emerging interests in time and futures across many fieldsThe journal is at the forefront of efforts to create more plural, democratic and sustainable futures through robust research, high quality scholarship and responsible practicePapers are subject to a rigorous double blind peer review process and are published soon after final acceptance

Games and Economic Behavior

  • ISSN: 0899-8256
  • 5 Year impact factor: 1.2
  • Impact factor: 1
Games and Economic Behavior (GEB) is a general-interest journal devoted to the advancement of game theory and its applications. Game theory applications cover a wide range of subjects in social, behavioral, mathematical and biological sciences, and game theoretic methodologies draw on a large variety of tools from those sciences.Publication criteria: GEB publishes general-interest papers that significantly advance the frontiers of game theory and its applications. This is a high bar, but the journal's editors are open-minded about the interpretations and trade-offs involved. For example, a paper in industrial organization that deals with corporate takeover might be of general game-theoretic interest if it contributes to our understanding of coalition formation. Similarly, the analysis of games played by computer algorithms might be relevant to modeling strategic thinking. The editors are also open-minded about the frontiers. They are happy to publish papers that, while not in currently popular areas, lead to significant new frontiers in game theory and applications. Authors are therefore encouraged to make a clear case, in the paper itself, that it meets these publication criteria. Evaluation procedure: Each paper is initially assigned by GEB's chief editor to one of the seven editors (including himself), who has final decision authority. In determining their decisions, editors consult with advisory editors and reviewers who are anonymous to the authors. The assigned editor then (non-anonymously) communicates her/his decision to the corresponding author in a decision letter, usually accompanied by one or more referees' and/or advisory editors' reports. Currently GEB publishes about 15% of the submitted papers. However, when editors decide that a submitted paper does not have a chance of meeting the journal publication criterion, they "desk-reject" the paper without going through the standard, lengthy evaluation process. About one third of the submitted papers are desk-rejected.In case of questions regarding Games and Economic Behavior or a submission, please contact [email protected] Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Games and Economic Behavior

Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography

  • ISSN: 0953-9611
This journal offers unrivalled coverage of current literature in all disciplines relating to the geography of human activity. It forms a broad international bibliographic reference source in the areas of planning, social and economic geography.Features: • Abstracts taken from 2,000 science journals • Monthly publication • Full bibliographic details of the original publication • Author abstracts • Title translation and abstract for non-English papers • International coverage • FREE annual subject/regional/author index included in subscription priceCoverage comprises:Available online as part of GEOBASE through DIALOGA CD-ROM version is available through Silver Platter on GEOBASE CD ROM.Also of interest: Geographical Abstracts: Physical Geography and Fluid Abstracts: Civil Engineering
Geographical Abstracts: Human Geography

Global Finance Journal

  • ISSN: 1044-0283
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.9
  • Impact factor: 5.5
Global Finance Journal aims to publish rigorous theoretical, conceptual, and empirical articles in financial economics and the discipline of finance. The Journal is particularly interested in original articles that deal with environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors in financial decision making and their impact on valuation. Manuscripts dealing with sustainable finance and climate finance are also of particular interest. Articles with an international/global perspective are especially welcome. Although not exhaustive, papers providing insight into the following broad areas fall within the scope of Global Finance Journal: alternative assets, asset pricing, behavioral finance, capital structure, central banking, commodities, cost of capital, credit markets, payout policy, energy markets, ethics in financial markets, exchange rates, experimental finance, financial accounting , fintech, foreign exchange markets, governance, interest rates, mergers and acquisitions, market regulation, real estate finance, risk management and hedging. Global Finance Journal also aims to provide space for the publication of well-executed ideas that break from the tradition and provide answers or solutions that utilize a non-conventional approach or challenge group-think.Benefits to authors Manuscripts accepted for publication will be professionally edited, by a professional copy-editing firm, at no expense to the author(s). We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Global Finance Journal

Health & Place

  • ISSN: 1353-8292
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.6
  • Impact factor: 3.8
Health & Place is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of the role of place in understanding health and health care.Recent years have seen closer links evolving between health geography, medical sociology, health policy, public health and epidemiology, amongst other disciplines. The journal reflects these convergences, which emphasise differences in health and health-related experiences between places, the social, cultural and political processes shaping the contexts for health, the health-related experience of healthcare provision, the development of health care for places, and the innovative methodologies and theories underpinning the study of these issues.The journal publishes original research articles, short communications, opinion papers and reviews relevant to any aspects of health where place is a central theme in the research. It brings together contributors from geography, sociology, social policy, population health science, public health and other related disciplines. The journal also welcomes proposals for special issues - please visit our Special Issues Proposal page to find out more information.We welcome research that offers comparative perspectives on the difference that place makes to the incidence of ill-health, the structuring of health-related behaviour, the provision and use of health services, and the development of health policy. We are interested in submissions informed by a theoretical framework, that inform policy and practice, and of general interest to an international readership.At a time when the role of place is increasingly recognised as being crucial to enhancing population health and reducing health inequity, Health & Place provides a forum for summarizing developments and reporting on the latest research findings. The journal seeks to maintain the highest standards of peer-reviewed excellence, as well as to provide a forum for interdisciplinary debate on the connections between health and place.
Health & Place

