The Role of Infrastructure for a Safe Transition to Automated Driving contextualizes the latest vehicle and road automation research and technology, focusing on the future role of road infrastructures. The book analyzes the problems an uncontrolled transition will pose and examines ways forward, covering risk, safety, and the influence of human factors in automated vehicles. Automated transport researchers, traffic engineers, and transport and city planners will find the book to be a great resource for addressing the complexity of the period during which both human-driven and automated cars will coexist. This integrated vision of different approaches to vehicle automation will help move the technology forward in a thought-provoking manner.
Aging and Creativity examines the effects of aging on creative functioning, including age-related changes in cognition, personality, and motivation that affect performance or output. The book reviews and summarizes both lab-based and real-world-based studies. Changes in working memory, speed of processing, learning efficiency, and retrieval from long-term memory are all discussed as factors influencing creativity, as are health changes and changes in social roles with later age. The book concludes with practical implications of age effects on creativity for older people in work and everyday life.
Not Just Bad Kids: The Adversity and Disruptive Behavior Link explores the theory that all behavior makes sense in context. If you understand a person’s frame of reference – their background, history and experience – you can imagine what might be driving their behavior. The book describes the social, cultural and environmental factors that shape the lives of many youths, including early childhood attachment which sets the foundation for how they interact with authority figures. The book also delves into an explanation of conduct disorder which is characterized by persistent, repetitive behaviors that violate the basic rights of other human beings and break rules. Studies have shown that conduct disorder affects 1-4% of adolescents in the United States and oppositional defiant disorder is estimated to develop in approximately 10.2% of children. The presence of DBD is also known to be more prevalent in boys than it is in girls. As there is a growing need to understand why children and adolescent exhibit signs of hostility, defiance and isolation, this book is an ideal resource for this timely topic.
The Advances in Experimental Social Psychology series is the premier outlet for reviews of mature, high-impact research programs in social psychology. Contributions to the series provide defining pieces of established research programs, reviewing and integrating thematically related findings by individual scholars or research groups. Topics discussed in Volume 64 include Moral Inference, Coalitional Cognition, Motivated Perception and Self-Regulation, Morality in Impression Development, and Self-Uncertainty and Group Identification.
Escaping from Bad Decisions presents a modern conceptual and mathematical framework of the decision-making process. By interpreting ordinal utility theory as normative analysis examined in view of rationality, it shows how decision-making under certainty, risk, and uncertainty can be better understood. It provides a critical examination of psychological models in multi-attribute decision-making, and evaluates the constitutive elements of "good" and "bad" decisions. Multi-attribute decision-making is analysed descriptively, based on the psychological model of decision-making and computer simulations of decision strategies. Finally, prescriptive examinations of multi-attribute decision-making are performed, supporting the argument that decision-making from a pluralistic perspective creates results that can help "escape" from bad decisions. This book will be of particular interest to graduate students and early career researchers in economics, decision-theory, behavioral economics, experimental economics, psychology, cognitive sciences, and decision neurosciences.
Shared Mobility offers a current view on one of the most significant economic activities in recent years. While most studies investigate shared mobility services and transportation piecemeal by city, mode, or company, this book focuses on transportation network companies themselves, highlighting shared bikes and E-scooters. Sections cover how they perform at the local or regional level in an effort to help governments better plan and regulate these emerging services. Shared Mobility explores the opportunities and challenges in these new systems and provides a thorough and succinct reference text for researchers, graduate students, and professionals in the fields of transportation planning, transportation engineering, and urban planning.
Cross-Border Resource Management, Fourth Edition addresses theoretical and analytical issues relating to cross-border resource management, particularly in a changing world. The book holistically explores issues where two entities share a border, such as sovereign countries, dependent states and others, where each seeks to maximize their political and economic interests regardless of impacts on the environment. This new edition has been completely revised to reflect current issues, with new cases and videos in every chapter and expanded coverage of natural disasters, climate change and modeling. Serving as a single resource to explore the many facets of managing and utilizing natural resources when they extend across defined borders, this new edition provides environmental managers and researchers in environmental management and policy with practical solutions for cross-border cooperation in the exploitation and utilization of natural and environmental resources.
Handbook of the Psychology of Aging, Ninth Edition tackles both the biological and environmental influences on behavior and the reciprocal interface between changes in the brain and behavior that span the adult lifespan. This information is very important to many features of daily life, from workplace to family, and in public policy matters. It is complex and new questions are continually raised about how behavior changes with age. Providing perspectives on the behavioral science of aging for diverse disciplines, the handbook explains how the role of behavior is organized and how it changes over the course of life. Along with parallel advances in research methodology, it explicates in great detail, patterns and sub-patterns of behavior over the lifespan, and how it affects biological, health and social interactions.
Advances in Child Development and Behavior, Volume 61, the latest release in this classic resource on the field of developmental psychology, includes a variety of timely updates, with this release presenting chapters on The Development of Mental Rotation Ability Across the First Year After Birth, Groups as Moral Boundaries: A Developmental Perspective, The Development of Time Concepts, Mother-child Physiological Synchrony, Children's Social Reasoning About Others: Dispositional and Contextual Influences, Mindful Thinking: Does it Really Help Children?, On the Emergence of Differential Responding to Social Categories, Trust in Early Childhood, Infant Imitation, Social-Cognition and Brain Development, and more.
Measuring Human Capital addresses a country’s most important resource: its own people. Bettering human capital benefits individuals and their country and leads to improved sustainability for the future. For many years economists only used Gross Domestic Product (GDP), now acknowledged to be inadequate without supplemental measures, to gauge a country’s overall value. There is now a recognition that many variables contribute to a country’s worth, which make accurate measurement difficult. Looking beyond GDP by focusing on human capital, researchers, policymakers, government officials, and students can understand what elements impact human capital and how they might improve it in order to increase economic growth and well-being.