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Books in Health

Linking Research and Practice in Midwifery

  • 1st Edition
  • July 24, 2000
  • Sue Proctor
  • English
This book explores how the links between midwifery research and practice can be developed and strengthened, in order to lead directly to care based on the best available evidence. Based on the realities of midwifery practice, contributions by researchers, practitioners and consumers explore the core issues, which challenge midwives in their practice, and how these challenges may be met. Comprising two sections, the book deals clearly and in detail with the complex issues involved in developing evidence-based practice. The first section considers the context of research in todays healthcare structure, after reflecting on the current and past positions of research in midwifery. Issues such as ethical decisions and the involvement of women and babies in research are explored prior to a discussion of the different stages of the research process. Continual professional and practice development through education and audit are also examined. Section Two highlights some of the core skills for research in midwifery and offers guidance and tips from experts in their fields. Throughout the book, examples from practice and reflective exercise illustrate and underpin theoretical points.

Nursing Faculty Secrets

  • 1st Edition
  • June 7, 2000
  • Linda J. Scheetz
  • English
Using the popular question-and-answer format of The Secrets Series, this helpful resource offers practical tips, answers, and secrets from expert nursing faculty. From securing the very first faculty assignment to preparing for tenure review, this book addresses those frequently asked questions posed by faculty in their early years. Updated coverage is included on new and emerging subjects such as integrating technology in the classroom, mentoring, distance learning, landing that faculty position, organizational structure, and much more.

Surgical Nursing

  • 1st Edition
  • February 11, 2000
  • Kim Manley + 1 more
  • English
This comprehensive book looks at the art and science of surgical nursing. Covering many of the essential issues relevant to the care of adults undergoing surgery in a range of settings, the text explores the nature of surgical nursing in all its guises, addressing challenging contemporary issues and measuring outcomes. It also explains the principles, whichunderlie the nursing care of patients throughout their surgical journey - from assessment and diagnosis, through pre- and intra-operative care, to the post-operative recovery phase and discharge. The physiological and scientific basis of practice is set out clearly and succinctly, while complex issues of care are explored through the use of reflection activities and short case studies. The text addresses issues, which will help nurses develop their role and their philosophy of care and assist in the improvement of patient management.

Chiropractic Peripheral Joint Technique

  • 1st Edition
  • January 5, 2000
  • Raymond T. Broome
  • English
Chiropractic Peripheral Joint Technique is an essential and accessible text for all students and practitioners of chiropractic, osteopaths, physiotherapists and other manual therapists.Edited by a leading author in the field, Chiropractic Peripheral Joint Technique includes much new work and innovations for treating peripheral joint problems in addition to a catalogue of the traditional chiropractic techniques. This new book concentrates on the peripheral joints (e.g. shoulder, knee etc.) and will be a useful ready reference on chiropractic technique for both the student beginning clinical work and the busy practitioner. A chapter is also included on the temporo-mandibular joint.

Pharmacologie et thérapeutiques

  • 1st Edition
  • January 5, 2000
  • Collège national de pharmacologie médicale (CNPM) + 2 more
  • French
L'objectif des Cahiers des Sciences Infirmières est d'offrir aux étudiants en IFSI des ouvrages complets et détaillés couvrant l'ensemble des savoirs définis dans les Unités d'Enseignement (UE) du nouveau référentiel. Ce cahier, consacré à l'UE 2.11 Pharmacologie et thérapeutiques, correspond étroitement au nouveau programme (semestres 1, 3 et 5). Il explicite les modalités, les risques et les dangers de l'administration médicamenteuse à travers : - les principes de chimie pertinents ; - la définition, la classification et le développement du médicament ; - les notions de pharmacodynamie et de pharmacocinétique ; - les voies d'administration et les formes pharmaceutiques ; - la préparation et l'administration des médicaments. L'UE est aussi centrée sur la connaissance des familles thérapeutiques : les antibiotiques, la chimiothérapie anticancéreuse, les psychotropes, les anticoagulants et antiagrégants plaquettaires, les anti-inflammatoires stéroïdiens et non stéroïdiens, les antalgiques et les anesthésiques. Cet ouvrage aborde enfin la responsabilité infirmière à travers : - les effets iatrogènes et la pharmacodépendance ; - les particularités de l'administration médicamenteuse chez les enfants et les personnes âgées ; - la prescription médicale et son application par l'infirmière ; - la réglementation concernant les médicaments listés et les stupéfiants ; - le circuit du médicament. Toutes ces thématiques sont illustrées par de nombreux schémas et photographies en couleurs. De nombreuses fiches de prescription « Pharmacologie » décrivent le rôle infirmier : administration, surveillance, contre-indications, éducation-conseils aux patients. Tout au long de l'ouvrage, de nombreuses fiches « Acte et/ou surveillance infirmiers » décrivent les différents soins et des fiches « Situation intégrative » mettent en évidence la conduite à tenir de l'infirmière auprès du patient. Certains chapitres se terminent par une rubrique « Situation clinique » exposant et analysant, de manière détaillée, un cas concret en rapport avec la thématique proposée dans le chapitre. Et en fin d'ouvrage, un Cahier d'entraînement permet à l'étudiant de tester ses connaissances et de s'entraîner à l'analyse de situations intégratives.

