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Journals in Pharmacology

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Medicine in Drug Discovery

  • ISSN: 2590-0986
Medicine in Drug Discovery is a peer-reviewed open access journal. The journal publishes original papers related to basic, preclinical and clinical studies covering all aspects of drug discovery and development. Clinical studies with a focus on efficacy and safety, target engagement, biomarkers, PK/PD, side effects etc. are also covered in the journal. Article types accepted include, but are not limited to, original research articles, reviews, case reports, short communications and editorials. The journal is in cooperation with The National Center for Drug Screening, Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Benefits to authors We provide many author benefits, such as APC waivers for accepted manuscripts submitted by 31 December 2020, certificate of publication for your article and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services. Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
Medicine in Drug Discovery

Molecular Aspects of Medicine

  • ISSN: 0098-2997
  • 5 Year impact factor: 13.6
  • Impact factor: 10.6
Molecular Aspects of Medicine is a review journal for Physicians and Biomedical Scientists and an official journal of the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. Molecular Aspects of Medicine aims to encourage the bridging of the gap between clinicians of all relevant specialities and biomedical scientists. The journal anticipates that most of the authors contributing to the series will be practising clinical scientists who will develop their own personal perspective as an extended review on the molecular aspects of a field of medicine in which they are working, addressing themselves both to the doctor who is ill-at-ease with basic science, and to the basic scientist with little awareness of the problems of clinical practice. It publishes articles on a spectrum of topics in medicine to illustrate not only the molecular insights that derive from the application of basic science, but also the variety of challenging problems that medicine is able to offer the basic scientist. Submissions on from biochemistry and molecular and cell biology to physiology, pharmacology and pathology are particularly welcomed.
Molecular Aspects of Medicine


  • ISSN: 0028-3908
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.8
  • Impact factor: 4.7
Neuropharmacology publishes high quality, original research within the discipline of neuroscience. The emphasis of Neuropharmacology is on the study and understanding of the actions of known exogenous and endogenous chemical agents on neurobiological processes in the mammalian nervous system. Work with non-mammalian and invertebrate species may be considered in exceptional circumstances. The journal does not usually accept clinical research, although neuropharmacological studies in humans may be considered on the condition that they provide novel insight into either the actions of drugs and/or neurobiological mechanisms. The journal only considers submissions in which the chemical structures and compositions of experimental agents are readily available in the literature or disclosed by the authors in the submitted manuscript. Similarly, manuscripts describing the use of natural products will only be considered if the active ingredient is known and disclosed. The journal publishes Special Issues in which leading experts are invited to serve as Guest Editors to compile a collection of reviews, and occasionally original articles, around a particular topical theme in neuroscience research. The list of recent Special Issues can be found here. Suggestions for Special Issues can be made directly to the Editor-in-Chief. Neuropharmacology also publishes topical narrative reviews on subjects within its remit. These reviews are commissioned by the Editorial Team or arise after correspondence with potential authors. Unsolicited reviews will be considered, but authors are encouraged to contact the Editor-in-Chief of their intention to submit a review. Potential review authors should clearly indicate their expertise in the area, and how the review differs from, and adds to, recent published reviews on related topics. On the basis of the case made by authors, potential overlap with planned Neuropharmacology content, and discussions with the Editorial Team, the Editor-in-Chief will provide authors with a prompt decision regarding the proposed review. Systematic reviews, meta- or bibliographic analyses will not be considered unless they are a necessary part of a Special Issue and conducted by experts in the field, and even then only under exceptional circumstances and at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief.


  • ISSN: 0306-4522
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.5
  • Impact factor: 3.3
Neuroscience is an international journal under the editorial direction of IBRO. Neuroscience publishes papers describing the results of original research on any aspect of the scientific study of the nervous system. Any paper, however short, will be considered for publication provided that it reports significant, new and carefully confirmed findings with full experimental details. Neuroscience is the sister journal of IBRO Neuroscience Reports


  • ISSN: 1878-7479
Official journal of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics Neurotherapeutics® is the journal of the American Society for Experimental Neurotherapeutics (ASENT). Each issue provides critical reviews of an important topic relating to the treatment of neurological disorders written by international authorities. The Journal also publishes original research articles in translational neuroscience including descriptions of cutting edge therapies that cross disciplinary lines and represent important contributions to neurotherapeutics for medical practitioners and other researchers in the field. Neurotherapeutics® delivers a multidisciplinary perspective on the frontiers of translational neuroscience, provides perspectives on current research and practice, and covers social and ethical as well as scientific issues.


