Joint Replacement in the Human Body provides a comprehensive exploration of artificial joint designs. The book's primary focus is to introduce readers to the diverse landscape of artificial joint technologies while offering insights into their historical development. This book is divided into three sections, each addressing specific aspects of joint replacements. The first section delves into artificial joints of the lower limb, including the hip, knee, and ankle. In the subsequent section, the book explores upper limb replacements, covering joints such as the shoulder, elbow, wrist, finger, and thumb.The third section tackles broader themes like biotribology, regulatory aspects of joint replacements, examines noteworthy case studies like metal-on-metal hips, and addresses joint replacements not easily categorized in the previous sections, such as spinal total disc replacements. This book offers a critical assessment of the diverse and evolving design concepts currently in use, ranging from established metal-on-polymer joints to innovative biomimetic solutions. This book is designed to swiftly equip readers with a deep understanding of contemporary joint replacements and the immediate and long-term challenges they present.
Encyclopedia of Fish Physiology, Second Edition is a comprehensive, introductory-level reference work that aims to unite readers in the wonders of this discipline. Chapters highlight where physiological systems and processes are conserved across vertebrate groups, which supports the use of fish as a vertebrate model for investigating fundamental problems in physiology and knowledge transfer to the medical field. Other chapters highlight unique specializations and adaptations that allow fish to survive in challenging environments, leading to a deeper appreciation of the natural world. Final sections demonstrate the consequences of perturbing physiological systems and how this knowledge can empower conservation strategies to protect fish. Much has changed in the field of fish physiology since publication of the previous, Prose award winning, edition. For example, we understand better the impacts of global climate change on the physiological systems of fish, and we have gained a deeper mechanistic understanding of physiological processes through technological advancements such as gene editing with CRISPR, whole genome sequencing, and quantitative ‘omic` approaches. The new edition greatly expands the closing thematic section focused on applying fish physiology to real world challenges with topics including ocean acidification, declining habitat quality due to human activities, and the use of zebrafish in biomedical studies on tissue regeneration, neurological disorders and cancer.
Early Vascular Aging (EVA): New Directions in Cardiovascular Protection, Second Edition continues to be the most comprehensive and authoritative resource on premature alterations in artery structure and function. The book presents a novel approach to the problem of cardiovascular disease, showing it in relation to great vessels disease and revealing a comprehensive approach to the problem of increased rigidity of the great vessels, its causes, and further consequences. This second edition contains completely updated content with expanded coverage of basic and translational research, systematic reviews of the most prominent literature, discussion of applicability of new evidence and more. Written by an international team of clinicians and researchers, this is a valuable resource to basic and translational scientists, clinical researchers and clinicians in the cardiovascular field interested in prevention, diagnosis and treatment of EVA.
The series "Fish Physiology" recently celebrated its 50th Anniversary. In total, the editors of the series have produced a total of 47 books (several volumes have two books) that contain almost 500 chapters since the inaugural volume published in 1969. The content of the "Fish Physiology" volumes has evolved over time. The initial volumes were devoted to understanding the basic mechanisms and principles of fish physiology, with a focus on a few model species and some application to natural environmental conditions. Then, as the field better understood mechanisms, the approach was broadened to not only delve deeper into system physiology (e.g., chapters in early volumes were expanded to become books), but interspecific differences in physiology were explored, permitting a more evolutionary framework. Finally, as interspecific physiological mechanisms were further resolved, it became possible to discuss physiology in light of a changing world. Thus, physiology can now inform on conservation, sustainability and management, as exemplified with the most recent volumes. This anniversary issue celebrates the series by highlighting some of the very important early work in the field that was published in the Series. In particular, we wished to (re)introduce new researchers to this research that has stood the test of time and that shaped the field. Each re-published chapter is preceded by a short review written by experts in the field to provide an overview/introduction of each selected chapter, discuss what is particularly noteworthy or important in the particular chapter, and discuss why in their opinion this chapter has become a classic in its own right and how it has inspired the field of fish physiology today?
Diagnostic Molecular Pathology: A Guide to Applied Molecular Testing, Second Edition assembles a group of experts to discuss the molecular basis and mechanisms of major human diseases and disease processes and how the molecular features of disease can be harnessed to develop practical molecular tests for disease detection, diagnosis and prognosis. The book explains how molecular tests are utilized in the treatment of patients in personalized medicine, highlights new technologies and approaches of applied molecular pathology, and discusses how this discovery-based research yields new and useful biomarkers and tests. As it is essential to stay up-to-date on new molecular diagnostics in this changing field, this book covers critically important areas in the practice of personalized medicine and reflects our understanding of the pathology, pathogenesis and pathophysiology of human disease.
