Vibration Fatigue by Spectral Methods relates the structural dynamics theory to the high-cycle vibration fatigue. The book begins with structural dynamics theory and relates the uniaxial and multiaxial vibration fatigue to the underlying structural dynamics and signal processing theory. Organized in two parts, part I gives the theoretical background and part II the selected experimental research. The time- and frequency- domain aspects of signal processing in general, related to structural dynamics and counting methods are covered in detail. It also covers all the underlying theory in structural dynamics, signal processing, uniaxial & multiaxial fatigue; including non-Gaussianity and non-stationarity. Finally, it provides the latest research on multiaxial vibration fatigue and the non-stationarity and non-Gaussianity effects. This book is for engineers, graduate students, researchers and industry professionals working in the field of structural durability under random loading and vibrations and also those dealing with fatigue of materials and constructions.
Ecology and Management of Inland Waters: A Californian Perspective with Global Applications presents the geologic history and physical characteristics of aquatic ecology. The author draws on his research from the inland waters of California and applies this to other areas, including Mediterranean climate systems, the tropics, and even South Africa. The endorheic basins covered in this text can be found in 30% of the US, including the Aral Sea, which is a fascinating case study that provides an important warning for other locations. The author also covers Zebra Mussels, which are set to soon be a permanent population in California. The book is authored by an expert in the field who covers a very wide and interdisciplinary subject area which brings a holistic view to this complex discipline.
Sustainable Development Strategies: Engineering, Culture and Economics provides policy guidance on good practice in developing and implementing strategies for sustainable development. The book integrates social, economic and environmental objectives, taking into account of their implications for different socioeconomic groups and for future generations. It examines and analyzes existing and new approaches to formulating a sustainable development strategy and its implementation through both quantitative and qualitative studies. In addition, it looks at the formulation of strategy and overcoming various issues from the standpoint of a diverse set of disciplines, including engineering, economics and social/political views.
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: Recent Advances in Application of Fungi and Fungal Metabolites: Applications in Healthcare presents an account of recent development and applied aspects of fungi and its metabolites in the healthcare sector. Chapters are written by eminent researchers, emphasizing the incredible role of fungi and its metabolites in the field of medicine. This book offers reference material to all mycologists working on the exploration and usage of medicinal aspects of fungi and fungal metabolites.
Removal of Toxic Pollutants through Microbiological and Tertiary Treatment: New Perspectives offers a current account of existing advanced oxidation strategies - including their limitations, challenges, and potential applications - in removing environmental pollutants through microbiological and tertiary treatment methods. The book introduces new trends and advances in environmental bioremediation technology, with thorough discussion of recent developments in the field. Updated information as well as future research directions in the field of bioremediation of industrial wastes is included. This book is an indispensable guide to students, researchers, scientists, and professionals working in fields such as microbiology, biotechnology, environmental sciences, eco-toxicology, and environmental remediation. The book also serves as a helpful guide for waste management professionals and those working on the biodegradation and bioremediation of industrial wastes and environmental pollutants for environmental sustainability.
Soft Numerical Computing in Uncertain Dynamic Systems is intended for system specialists interested in dynamic systems that operate at different time scales. The book discusses several types of errors and their propagation, covering numerical methods—including convergence and consistence properties and characteristics—and proving of related theorems within the setting of soft computing. Several types of uncertainty representation like interval, fuzzy, type 2 fuzzy, granular, and combined uncertain sets are discussed in detail. The book can be used by engineering students in control and finite element fields, as well as all engineering, applied mathematics, economics, and computer science students. One of the important topics in applied science is dynamic systems and their applications. The authors develop these models and deliver solutions with the aid of numerical methods. Since they are inherently uncertain, soft computations are of high relevance here. This is the reason behind investigating soft numerical computing in dynamic systems. If these systems are involved with complex-uncertain data, they will be more practical and important. Real-life problems work with this type of data and most of them cannot be solved exactly and easily—sometimes they are impossible to solve. Clearly, all the numerical methods need to consider error of approximation. Other important applied topics involving uncertain dynamic systems include image processing and pattern recognition, which can benefit from uncertain dynamic systems as well. In fact, the main objective is to determine the coefficients of a matrix that acts as the frame in the image. One of the effective methods exhibiting high accuracy is to use finite differences to fill the cells of the matrix.
Corrosion Under Insulation (CUI) Guidelines: Technical Guide for Managing CUI, Third Edition, Volume 55 builds upon the success of the first two editions to provide a fully up-to-date, practical source of information on how to monitor and manage insulated systems. In the first edition of this book published in 2008, the EFC Working Parties WP13 and WP15 engaged together to provide guidelines on managing CUI with contributions from a number of European refining, petrochemical, and offshore companies. The guidelines were intended for use on all plants and installations that contain insulated vessels, piping, and equipment, and cover a risk-based inspection methodology for CUI, inspection techniques, and recommended best practices for mitigating CUI. The guidelines include design of plant and equipment, coatings and the use of thermal spray techniques, types of insulation, cladding/jacketing materials, and protection guards. Corrosion-under-insulation (CUI) refers to the external corrosion of piping and vessels that occurs underneath externally clad/jacketed insulation as a result of the penetration of water. By its very nature CUI tends to remain undetected until the insulation and cladding/jacketing is removed to allow inspection, or when leaks occur. CUI is a common problem shared by the refining, petrochemical, power, industrial, onshore and offshore industries.
Fundamentals of Heat and Fluid Flow in High Temperature Fuel Cells introduces key-concepts relating to heat, fluid and mass transfer as applied to high temperature fuel cells. The book briefly covers different type of fuel cells and discusses solid oxide fuel cells in detail, presenting related mass, momentum, energy and species equation. It then examines real case studies of hydrogen- and methane-fed SOFC, as well as combined heat and power and hybrid energy systems. This comprehensive reference is a useful resource for those working in high temperature fuel cell modeling and development, including energy researchers, engineers and graduate students.
Analysis of Cannabis, Volume 91, contains a wide variety of information on the analysis of cannabis and hemp, including cannabinoids, terpenes, volatile solvents and metals. Specific chapters in this new release include the Comprehensive Analytical Testing of Cannabis and Hemp, Machine Learning Methods for Inferring Chemotype Profiles in Cannabis Sativa, Recent Analytical Methodologies and Strategic Pharmacological Applications of Cannabinoids, Analysis of Cannabinoids in Plants, Marijuana Products and Biological Tissues, LC-based (UV and MS) Analysis of Cannabinoids, Testing Cannabis Samples for Heavy Metal Contamination using Microwave Assisted Digestion and ICP-MS Techniques, Applications of GC-MS Techniques for Cannabis Analysis, and much more.
Nano Plating (II): A Metallurgical Approach to Electrochemical Theory and Its Applications to Technology is the result of the author’s 50 years of research. The author reviews the vast experimental results of electrochemical phenomena in light of metallurgical knowledge and proposes theories that can give new insights in electrochemical thermodynamics and predict many phenomena in this field. The book complements Tohru Watanabe’s previous book on nano-plating published by Elsevier in 2004.