The Handbook of the Economics of Corporate Governance, Volume One, covers all issues important to economists. It is organized around fundamental principles, whereas multidisciplinary books on corporate governance often concentrate on specific topics. Specific topics include Relevant Theory and Methods, Organizational Economic Models as They Pertain to Governance, Managerial Career Concerns, Assessment & Monitoring, and Signal Jamming, The Institutions and Practice of Governance, The Law and Economics of Governance, Takeovers, Buyouts, and the Market for Control, Executive Compensation, Dominant Shareholders, and more. Providing excellent overviews and summaries of extant research, this book presents advanced students in graduate programs with details and perspectives that other books overlook.
Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 2: ChinaTech, Mobile Security, and Distributed Ledger emphasizes technological developments that introduce the future of finance. Descriptions of recent innovations lay the foundations for explorations of feasible solutions for banks and startups to grow. The combination of studies on blockchain technologies and applications, regional financial inclusion movements, advances in Chinese finance, and security issues delivers a grand perspective on both changing industries and lifestyles. Written for students and practitioners, it helps lead the way to future possibilities.
Handbook of Blockchain, Digital Finance, and Inclusion, Volume 1: Cryptocurrency, FinTech, InsurTech, and Regulation explores recent advances in digital banking and cryptocurrency, emphasizing mobile technology and evolving uses of cryptocurrencies as financial assets. Contributors go beyond summaries of standard models to describe new banking business models that will be sustainable and will likely dictate the future of finance. The volume not only emphasizes the financial opportunities made possible by digital banking, such as financial inclusion and impact investing, but it also looks at engineering theories and developments that encourage innovation. Its ability to illuminate present potential and future possibilities make it a unique contribution to the literature.
Underwriting Services and the New Issues Market integrates practice, theory and evidence from the global underwriting industry to present a comprehensive description and analysis of underwriting practices. After covering the regulation and mechanics of the underwriting process, it considers economic topics such as underwriting costs and compensation, the pricing of new issues, the stock price and operating performance of issuing firms, the evaluation of new issue decisions, and an analysis of the many choices issuers face in structuring new issues. Unlike other books, it systematically develops a critical perspective about underwriting practices, both in the U.S. and international markets, and with a level of detail unavailable elsewhere and an approach that reveals how financial institutions deliver underwriting services. Underwriting Services and the New Issues Market delivers an innovative and long overdue look at security issuance. Foreword by Frank Fabozzi
As our economy evolves, private equity groups, hedge funds, and investment banks compete and cooperate in different ways. Their recent innovations are reported and analyzed by the 3rd edition of David Stowell’s landmark book, which adds three new cases, significantly revisions of most chapters, and updated figures, tables, and exhibits. It captures the actual work that associates and vice presidents do, providing readers with templates for real transactions. Finally, it provides significantly more content about the ways liquidity is supplied in secondary markets, including an overview of high frequency trading/electronic market making, quantitative trading strategies, and the evolution of cash equities from open outcry pits to fully electronic central limit order books.
The Handbook of Investors' Behavior during Financial Crises provides fundamental information about investor behavior during turbulent periods, such the 2000 dot com crash and the 2008 global financial crisis. Contributors share the same behavioral finance tools and techniques while analyzing behaviors across a variety of market structures and asset classes. The volume provides novel insights about the influence and effects of regional differences in market design. Its distinctive approach to studies of financial crises is of key importance in our contemporary financial landscape, even more so since the accelerated process of globalization has rendered the outbreak of financial crises internationally more commonplace compared to previous decades.
Redefining Capitalism in Global Economic Development reconsiders capitalism by taking into account the unfolding forces of economic globalization, especially in Asian economies. It explores the economic implications and consequences of recent financial crises, terrorism, ultra-low interest rates that are decades-long, debt-prone countries and countries with large trade surpluses. The book illuminates these economic implications and consequences through a framework of capitalist ideologies and concepts, recognizing that Asia is redefining capitalism today. The author, Li, seeks not to describe why nations fail, but how the sustainability of capitalism can save the world.
Data Analytics for Intelligent Transportation Systems provides in-depth coverage of data-enabled methods for analyzing intelligent transportation systems that includes detailed coverage of the tools needed to implement these methods using big data analytics and other computing techniques. The book examines the major characteristics of connected transportation systems, along with the fundamental concepts of how to analyze the data they produce. It explores collecting, archiving, processing, and distributing the data, designing data infrastructures, data management and delivery systems, and the required hardware and software technologies. Users will learn how to design effective data visualizations, tactics on the planning process, and how to evaluate alternative data analytics for different connected transportation applications, along with key safety and environmental applications for both commercial and passenger vehicles, data privacy and security issues, and the role of social media data in traffic planning.
Engineering Investment Process: Making Value Creation Repeatable explores the quantitative steps of a financial investment process.The authors study how these steps are articulated in order to make any value creation, whatever the asset class, consistent and robust.The discussion includes factors, portfolio allocation, statistical and economic backtesting, but also the influence of negative rates, dynamical trading, state-space models, stylized facts, liquidity issues, or data biases.Besides the quantitative concepts detailed here, the reader will find useful references to other works to develop an in-depth understanding of an investment process.
Strategic Financial Management Casebook strategically uses integrative case studies—cases that do not emphasize specific subjects such as capital budgeting or value based management—to provide a framework for understanding strategic financial management. By featuring holistic presentations, the book puts readers into the shoes of those responsible for the world’s largest wealth creators. It covers strategies of growth, mergers and acquisitions, financial performance analysis over the past decade, wealth created in terms of stock returns since its listing in stock market, investment and financial decisions, cost of capital, and corporate valuation. In addition, the casebook also discusses corporate restructuring activities undertaken by each company. Each chapter follows a template to facilitate learning, and each features an Excel-based case analysis worksheet that includes a complete data set for financial analysis and valuation.