Design Studies The Interdisciplinary Journal of Design ResearchMission Our mission at Design Studies is to foster contemporary discourse and discoveries in the field of design. We commit to transcend traditional disciplinary boundaries and champion inclusivity in academic contributions. We welcome submissions from a diverse spectrum of individuals and perspectives globally. We invite an engaged community of authors to advance design through research, scholarship and creative practice.Aims Design Studies is a leading international academic journal dedicated to the comprehensive examination and discourse of design.The editorial aim is to publish work that is relevant to a broad audience of researchers, educators, and practitioners. We welcome original scholarly research papers concerned with the process, perspectives and outcomes of designing in all its application areas. Insights into the process of design from experimental or empirical research, the design of objects, environments, and systems and their impacts on society and the environment, and critical theory and analysis should galvanize thought leadership and community.Design Studies fills a unique niche among design publications of its type by publishing articles that strike a balance between theoretical and practical modes of inquiry, to produce critical understandings of design practice and its effects in society through the following distinctive aims.Foster Interdisciplinary Design Discussions: Create a space for interdisciplinary discussions on fundamental design elements, including process, cognition, and philosophy, while emphasising research, theory, and innovative outcomes.Explore Design's Theoretical Evolution: Assess the history and future of design by examining its development and contributing to future practices, focusing on rigorous research approachesCritically Analyse Design Practices: Encourage critical evaluations of design methodologies and outcomes, including ethical, social, and environmental considerations.Embrace Diverse Design Contexts: Examine design within various cultural, socio-economic, organisational and political settings, highlighting its impact on social change, sustainability, and community empowerment.Expand the Design Conversation: Welcome a wide range of contributions, including practical case studies, theoretical explorations, and methodological critiques, to engage in a comprehensive design discourse.Scope Design Studies seeks to expand the boundaries of design knowledge and practice. We invite authors to submit papers that not only challenge traditional norms and methodologies but also promote a forward-thinking and inclusive dialogue within the design community. Our scope encompasses a wide range of design domains, including but not limited to engineering design, industrial design, product design, systems design, innovation, and current design thinking paradigms within the overarching research context.Design Studies welcomes articles on a wide range of topic areas across design's core facets centred on the main aims of the journal.Design Theory • Design Process • Philosophy of Design • Design Conceptualisations and Perspectives • Design ThinkingDesign Research and Methodology • Design Research Methods • Interdisciplinary Design Research • Co-DesignDesign Practice • Practice-led Design Research • Design Innovation • Design JusticeDesign Education • Design Pedagogy • Design Teaching and Learning • Design DialogueDesign Impact • Human Factors in Design • Design Manufacturing and Materials • Product Engineering • Design Sustainability
Presenting research that bears on important conceptual issues in developmental psychology, Developmental Review: Perspectives in Behavior and Cognition provides lifespan, aging, infancy, child, and adolescent behavioral scientists with authoritative articles that reflect current thinking and cover significant scientific developments. The journal emphasizes human developmental processes and gives particular attention to research that is relevant to developmental psychology. This research has fundamental implications for the fields of cognitive science, developmental sciences, decision sciences, pediatrics, psychiatry, and neuroscience.Developmental Review publishes two types of articles: (1) theory papers that advance new empirically tested hypotheses or frameworks and (2) literature reviews that include but go beyond summaries, instead rigorously interpreting findings about important phenomena. Unlike many other journals, we do not publish empirical reports, although data can be used to test and illustrate new theories. That is, the journal publishes original integrative reviews of empirical studies from important segments of the developmental psychology literature, and it also publishes original theoretical articles on important segments of the developmental psychology literature. For both types of submissions, we emphasize research that tests hypotheses about underlying processes or mechanisms of behavior. Manuscripts are also reviewed for their novelty, currency, and relevance to our readership.FeaturesIntegrated collections of papers on a single themeReviews of the literatureTheoretical statementsBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center.
The Official Journal of the American Association on Health and DisabilityDisability and Health Journal is a scientific, scholarly, and multidisciplinary journal for reporting original contributions that advance knowledge in disability and health. Topics may be related to global health, quality of life, and specific health conditions as they relate to disability. Such contributions include: • Reports of empirical research on the characteristics of persons with disabilities, environment, health outcomes, and determinants of health • Reports of empirical research on the Systematic or other evidence-based reviews and tightly conceived theoretical interpretations of research literature • Reports of empirical research on the Evaluative research on new interventions, technologies, and programs • Reports of empirical research on the Reports on issues or policies affecting the health and/or quality of life for persons with disabilities, using a scientific base.Disability and Health Journal describes and analyzes health and health related states using conceptual frameworks, including the international classification of functioning, disability and health. The Journal provides a forum for peer reviewed articles that identify, evaluate and promote existing and emerging models of healthcare delivery and/or health promotion which contribute to the improvements of health across the lifespan.The Journal focuses on individual health, public health, rehabilitation, health promotion, and community participation (e.g. employment, recreation, personal relationships and access to services).