Awarded with the 2018 Prose Award in Clinical Medicine, the third edition of Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine explored and described exciting new areas in biomedicine that integrated technology into the treatment of disease and the augmentation of human function. Novel topics such as the sex-specific aspects of space medicine, the development and the use of genderized robots and a discussion of cyborgs were included in the third edition, providing a preview of the expanding world of sex-specific physiology and therapeutics. This Fourth Edition is a continuation of the mission to trace the relevance of biological sex to normal function and to the experience of disease in humans.We are now twenty years into the postgenomic era. The investigation of how the genome produces the phenome has led to fascinating insights as well as yet unanswered questions. Principles of Gender-Specific Medicine, Fourth Edition, has a central theme: discuss advances in understanding the role of epigenetics in regulating gene expression in a dynamic, sex-specific way during human life. It explores the protean role of epigenetics in human physiology, the relevance of environmental experience to human function, the therapeutic promise of cutting-edge methodologies like gene manipulation, the preparation of humans for space travel, the use of artificial intelligence in detection and therapeutic decisions concerning disease states, the possibilities for technological support of not only compromised individuals but of the augmentation of human function, and an analysis of the benefits, limitations and issues that surround our current expectations of personalized medicine.
Venous Ulcers, Second Edition, provides a comprehensive synthesis of evidence-based recommendations and the highest level of expertise from a leading group of doctors, which is a fundamental constituent for the appropriate management of nonhealing venous wounds in everyday practice. This book offers a fertile environment for a complete understanding of genetics and molecular and biochemical mechanisms that lead to the development and progression of venous ulcers, which is essential for elucidating the underlying pathophysiology and can be utilized for developing novel therapies and accessing previously inaccessible areas of research. Socioeconomic impact, impact on health-related quality of life, the clinical course of the disease, and diagnostic algorithms are elaborated in detail. All currently available treatment modalities are explained in a clinically applicable approach with particular emphasis on operative technique, technical feasibility, success rates (both clinical and technical), and side effects. Lastly, this book elaborates on special diagnostic considerations and management of the most complex patients, often requiring the highest level of expertise for successful treatment.
Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene – A Systems Approach, Volume 39B in the Fish Physiology series, is a comprehensive synthesis related to the physiology of fish in the Anthropocene. This volume helps solve knowledge gaps by considering the many ways in which different physiological systems (e.g., sensory physiology, endocrine, cardio-respiratory, bioenergetics, water and ionic balance and homeostasis, locomotion/biomechanics, gene function) and physiological diversity are relevant to the management and conservation of fish and fisheries. Chapters in this release include Using physiology for recovering imperiled species – the Delta smelt, Conservation hatcheries – the Sturgeon story, Aquatic pollutants and stressors, and more. Other sections discuss Fisheries interactions in a multi-stressor world, Environmental change in riverine systems - Amazon basin stressors, Environmental change in lakes and wetlands – East African basin stressors, Coral reef fish in a multi-stressor world, Polar fish in a multi-stressor world, Physiology informs fisheries restoration and habitat management, A physiological perspective on fish passage and entrainment, Invasive species control and management – the sea lamprey story, and On the conservation physiology of fishes for tomorrow.
Systems and Signal Processing of Capnography as a Diagnostic Tool for Asthma Assessment provides a comprehensive overview of groundbreaking tools and techniques for the diagnosis and monitoring of asthma. Sections cover an introduction to the human respiratory system and the pathophysiology of asthma before analyzing current assessment concepts, tools and techniques. The book describes spirometry and the peak flow meter as existing tools in assessing asthma along with their limitations. In addition, a detailed description of capnography as a new approach is included with various studies conducted on its analysis. Academicians and researchers in biomedical engineering, particularly in the course of biomedical signal processing and biomedical instrumentation will find the book useful.
Conservation Physiology for the Anthropocene: A Systems Approach, Volume 39A in the Fish Physiology series, is a comprehensive synthesis on the physiology of fish in the Anthropocene. This volume closes the knowledge gap by considering the many ways in which different physiological systems (e.g., sensory physiology, endocrine, cardio-respiratory, bioenergetics, water and ionic balance and homeostasis, locomotion/biomechanics, gene function) and physiological diversity are relevant to management and conservation. As the world is changing, with a dire need to identify solutions to the many environmental problems facing wild fish populations, this book comprehensively covers conservation physiology and its future techniques. Conservation physiology reveals the many ways in which environmental change and human activities can negatively influence wild fish populations. These tactics inform new management and conservation activities and help create the necessary conditions for fish to thrive.