This text offers an authoritative account of general medical and surgical conditions as they apply to the practice of dentistry and oral healthcare. Now established as the standard reference on the subject, ScullyÂ’s Medical Problems in Dentistry is essential for students learning for the first time or practitioners needing to keep up-to-date with their knowledge. "This remains an excellent comprehensive textbook bringing together relevant information into one place. It is a book to use for reference, rather than an; end-to-end read, but it continues to fulfil its function amply in the increasingly complex world of the medical-dental interface." Reviewed by Dr Mike Pemberton, Consultant in Oral Medicine, Dental Updatem, Sept 2014 " extremely valuable source of information that should be in the armamentarium of any dental professional..." Reviewed by European Journal of Orthodontics, Feb 2015 "... seems as close as could be to a completely comprehensive overview of common and uncommon medical problems and their dental relevance". Reviewed by Bex Stockton on behalf of BDJ Student, February 2015
Covering the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of the nervous system, Veterinary Neuroanatomy and Clinical Neurology, 4th Edition helps you diagnose the location of neurologic lesions in small animals, horses, and food animals. Practical guidelines explain how to perform neurologic examinations, interpret examination results, and formulate effective treatment plans. Descriptions of neurologic disorders are accompanied by illustrations, radiographs, and clinical case examples with corresponding online video clips depicting the actual patient described in the text. Written by veterinary neuroanatomy and clinical neurology experts Alexander de Lahunta, Eric Glass, and Marc Kent, this resource is an essential tool in the diagnosis and treatment of neurologic disorders in the clinical setting.
Small Animal Critical Care Medicine is a comprehensive, concise guide to critical care, encompassing not only triage and stabilization, but also the entire course of care during the acute medical crisis and high-risk period. This clinically oriented manual assists practitioners in providing the highest standard of care for ICU patients."The second edition of Small Animal Critical Care Medicine should be somewhere in everyone’s clinic, whether a first-line practice or a specialized clinic."Reviewed by: Kris Gommeren on behalf of the European Journal of Companion Animal Practice, Oct 2015
Diabetes in Cardiovascular Disease is a current, expert resource focusing on the complex challenges of providing cardiovascular care to patients with diabetes. Designed as a companion to Braunwald’s Heart Disease, this interdisciplinary medical reference book bridges the gap between the cardiology and endocrinology communities of scientists and care providers, and highlights the emerging scientific and clinical topics that are relevant for cardiologists, diabetologists/endocrinologists, and the extended diabetes care team.