  • ISSN: 0899-9007
  • 5 Year impact factor: 4.5
  • Impact factor: 4.4
The International Journal of Applied and Basic Nutritional Sciences Founded by Michael M. Meguid in the early 1980's, Nutrition presents advances in nutrition research and science, informs its readers on new and advancing technologies and data in clinical nutrition practice, encourages the application of outcomes research and meta-analyses to problems in patient-related nutrition; and seeks to help clarify and set the research, policy and practice agenda for nutrition science to enhance human well-being in the years ahead. Papers on nutrition-related plant or animal sciences are unlikely to be considered as they are outside the main focus of the Journal. Benefits to authorsWe also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center

Nutrition Research

  • ISSN: 0271-5317
  • 5 Year impact factor: 3.9
  • Impact factor: 4.5
An International Publication for Nutrition to Advance Food and Life Science Research The mission of Nutrition Research is to serve as the premier journal for the global communication of nutrition sciences research. Our primary goal is to publish research across the broad field of nutrition sciences that advances human health and promotes clinical applications through a comprehensive understanding of dietary patterns, foods, nutrients, and bioactive food components. This understanding includes exploring diet-related interactions with environmental exposures, human behavior, genetics, and underlying health status. Nutrition Research aims to contribute to the advancement of fundamental knowledge and facilitate research translation in support of public health. We achieve this by publishing nutrition sciences research that establishes mechanisms and demonstrates the efficacy or detriment of dietary exposures and interventions. We welcome studies conducted in humans, populations, and cellular and animal models, particularly those related to biomolecular nutrition, precision nutrition, (multi)omic workflows, nutrition interventions, randomized controlled trials, and novel methodological approaches and techniques that advance the nutrition sciences field. Furthermore, Nutrition Research is committed to promoting diversity, equity, inclusivity, and justice in the field through the dedicated efforts of its globally diverse editorial board. We also actively encourage the submission of research from all geographic regions and topics addressing health inequities and improvements in the health of vulnerable and/or underrepresented populations. Nutrition Research publishes peer-reviewed research and articles related to all aspects of nutrition sciences that are relevant to the health of humans and populations. We welcome the following types of submissions: Original research articles presenting hypothesis-driven studies performed in humans, or in animal models or cellular systems with physiological relevance to humans. Narrative and systematic reviews and meta-analyses focusing on fundamental and applied nutrition. Research methodology and study design of human clinical trials. Short communications. Editorials and opinions on emerging or controversial nutrition and dietary issues. Since 2010 Nutrition Research has sponsored the David Kritchevsky Graduate Student Award with support provided by Elsevier. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding articles published in Nutrition Research by graduate and professional students. Annually, two awards of $1000 (USD) each are presented to these early-career scientists. Additional Information & Inquiries: Richard S. Bruno, PhD, RD ([email protected]) is the Editor-in-Chief of Nutrition Research and is responsible for decisions on all manuscript submissions with the assistance and recommendation of Associate Editors who coordinate peer-review in collaboration with Editorial Board Members or outside expert scientists. A Social Media Specialist also assists with the promotion of journal content, including over Twitter @NutrtnResrch, and a Managing Editor helps to coordinate the manuscript submission process. Authors are encouraged to read and follow the Guide for Authors. Contact the Nutrition Research Editorial Office for any assistance, including manuscript preparation, the peer review process, or for pre-submission inquiries to determine appropriateness of manuscript topics. Please contact Joanna Hodges, PhD (Managing Editor; [email protected]).
Nutrition Research


  • ISSN: 2666-1020
Organs-on-a-Chip is an interdisciplinary open access journal dedicated to publishing research and development in the field of organs, tissues and organoids on chips and their application. The journal aims to promote original works on microphysiological systems that demonstrate significant progress beyond the current state-of-the-art in these fields, along with applicability to solve meaningful problems. Organs-on-a-Chip will publish works that are supported by experimental results, and as such purely theoretical works will not be accepted. The scope of the journal encompasses, but is not restricted to, the following areas: Novel applications Development and characterization of OOC/TOC platforms Fabrication technology Tissue on a chip Organoid applications on/off chip