Total Parenteral Nutrition

  • 1st Edition
  • November 23, 1999
  • Helen Hamilton
  • English
This is a practical handbook, whichwill provide an everyday reference for the inexperienced to provide artificial nutrition in a safe and effective manner. Total Parenteral Nutrition (TPN) is a means of providing nutrients to patients whom, for whatever reason, are unable to take food orallyThis book covers the whole range of factors involved in TPN, patient selection and suitability for TPN, contraindications to patients receiving TPN and the practicalities involved such as line selection. It examines the range of treatment options available that are alternatives to TPN. It is also a unique publication in that it considers the patients opinion, body image and lifestyle. Despite its broad coverage, the book is able to explain new techniques concisely, which will help readers professional development and increase their confidence in using these techniques.

The Philosophy and Practice of Psychiatric Nursing

  • 1st Edition
  • June 11, 1999
  • Phil Barker
  • English
This book brings together a collection of the author's papers which, when taken as a whole, address many of the mostpressing issues in psychiatric nursing today. The papers are linked and present the 'backbone' of the author's philosophy of nursing. Each of the chapters deals either with the search to define the theoretical and practical basis of psychiatric nursing, or addresses more general issues in nursing which have some specific bearing on the practice of psychiatric nursing. Each chapter is followed by an invited commentary from respected psychiatric nurses, who were given the brief to draw out some of the main points of the chapter and put them in focus for today's nurses.

Clinical Laboratory Science

  • 1st Edition
  • June 4, 1999
  • Jean Jorgenson Linne + 1 more
  • English
This key title includes all the information contained in Part I of Linnés Clinical Laboratory Science: The Basics and Routine Techniques 4/eso that students do not have to buy the big volume if they are only interested in Part I of the book. It contains all the general background information necessary for working in a clinical laboratory and performing routine clinical laboratory tests. It covers the fundamentals of safety, collection of specimens, equipment, mathematics and measurements giving the student a thorough understanding of the basic concepts and background material which is an essential base in the practice of clinical laboratory science.

Evaluating Change in Community Nursing

  • 1st Edition
  • February 17, 1999
  • Karl Atkin + 2 more
  • English
Health care is undergoing its most fundamental restructuring since the establishment of the welfare state. Community nursing is at the forefront of these changes and is undergoing huge shifts in priorities, funding and roles. As post-registration education in this area also changes to meet these changing needs, research and evidence-based care become key issues in understanding and demonstrating the need for community nursing. Understanding how national policy translates to local practice issues is a key priority for nurses working in all areas of community practice. Using empirical case studies, this book explores a range of key practice issues, and aims to evaluate the contribution which nursing makes in the community. The text emphasises, explores and evaluates three themes:The shift from secondary to primary careEstablishing needs and priority careThe role of evaluation in evidence-based practice.Written by leading commentator s in nursing, policy and research, each chapter isbased on substantial research and case studies in practice, and focuses on the importance of evaluation. The book is organised into three sections, exploring how evaluation is needed at the organisational level, in the practice arena and in education andtraining. Clearly written and authoritative, this book will provide an evidence-based resource for all community nurses.

Interpersonal Communication and Psychology

  • 1st Edition
  • December 22, 1998
  • Dev Rungapadiachy
  • English
The foundations of helping or caring rests on the carer's understanding of human behaviour and their skills in facilitating effective interpersonal communication. Whilst psychology can be taught without the mere mention of interpersonal communication, the same cannot be said for interpersonal skills training. Effective interpersonal communication is grounded in psychological principles. The book is structured in three sections: intrapersonal dynamics - the ongoing psychological processes within oneself; interpersonal dynamics - the behaviour one exhibits; and interpersonal skills - the prerequisites to communication with others.