Discourse, Context & Media is an international journal dedicated to exploring the full range of contemporary discourse work into mediated forms of communication in context. It provides an innovative forum to present research that addresses a variety of discourse theories, data and methods, from detailed linguistic and interactional analyses to wider studies of representation, knowledge and ideology analysed through all forms of discourse analysis.The journal seeks empirical contributions that also address the theoretical and methodological debates within discourse studies. The journal aims to explore the challenges and opportunities provided to discourse scholars by all forms of media as context-shaped and context-renewing, and to address questions raised by new and traditional media technologies as mediated communication. Such media provide opportunities for new forms of data to be analysed, allow rethinking of existing theories and methodologies and encourage the development of new models of interaction which further our collective understanding of discourse in context. Discourse, Context & Media is especially interested in contributions that make use of innovative methods and media for the analysis and presentation of data.For further information on the journal's aims and scope, please consult our "How to get published in Discourse, Context & Media" guidelines.
The Journal of Combinatorial Algorithms, Informatics and Computational SciencesThe aim of Discrete Applied Mathematics is to bring together research papers in different areas of algorithmic and applicable discrete mathematics as well as applications of combinatorial mathematics to informatics and various areas of science and technology. Contributions presented to the journal can be research papers, short notes, surveys, and possibly research problems. The "Communications" section will be devoted to the fastest possible publication of recent research results that are checked and recommended for publication by a member of the Editorial Board. The journal will also publish a limited number of book announcements as well as proceedings of conferences. These proceedings will be fully refereed and adhere to the normal standards of the journal.Potential authors are advised to view the journal and the open calls-for-papers of special issues before submitting their manuscripts. Only high-quality, original work that is within the scope of the journal or the targeted special issue will be considered.Benefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission.This journal has an Open Archive. All published items, including research articles, have unrestricted access and will remain permanently free to read and download 48 months after publication. All papers in the Archive are subject to Elsevier's user license.If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
An International Journal on Biomedical and Psychosocial Approaches Sponsored by the College on Problems of Drug DependenceDrug and Alcohol Dependence is an international journal devoted to publishing original research, scholarly reviews, commentaries, and policy analyses in the area of drug, alcohol and tobacco use and dependence. Articles range from studies of the chemistry of substances of abuse, their actions at molecular and cellular sites, in vitro and in vivo investigations of their biochemical, pharmacological and behavioural actions, laboratory-based and clinical research in humans, substance abuse treatment and prevention research, and studies employing methods from epidemiology, sociology, and economics.The rationale for this extensive coverage is the conviction that drug, alcohol and tobacco use/dependence cannot be understood in their entirety from a single perspective and that without an understanding of other areas of research, studies by individual investigators may be limited. The goal of the journal is to provide researchers, clinicians, and policy makers access to material from all perspectives in a single journal in a format that is understandable and which has received rigorous editorial review. The hope of its editors is to promote mutual understanding of the many facets of drug abuse to the benefit of all investigators involved in drug and alcohol research, and to facilitate the transfer of scientific findings to successful treatment and prevention practices.The accepted abbreviation for Drug and Alcohol Dependence for bibliographic citation is Drug Alcohol Depend.Drug and Alcohol Dependence is currently being distributed to all the members of the College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), the oldest scientific organization in the United States concerned with research on problems of drug dependence. Members of the CPDD are provided with both the print version as well as access to the full text of the current issue and back issues dating back to Vol. 46, Issue no. 1 of the online version as a benefit of membership.The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD), formerly the Committee on Problems of Drug Dependence, has been in existence since 1929 and is the longest standing group in the United States addressing problems of drug dependence and abuse. From 1929 until 1976, the CPDD was associated with the National Academy of Sciences, National Research Council. Since 1976, the organization has functioned as an independent body affiliated with other scientific and professional societies representing various disciplines concerned with problems of drug dependence and abuse. In 1991, the CPDD evolved into a membership organization with the new name of College on Problems of Drug Dependence.CPDD serves as an interface among governmental, industrial and academic communities maintaining liaisons with regulatory and research agencies as well as educational, treatment, and prevention facilities in the drug abuse field. It also functions as a collaborating center of the World Health Organization.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly (ECRQ) publishes research on early childhood education and development from birth through 8 years of age. ECRQ publishes predominantly empirical research (quantitative or qualitative methods) on issues of interest to early childhood development, theory, and educational practice.The journal also occasionally publishes practitioner and/or policy perspectives and significant reviews of research. As an applied journal, we are interested in work that has social, policy, and educational relevance and implications and work that strengthens links between research and practice.Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: • Children's social, emotional, cognitive, behavioral, language, and motor development applied to early childhood settings. • Childcare, program quality, and children's transition to school • The efficacy of early intervention and prevention programs • Public policy, early childhood education, and child development • Best classroom practices and effective early childhood curricula • Professional development and training for early childhood practitionersBenefits to authors We also provide many author benefits, such as free PDFs, a liberal copyright policy, special discounts on Elsevier publications and much more. Please click here for more information on our author services.Please see our Guide for Authors for information on article submission. If you require any further information or help, please visit our Support Center
Eating Behaviors is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal publishing human research on the etiology, prevention, and treatment of the full range of eating pathology (e.g., obesity, binge eating, eating disorders) in diverse groups of adults and children. Studies related to the promotion of healthy eating and weight management patterns are also of interest. Two types of manuscripts are encouraged: (1) Descriptive studies establishing functional relationships between eating behaviors and social, cognitive, environmental, attitudinal, emotional or biochemical factors; (2) Clinical outcome research evaluating the efficacy of prevention or treatment protocols.The journal's emphasis is on empirical research. That is, sound experimental design combined with valid, reliable assessment and evaluation procedures are a requisite for acceptance. Generally, case studies are not accepted for publication. Rigorous systematic reviews conducted according to Prisma guidelines are welcome. Theoretical reviews are typically invited; however, proposals are welcome and should be sent to the Editor-in-Chief, Suzanne Mazzeo.