Pharmacological Research

  • ISSN: 1043-6618
  • 5 Year impact factor: 8.8
  • Impact factor: 9.3
Bridging across disciplinesAn IUPHAR-affiliated journal, International Union of Basic and Clinical Pharmacology Pharmacological Research publishes cutting-edge articles in biomedical sciences to cover a broad range of topics that move the pharmacological field forward. We provide a venue through which specialists across disciplines can rapidly exchange information in health sciences that pertains to modern pharmacological topics. The journal publishes articles on molecular, biochemical, translational, and clinical research (including clinical trials); it is proud of its rapid publication of accepted papers that comprises a dedicated, fast acceptance and publication track for high profile articles. Invited and unsolicited review articles are welcome. Journal Sections Specific sections are dedicated to: The cardiovascular system: CV disease therapy; Signal transduction and receptor pharmacology in the CV system; Target organs; Clinical trials. Neuroscience, including psychopharmacology, and neuroendocrinology: Understanding of the central nervous system in physiological and pathological conditions; Neuropharmacological and molecular mechanisms of learning and memory; Therapeutic and diagnostic challenges for mental illness and neurodegerative diseases; System biology. Oncology: Targeted cancer therapy; Precision medicine and personalized therapy; Signal transduction studies, as related to drug action; Clinical trials. Immunology (clinical and basic): Immune and inflammatory mechanisms including target identification; Immunotherapy and immunotoxicology; Immunopathology; Vaccines and adjuvants; Treatment of infectious diseases. Redox regulators and biological gases in pathophysiology: Oxidative and nitrative stress and cell dysfunction; Redox regulation of signal transduction in various diseases; Pathophysiological roles of NO, CO and H2S; Interaction between oxidants and gaseous mediators in health and disease; Pharmacological modulators of oxidants, free radicals and gaseous transmitters. Renal Pathophysiology and Pharmacology: Acute and chronic kidney injury disease; Metabolic alkalosis and metabolic acidosis in renal disease; Renal excretion in electrolyte disorders; Diabetes insipidus, Diabetic nephropathy; Pathogenesis of glomerular disease; End stage renal disease; Prevention and treatment of nephrotic diseases. Pregnancy Related Pharmacology and Perinatal Therapeutics: Drug effects on the mother and foetus before and after birth; Placental barrier and its relationship with drugs (transportation metabolism and so on); Molecular signalling in placenta and identification of mechanisms beyond drug action in pregnancy; Adverse effects of drugs drug/combination in placenta; Drug repurposing/reprogramming for placenta-related disorders; Regulatory aspects beyond clinical research in pregnant mothers; Placenta remodelling in disease; In vivo models of the diseased placenta; The microbioma; Effects of the environment on pregnancy; Preventive vs therapeutic use of drugs. Pharmacogenomics, Pharmacogenetics and Precision Medicine: We are especially interested in GWAS studies and studies reporting pharmacogenetic data that are relevant in terms of safety and efficacy of drugs. They must provide insight into novel genomic or therapeutic associations that can help guide therapy selection or suggest new indications for established drugs. Studies can also provide details of exceptional responses in limited numbers of patients. We also publish n=1 studies of exceptional responses, provided they are backed up by compelling genomic or experimental data. Studies must include full clinical description of the case, along with details of the response and supporting molecular information. The molecular information should support the clinical observations and offer a definitive pharmacogenomic insight. Standard clinical sequencing assays (Foundation ONE, Genoptix etc) are only appropriate when the therapeutic or phenotypic response is novel. Ideally, the observational patient studies should be supported by lab based functional data. Bioactive molecules derived from medicinal plants or natural products: New, effective bioactive molecules; Drug target identification; Treatment mechanism; Mechanism investigation with -omics and computational technologies; Combinational therapy with natural products; Multi-targeting and network pharmacology; Herbal bioinformatics; Precision medicine of natural products; Evidenced-based research and clinical trials. Studies reporting on plant extracts in which the active principle(s) has not been defined do not fall into the scope of this journal. Exceptions can be made for papers addressing the mechanisms of actions or the clinical applications of standardized herbal preparations. Clinical studies on commercially-available nutraceuticals are also taken into consideration. Rare diseases and orphan drugs, and drug repositioning We also publish articles focusing on: Gastrointestinal and urogenital apparatuses when involving pharmacological issues; Pharmacology of tissue repair/regeneration; Pharmacology of aging; Nutraceuticals (if relevant to human disease); Pharmacoeconomy; Pharmacoepidemiology. We do not publish: Papers reporting pharmacological activities of novel compounds if no proper controls with known substances are performed; Bioequivalence studies or studies reporting only the pharmacokinetics profile of a compound; Descriptive pharmacovigilance studies; Single dose/concentration studies and those measuring only one endpoint.
Pharmacological Research

Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine

  • ISSN: 2667-1425
Affiliated with the Chinese Pharmacological Society The journal publishes articles reporting on advances in our comprehension of mechanism and safety in experimental pharmacology and clinical efficacy and safety of pharmacologically active substances, including compound prescriptions, utilized in Traditional Chinese Medicine applying modern scientific research methods. Studies reporting also on the mechanisms of actions of the active substance(s) investigated are encouraged. Reports must be on standardized preparations in which the ingredients are defined; elucidation of which are the active principles and which pathways they trigger is encouraged but not mandatory. The diseases investigated must be classified according to the WHO International Classification of Diseases version 11. Negative results will be considered. The Journal will not consider articles utilizing material from endangered species as categorized by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
Pharmacological Research - Modern Chinese Medicine