Human Resource Management Review

  • ISSN: 1053-4822
  • 5 Year impact factor: 10.1
  • Impact factor: 8.2
Conceptual Development for Future ResearchThe Human Resource Management Review (HRMR) is a quarterly academic journal devoted to the publication of scholarly conceptual/theoretical articles pertaining to human resource management and allied fields (e.g. industrial/organizational psychology, human capital, labor relations, organizational behavior). HRMR welcomes manuscripts that focus on micro-, macro-, or multi-level phenomena relating to the function and processes of human resource management. HRMR publishes articles that provide new insights aimed at stimulating future theory development and empirical research. Critical examinations of existing concepts, theories models, and frameworks are also welcome as are quantitative meta-analytical reviews that make a conceptual/theoretical contribution.Subject areas appropriate for HRMR include (but are not limited to) Strategic Human Resource Management, International Human Resource Management, the nature and role of the human resource function in organizations, any specific Human Resource function or activity (e.g., Job Analysis, Job Design, Workforce Planning, Recruitment, Selection and Placement, Performance and Talent Management, Reward Systems, Training, Development, Careers, Safety and Health, Diversity, Fairness, Discrimination, Employment Law, Employee Relations, Labor Relations, Workforce Metrics, HR Analytics, HRM and Technology, Social issues and HRM, Separation and Retention), topics that influence or are influenced by human resource management activities (e.g., Climate, Culture, Change, Leadership and Power, Groups and Teams, Employee Attitudes and Behavior, Individual, team, and/or Organizational Performance), and HRM Research Methods. Papers introducing or helping to advance our understanding of emergent HR topics or issues are also strongly encouraged.HRMR does not consider manuscripts that report qualitative or quantitative studies that test hypotheses or inductively examine ideas. In addition, conceptual papers and meta-analyses that do not sufficiently advance the literature in terms of providing novel insights for further theoretical development and empirical research will not be considered. Moreover, in its quest to foster the development of general theories and models, HRMR does not consider papers that deal with a single occupation, company, industry or country, nor cases of these entities (a single company, industry, etc. can be used as the primary example, but should not be the only example and the insights of the paper must be generalizable beyond that primary example). Finally, as a scholarly journal, manuscripts written primarily for practicing managers are also not considered. Submissions of these types of papers will be rejected as being outside the scope of the journal, unless requested as part of a special issue. The Editor and Associate Editors will provide an initial editorial review to determine whether submissions fall within the scope of the journal and/or are of sufficient merit to warrant peer review.
Human Resource Management Review

Information Economics and Policy

  • ISSN: 0167-6245
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.6
  • Impact factor: 4.5
IEP is an international journal that aims to publish peer-reviewed policy-oriented research about the production, distribution and use of information, including these subjects: the economics of the telecommunications, mass media, and other information industries, the economics of innovation and intellectual property, the role of information in economic development, and the role of information and information technology in the functioning of markets.The purpose of the journal is to provide an interdisciplinary and international forum for theoretical and empirical research that addresses the needs of other researchers, government, and professionals who are involved in the policy-making process. IEP publishes research papers, short contributions, and surveys.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Information Economics and Policy

Insurance: Mathematics and Economics

  • ISSN: 0167-6687
  • 5 Year impact factor: 2.1
  • Impact factor: 1.9
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes leading research spanning all fields of actuarial science research. It appears six times per year and is the largest journal in actuarial science research around the world.Insurance: Mathematics and Economics is an international academic journal that aims to strengthen the communication between individuals and groups who develop and apply research results in actuarial science. The journal feels a particular obligation to facilitate closer cooperation between those who conduct research in insurance mathematics and quantitative insurance economics, and practicing actuaries who are interested in the implementation of the results. To this purpose, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics publishes high-quality articles of broad international interest, concerned with either the theory of insurance mathematics and quantitative insurance economics or the inventive application of it, including empirical or experimental results. Articles that combine several of these aspects are particularly considered.The subject matter of the journal includes the theory, models and methods of life insurance (including pension systems, social insurance, and health insurance), of non-life insurance, and of reinsurance and other risk-sharing arrangements. It also includes innovative insurance applications of results from related fields, such as probability and statistics, computer science and numerical analysis, quantitative economics, mathematical finance, operations research and management science, and, in particular, quantitative risk management.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Insurance: Mathematics and Economics