An International Journal on Biocomplexity in the Environment and Theoretical EcologyEcological Complexity is an international journal devoted to publishing high-quality, peer-reviewed articles on the complex nature of ecological systems, observed and theoretical and special issues on related and emerging topics. In addition to ecological questions, the journal welcomes papers that ask ecological questions by linking natural and social processes at various spatio-temporal scales.Ecological Complexity will publish research into the following areas: • Ecosystems and the biosphere as complex adaptive systems • Self-organization of spatially extended ecosystems • Emergent properties and structures of complex ecosystems • Ecological pattern formation in space and time • The role of biophysical constraints and evolutionary attractors on species assemblages • Ecological scaling (scale invariance, scale covariance and dynamics across scales), allometry, and hierarchy theory • Ecological topology and networks • Studies towards an ecology of complex systems • Approaches to complex systems for the study of dynamic human-environment interactions • Using knowledge of nonlinear phenomena to better guide policy development for adaptation strategies and mitigation to environmental change • New tools and methods for studying ecological complexityThe papers that should appear in this journal are characterized by: • Biocomplexity related to the environment and vice versa • Inter disciplinarity (e.g. biology, ecology, environmental science, mathematics, modelling) • Integration of natural and social processes (esp. over time)
The Transdisciplinary Journal of the International Society for Ecological Economics (ISEE)The journal is concerned with extending and integrating the understanding of the interfaces and interplay between "nature's household" (ecosystems) and "humanity's household" (the economy). Ecological economics is an interdisciplinary field defined by a set of concrete problems or challenges related to governing economic activity in a way that promotes human well-being, sustainability, and justice. The journal thus emphasizes critical work that draws on and integrates elements of ecological science, economics, and the analysis of values, behaviors, cultural practices, institutional structures, and societal dynamics. The journal is transdisciplinary in spirit and methodologically open, drawing on the insights offered by a variety of intellectual traditions, and appealing to a diverse readership.Specific research areas covered include: valuation of natural resources, sustainable agriculture and development, ecologically integrated technology, integrated ecologic-economic modelling at scales from local to regional to global, implications of thermodynamics for economics and ecology, renewable resource management and conservation, critical assessments of the basic assumptions underlying current economic and ecological paradigms and the implications of alternative assumptions, economic and ecological consequences of genetically engineered organisms, and gene pool inventory and management, alternative principles for valuing natural wealth, integrating natural resources and environmental services into national income and wealth accounts, methods of implementing efficient environmental policies, case studies of economic-ecologic conflict or harmony, etc. New issues in this area are rapidly emerging and will find a ready forum in Ecological Economics.Ecological Economics Sections All submissions to Ecological Economics are reviewed using the general criteria of quality, creativity, originality, accuracy, and contribution to the field. There are several categories of articles to allow for a full range of constructive dialogue.News and Views Topical and timely short pieces reviewed by the editor and/or one outside reviewer at the editor's discretion. May include editorials, letters to the editor, news items, and policy discussions. Maximum 1500 words (600 words for letters).Commentary Essays discussing critical issues. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with the criteria weighted toward quality of the exposition and importance of the issue. Maximum 5000 words.Surveys Examination and review of important general subject areas. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with the criteria weighted toward importance of the subject and clarity of exposition. Maximum 8000 words.Methodological and Ideological Options Research articles devoted to developing new methodologies or investigating the implications of various ideological assumptions. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with criteria weighted toward originality and potential usefulness of the methodology or ideological option. Maximum 8000 words.Analysis Research articles devoted to analysis of important questions in the field. Reviewed by two outside reviewers with the criteria weighted toward originality, quality, and accuracy of the analysis, andimportance of the question. Maximum 8000 words.Book Reviews Reviews of recent books in the field. Reviewed by one outside reviewer with criteria weighted toward clarity and accuracy of the review, and importance of the book to the field. Maximum 1200 words.